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  • BZOJ3564 [SHOI2014]信号增幅仪


      1 /**************************************************************
      2     Problem: 3564
      3     User: rausen
      4     Language: C++
      5     Result: Accepted
      6     Time:256 ms
      7     Memory:2380 kb
      8 ****************************************************************/
     10 #include <cstdio>
     11 #include <cmath>
     13 using namespace std;
     14 typedef double lf;
     15 const int N = 5e4 + 5;
     16 const lf pi = acos(-1.0);
     17 const lf eps = 1e-7;
     19 inline int read();
     21 template <class T> T sqr(T x) {
     22     return x * x;
     23 }
     25 struct point {
     26     lf x, y;
     27     point() {}
     28     point(lf _x, lf _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}
     30     inline void get() {
     31         x = read(), y = read();
     32     }
     33     inline void rev(lf a) {
     34         static lf tx, ty;
     35         tx = x * cos(a) - y * sin(a), ty = x * sin(a) + y * cos(a);
     36         x = tx, y = ty;
     37     }
     39     inline point operator + (const point &p) const {
     40         return point(x + p.x, y + p.y);
     41     }
     42     inline point operator - (const point &p) const {
     43         return point(x - p.x, y - p.y);
     44     }
     45     inline point operator / (lf t) const {
     46         return point(x / t, y / t);
     47     }
     48     inline lf operator * (const point &p) const {
     49         return x * p.y - y * p.x;
     50     }
     52     friend inline lf dis2(const point &p) {
     53         return sqr((lf) p.x) + sqr((lf) p.y);
     54     }
     55     friend inline point work(const point &a, const point &b, const point &c) {
     56         static point p, q, res;
     57         static lf d, ab, bc, ac;
     58         p = b - a, q = c - a, d = p * q * 2;
     59         if (fabs(d) < eps) {
     60             ab = dis2(b - a), bc = dis2(c - b), ac = dis2(c - a);
     61             if (ab - bc >= eps && ab - ac >= eps) return (a + b) / 2;
     62             if (bc - ab >= eps && bc - ac >= eps) return (b + c) / 2;
     63             return (a + c) / 2;
     64         }
     65         return point(dis2(p) * q.y - dis2(q) * p.y, dis2(q) * p.x - dis2(p) * q.x) / d + a;
     66     }
     67 } p[N], c[N];
     69 int n, cnt;
     70 lf alpha, P;
     72 inline lf min_cover() {
     73     static int i, j, k;
     74     static lf rad2;
     75     rad2 = cnt = 0;
     76     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) if (dis2(p[i] - c[cnt]) > rad2) {
     77         c[cnt] = p[i], rad2 = 0.0;
     78         for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) if (dis2(p[j] - c[cnt]) > rad2) {
     79             c[cnt] = (p[i] + p[j]) / 2.0, rad2 = dis2(p[i] - c[cnt]);
     80             for (k = 1; k < j; ++k) if (dis2(p[k] - c[cnt]) > rad2)
     81                 c[cnt] = work(p[i], p[j], p[k]), rad2 = dis2(p[i] - c[cnt]);
     82         }
     83     }
     84     return sqrt(rad2);
     85 }
     88 int main() {
     89     int i;
     90     n = read();
     91     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) p[i].get();
     92     alpha = (lf) read() / 180.0 * pi, P = read();
     93     for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
     94         p[i].rev(-alpha), p[i].x /= P;
     95     printf("%.3lf
    ", min_cover());
     96     return 0;
     97 }
     99 inline int read() {
    100     static int x, sgn;
    101     static char ch;
    102     x = 0, sgn = 1, ch = getchar();
    103     while (ch < '0' || '9' < ch) {
    104         if (ch == '-') sgn = -1;
    105         ch = getchar();
    106     }
    107     while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
    108         x = x * 10 + ch - '0';
    109         ch = getchar();
    110     }
    111     return sgn * x;
    112 }
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    (p.s. rank.1液!转圈~转圈~)

    By Xs酱~ 转载请说明 博客地址:http://www.cnblogs.com/rausen
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rausen/p/4464340.html
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