var $ = $ || {}; /** * 将JS对象序列化为JSON字符串 * @param {Mixed} o The variable to decode * @return {String} The JSON string * String json = $.encode(o); */ $.encode = (function() { if ( typeof(JSON)!=='undefined' && typeof(JSON.stringify)!=='undefined') { return JSON.stringify; } var I = !!{}.hasOwnProperty, _ = function(I) { return I < 10 ? "0" + I : I; }, A = { "" : "\b", " " : "\t", " " : "\n", "f" : "\f", " " : "\r", """ : "\"", "\" : "\\" }; return (function(C) { if (typeof C == "undefined" || C === null) { return "null"; } else { if ( === "[object Array]") { var B = ["["], G, E, D = C.length, F; for (E = 0; E < D; E += 1) { F = C[E]; switch (typeof F) { case "undefined" : case "function" : case "unknown" : break; default : if (G) { B.push(","); } B.push(F === null ? "null" : $.encode(F)); G = true; } } B.push("]"); return B.join(""); } else { if (( === "[object Date]")) { return """ + C.getFullYear() + "-" + _(C.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + _(C.getDate()) + "T" + _(C.getHours()) + ":" + _(C.getMinutes()) + ":" + _(C.getSeconds()) + """; } else { if (typeof C == "string") { return """ + C.replace(/([x00-x1f\"])/g, function(B, _) { var I = A[_]; if (I) { return I; } return ''; }).replace(/[^u0000-u00FF]/g, function($0) { return escape($0).replace(/(%u)(w{4})/gi, "\u$2") }) + """; } else { if (typeof C == "number") { return isFinite(C) ? String(C) : "null"; } else { if (typeof C == "boolean") { return String(C); } else { B = ["{"], G, E, F; for (E in C) { if (!I || C.hasOwnProperty(E)) { F = C[E]; if (F === null) { continue; } switch (typeof F) { case "undefined" : case "function" : case "unknown" : break; default : if (G) { B.push(","); } B.push($.encode(E), ":", $.encode(F)); G = true; } } } B.push("}"); return B.join(""); } } } } } } }); })();