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  • Saltstack module archive 详解


    Uses the ``zipfile`` Python module to create zip files
    Changed in version 2015.5.0
        This function was rewritten to use Python's native zip file support.
        The old functionality has been preserved in the new function
        :mod:`archive.cmd_zip <salt.modules.archive.cmd_zip>`. For versions
        2014.7.x and earlier, see the :mod:`archive.cmd_zip
        <salt.modules.archive.cmd_zip>` documentation.
        Path of zip file to be created
        Comma-separated list of sources to include in the zip file. Sources can
        also be passed in a Python list.
        Changed in version 2017.7.0
            Globbing is now supported for this argument
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.zip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt
    cwd : None
        Use this argument along with relative paths in ``sources`` to create
        zip files which do not contain the leading directories. If not
        specified, the zip file will be created as if the cwd was ``/``, and
        creating a zip file of ``/foo/bar/baz.txt`` will contain the parent
        directories ``foo`` and ``bar``. To create a zip file containing just
        ``baz.txt``, the following command would be used:
            salt '*' archive.zip /tmp/baz.zip baz.txt cwd=/foo/bar
    runas : None
        Create the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
        which the minion is running.
    zip64 : False
        Used to enable ZIP64 support, necessary to create archives larger than
        4 GByte in size.
        If true, will create ZIP file with the ZIPp64 extension when the zipfile
        is larger than 2 GB.
        ZIP64 extension is disabled by default in the Python native zip support
        because the default zip and unzip commands on Unix (the InfoZIP utilities)
        don't support these extensions.
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.zip /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
        # Globbing for sources (2017.7.0 and later)
        salt '*' archive.zip /tmp/zipfile.zip '/tmp/sourcefile*'


    New in version 2016.11.0
    Changed in version 2016.11.2
        The rarfile_ Python module is now supported for listing the contents of
        rar archives. This is necessary on minions with older releases of the
        ``rar`` CLI tool, which do not support listing the contents in a
        parsable format.
    .. _rarfile: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/rarfile
    List the files and directories in an tar, zip, or rar archive.
        This function will only provide results for XZ-compressed archives if
        the xz_ CLI command is available, as Python does not at this time
        natively support XZ compression in its tarfile_ module. Keep in mind
        however that most Linux distros ship with xz_ already installed.
        To check if a given minion has xz_, the following Salt command can be
            salt minion_id cmd.which xz
        If ``None`` is returned, then xz_ is not present and must be installed.
        It is widely available and should be packaged as either ``xz`` or
        Path/URL of archive
        Specify the format of the archive (``tar``, ``zip``, or ``rar``). If
        this argument is omitted, the archive format will be guessed based on
        the value of the ``name`` parameter.
        **For tar archives only.** This function will, by default, try to use
        the tarfile_ module from the Python standard library to get a list of
        files/directories. If this method fails, then it will fall back to
        using the shell to decompress the archive to stdout and pipe the
        results to ``tar -tf -`` to produce a list of filenames. XZ-compressed
        archives are already supported automatically, but in the event that the
        tar archive uses a different sort of compression not supported natively
        by tarfile_, this option can be used to specify a command that will
        decompress the archive to stdout. For example:
            salt minion_id archive.list /path/to/foo.tar.gz options='gzip --decompress --stdout'
            It is not necessary to manually specify options for gzip'ed
            archives, as gzip compression is natively supported by tarfile_.
        This argument specifies a number of top-level directories to strip from
        the results. This is similar to the paths that would be extracted if
        ``--strip-components`` (or ``--strip``) were used when extracting tar
        New in version 2016.11.2
    clean : False
        Set this value to ``True`` to delete the path referred to by ``name``
        once the contents have been listed. This option should be used with
            If there is an error listing the archive's contents, the cached
            file will not be removed, to allow for troubleshooting.
    verbose : False
        If ``False``, this function will return a list of files/dirs in the
        archive. If ``True``, it will return a dictionary categorizing the
        paths into separate keys containing the directory names, file names,
        and also directories/files present in the top level of the archive.
        Changed in version 2016.11.2
            This option now includes symlinks in their own list. Before, they
            were included with files.
    saltenv : base
        Specifies the fileserver environment from which to retrieve
        ``archive``. This is only applicable when ``archive`` is a file from
        the ``salt://`` fileserver.
        If ``name`` is an http(s)/ftp URL and the file exists in the minion's
        file cache, this option can be passed to keep the minion from
        re-downloading the archive if the cached copy matches the specified
        New in version 2018.3.0
    .. _tarfile: https://docs.python.org/2/library/tarfile.html
    .. _xz: http://tukaani.org/xz/
    CLI Examples:
            salt '*' archive.list /path/to/myfile.tar.gz
            salt '*' archive.list /path/to/myfile.tar.gz strip_components=1
            salt '*' archive.list salt://foo.tar.gz
            salt '*' archive.list https://domain.tld/myfile.zip
            salt '*' archive.list https://domain.tld/myfile.zip source_hash=f1d2d2f924e986ac86fdf7b36c94bcdf32beec15
            salt '*' archive.list


    New in version 2015.5.0
        In versions 2014.7.x and earlier, this function was known as
    Uses the ``unzip`` command to unpack zip files. This command is part of the
    `Info-ZIP`_ suite of tools, and is typically packaged as simply ``unzip``.
    .. _`Info-ZIP`: http://www.info-zip.org/
        Path of zip file to be unpacked
        The destination directory into which the file should be unpacked
    excludes : None
        Comma-separated list of files not to unpack. Can also be passed in a
        Python list.
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.cmd_unzip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip '/tmp/{{grains.id}}' excludes=file_1,file_2
        Optional when using ``zip`` archives, ignored when usign other archives
        files. This is mostly used to overwrite existing files with ``o``.
        This options are only used when ``unzip`` binary is used.
        New in version 2016.3.1
    runas : None
        Unpack the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
        which the minion is running.
        New in version 2015.5.0
    trim_output : False
        The number of files we should output on success before the rest are trimmed, if this is
        set to True then it will default to 100
        Password to use with password protected zip files
            This is not considered secure. It is recommended to instead use
            :py:func:`archive.unzip <salt.modules.archive.unzip>` for
            password-protected ZIP files. If a password is used here, then the
            unzip command run to extract the ZIP file will not show up in the
            minion log like most shell commands Salt runs do. However, the
            password will still be present in the events logged to the minion
            log at the ``debug`` log level. If the minion is logging at
            ``debug`` (or more verbose), then be advised that the password will
            appear in the log.
        New in version 2016.11.0
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.cmd_unzip /tmp/zipfile.zip /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2


    Uses the ``zipfile`` Python module to unpack zip files
    Changed in version 2015.5.0
        This function was rewritten to use Python's native zip file support.
        The old functionality has been preserved in the new function
        :mod:`archive.cmd_unzip <salt.modules.archive.cmd_unzip>`. For versions
        2014.7.x and earlier, see the :mod:`archive.cmd_zip
        <salt.modules.archive.cmd_zip>` documentation.
        Path of zip file to be unpacked
        The destination directory into which the file should be unpacked
    excludes : None
        Comma-separated list of files not to unpack. Can also be passed in a
        Python list.
        This options are only used when ``unzip`` binary is used. In this
        function is ignored.
        New in version 2016.3.1
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.unzip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/{{grains.id}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2
    runas : None
        Unpack the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
        which the minion is running.
    trim_output : False
        The number of files we should output on success before the rest are trimmed, if this is
        set to True then it will default to 100
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.unzip /tmp/zipfile.zip /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2
        Password to use with password protected zip files
            The password will be present in the events logged to the minion log
            file at the ``debug`` log level. If the minion is logging at
            ``debug`` (or more verbose), then be advised that the password will
            appear in the log.
        New in version 2016.3.0
    extract_perms : True
        The Python zipfile_ module does not extract file/directory attributes
        by default. When this argument is set to ``True``, Salt will attempt to
        apply the file permission attributes to the extracted files/folders.
        On Windows, only the read-only flag will be extracted as set within the
        zip file, other attributes (i.e. user/group permissions) are ignored.
        Set this argument to ``False`` to disable this behavior.
        New in version 2016.11.0
    .. _zipfile: https://docs.python.org/2/library/zipfile.html
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.unzip /tmp/zipfile.zip /home/strongbad/ password='BadPassword'


        This function has changed for version 0.17.0. In prior versions, the
        ``cwd`` and ``template`` arguments must be specified, with the source
        directories/files coming as a space-separated list at the end of the
        command. Beginning with 0.17.0, ``sources`` must be a comma-separated
        list, and the ``cwd`` and ``template`` arguments are optional.
    Uses the tar command to pack, unpack, etc. tar files
        Options to pass to the tar command
        Changed in version 2015.8.0
            The mandatory `-` prefixing has been removed.  An options string
            beginning with a `--long-option`, would have uncharacteristically
            needed its first `-` removed under the former scheme.
            Also, tar will parse its options differently if short options are
            used with or without a preceding `-`, so it is better to not
            confuse the user into thinking they're using the non-`-` format,
            when really they are using the with-`-` format.
        The filename of the tar archive to pack/unpack
        Comma delimited list of files to **pack** into the tarfile. Can also be
        passed as a Python list.
        Changed in version 2017.7.0
            Globbing is now supported for this argument
        The destination directory into which to **unpack** the tarfile
    cwd : None
        The directory in which the tar command should be executed. If not
        specified, will default to the home directory of the user under which
        the salt minion process is running.
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.tar cjvf /tmp/salt.tar.bz2 {{grains.saltpath}} template=jinja
    CLI Examples:
        # Create a tarfile
        salt '*' archive.tar cjvf /tmp/tarfile.tar.bz2 /tmp/file_1,/tmp/file_2
        # Create a tarfile using globbing (2017.7.0 and later)
        salt '*' archive.tar cjvf /tmp/tarfile.tar.bz2 '/tmp/file_*'
        # Unpack a tarfile
        salt '*' archive.tar xf foo.tar dest=/target/directory


    Uses the gzip command to create gzip files
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.gzip template=jinja /tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt
    runas : None
        The user with which to run the gzip command line
    options : None
        Pass any additional arguments to gzip
        New in version 2016.3.4
    CLI Example:
        # Create /tmp/sourcefile.txt.gz
        salt '*' archive.gzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt
        salt '*' archive.gzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt options='-9 --verbose'


    New in version 2015.5.0
        In versions 2014.7.x and earlier, this function was known as
    Uses the ``zip`` command to create zip files. This command is part of the
    `Info-ZIP`_ suite of tools, and is typically packaged as simply ``zip``.
    .. _`Info-ZIP`: http://www.info-zip.org/
        Path of zip file to be created
        Comma-separated list of sources to include in the zip file. Sources can
        also be passed in a Python list.
        Changed in version 2017.7.0
            Globbing is now supported for this argument
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.cmd_zip template=jinja /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt
    cwd : None
        Use this argument along with relative paths in ``sources`` to create
        zip files which do not contain the leading directories. If not
        specified, the zip file will be created as if the cwd was ``/``, and
        creating a zip file of ``/foo/bar/baz.txt`` will contain the parent
        directories ``foo`` and ``bar``. To create a zip file containing just
        ``baz.txt``, the following command would be used:
            salt '*' archive.cmd_zip /tmp/baz.zip baz.txt cwd=/foo/bar
        New in version 2014.7.1
    runas : None
        Create the zip file as the specified user. Defaults to the user under
        which the minion is running.
        New in version 2015.5.0
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.cmd_zip /tmp/zipfile.zip /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
        # Globbing for sources (2017.7.0 and later)
        salt '*' archive.cmd_zip /tmp/zipfile.zip '/tmp/sourcefile*'


    New in version 2016.11.0
    Returns ``True`` if the zip archive is password-protected, ``False`` if
    not. If the specified file is not a ZIP archive, an error will be raised.
        The path / URL of the archive to check.
    clean : False
        Set this value to ``True`` to delete the path referred to by ``name``
        once the contents have been listed. This option should be used with
            If there is an error listing the archive's contents, the cached
            file will not be removed, to allow for troubleshooting.
    saltenv : base
        Specifies the fileserver environment from which to retrieve
        ``archive``. This is only applicable when ``archive`` is a file from
        the ``salt://`` fileserver.
        If ``name`` is an http(s)/ftp URL and the file exists in the minion's
        file cache, this option can be passed to keep the minion from
        re-downloading the archive if the cached copy matches the specified
        New in version 2018.3.0
    CLI Examples:
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted /path/to/myfile.zip
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted salt://foo.zip
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted salt://foo.zip saltenv=dev
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted https://domain.tld/myfile.zip clean=True
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted https://domain.tld/myfile.zip source_hash=f1d2d2f924e986ac86fdf7b36c94bcdf32beec15
            salt '*' archive.is_encrypted


    Uses `rar for Linux`_ to unpack rar files
    .. _`rar for Linux`: http://www.rarlab.com/
        Name of rar file to be unpacked
        The destination directory into which to **unpack** the rar file
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.unrar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/{{grains.id}}/ excludes=file_1,file_2
    trim_output : False
        The number of files we should output on success before the rest are trimmed, if this is
        set to True then it will default to 100
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.unrar /tmp/rarfile.rar /home/strongbad/ excludes=file_1,file_2


    Uses `rar for Linux`_ to create rar files
    .. _`rar for Linux`: http://www.rarlab.com/
        Path of rar file to be created
        Comma-separated list of sources to include in the rar file. Sources can
        also be passed in a Python list.
        Changed in version 2017.7.0
            Globbing is now supported for this argument
    cwd : None
        Run the rar command from the specified directory. Use this argument
        along with relative file paths to create rar files which do not
        contain the leading directories. If not specified, this will default
        to the home directory of the user under which the salt minion process
        is running.
        New in version 2014.7.1
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.rar template=jinja /tmp/rarfile.rar '/tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt'
    CLI Example:
        salt '*' archive.rar /tmp/rarfile.rar /tmp/sourcefile1,/tmp/sourcefile2
        # Globbing for sources (2017.7.0 and later)
        salt '*' archive.rar /tmp/rarfile.rar '/tmp/sourcefile*'


    Uses the gunzip command to unpack gzip files
    template : None
        Can be set to 'jinja' or another supported template engine to render
        the command arguments before execution:
            salt '*' archive.gunzip template=jinja /tmp/{{grains.id}}.txt.gz
    runas : None
        The user with which to run the gzip command line
    options : None
        Pass any additional arguments to gzip
        New in version 2016.3.4
    CLI Example:
        # Create /tmp/sourcefile.txt
        salt '*' archive.gunzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt.gz
        salt '*' archive.gunzip /tmp/sourcefile.txt options='--verbose'


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/randomlee/p/Saltstack_module_archive.html
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