串口操作定义在hal_uart.h 头文件中
* Initialize UART at the startup
* 初始化UART
extern void HalUARTInit ( void );
* Open a port based on the configuration
* 打开串口
extern uint8 HalUARTOpen ( uint8 port, halUARTCfg_t *config );
* Close a port
* 关闭串口
extern void HalUARTClose ( uint8 port );
* Read a buffer from the UART
* 从串口读取数据
extern uint16 HalUARTRead ( uint8 port, uint8 *pBuffer, uint16 length );
* Write a buff to the uart
* 向串口写入数据
extern uint16 HalUARTWrite ( uint8 port, uint8 *pBuffer, uint16 length );
* Write a buffer to the UART
extern uint8 HalUARTIoctl ( uint8 port, uint8 cmd, halUARTIoctl_t *pIoctl );
* This to support polling
extern void HalUARTPoll( void );
* Return the number of bytes in the Rx buffer
extern uint16 Hal_UART_RxBufLen ( uint8 port );
* Return the number of bytes in the Tx buffer
extern uint16 Hal_UART_TxBufLen ( uint8 port );
* This enable/disable flow control
extern void Hal_UART_FlowControlSet ( uint8 port, bool status );
* Initialize hardware for UART
extern uint8 HalUART_HW_Init(uint8 port);
* Abort UART when entering sleep mode
extern void HalUARTSuspend(void);
* Resume UART after wakeup from sleep
* 从睡眠状态恢复uart
extern void HalUARTResume(void);