1 METHOD handle_checkbox_change . 2 * define local data 3 DATA: 4 lw_child TYPE lvc_nkey, 5 lt_children TYPE lvc_t_nkey, 6 * 7 l_wa_outtab_line TYPE zfr_calc_marge_detail, 8 l_wa_item_layout TYPE lvc_s_layi, 9 lt_item_layout TYPE lvc_t_layi, 10 l_wa_item_layout_c TYPE lvc_s_laci, 11 lt_item_layout_c TYPE lvc_t_laci. 12 13 14 15 " The user marks or unmarks a checkbox on the ALV tree. The status 16 " (marked / unmarked) is "inherited" to the child nodes. 17 node_key = cl_alv_tree_base=>c_virtual_root_node. 18 19 " Get sub-tree of selected node (i.e. the node where the checkbox was changed) 20 CALL METHOD sender->get_subtree 21 EXPORTING 22 i_node_key = node_key 23 IMPORTING 24 et_subtree_nodes = lt_children. 25 " NOTE: the sender is the ALV tree instance 26 27 28 LOOP AT lt_children INTO lw_child. 29 REFRESH: lt_item_layout. 30 CLEAR: l_wa_outtab_line. 31 32 * Knoten und Item-Layout lesen 33 CALL METHOD sender->get_outtab_line 34 EXPORTING 35 i_node_key = lw_child 36 IMPORTING 37 e_outtab_line = l_wa_outtab_line 38 * E_NODE_TEXT = 39 et_item_layout = lt_item_layout 40 * ES_NODE_LAYOUT = 41 EXCEPTIONS 42 node_not_found = 1 43 OTHERS = 2. 44 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 45 * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO 46 * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. 47 ENDIF. 48 49 50 READ TABLE lt_item_layout INTO l_wa_item_layout 51 WITH KEY fieldname = cl_gui_alv_tree=>c_hierarchy_column_name 52 class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_checkbox. 53 IF ( syst-subrc = 0 ). 54 l_wa_item_layout-chosen = checked. " 'status' of changed checkbox 55 MODIFY lt_item_layout FROM l_wa_item_layout INDEX syst-tabix. 56 57 58 REFRESH: lt_item_layout_c. 59 LOOP AT lt_item_layout INTO l_wa_item_layout. 60 MOVE-CORRESPONDING l_wa_item_layout TO l_wa_item_layout_c. 61 l_wa_item_layout_c-u_chosen = 'X'. " update CHOSEN field 62 APPEND l_wa_item_layout_c TO lt_item_layout_c. 63 ENDLOOP. 64 65 66 CALL METHOD sender->change_node 67 EXPORTING 68 i_node_key = lw_child 69 i_outtab_line = l_wa_outtab_line 70 * IS_NODE_LAYOUT = 71 it_item_layout = lt_item_layout_c 72 * I_NODE_TEXT = 73 * I_U_NODE_TEXT = 74 EXCEPTIONS 75 node_not_found = 1 76 OTHERS = 2. 77 IF sy-subrc <> 0. 78 * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO 79 * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. 80 ENDIF. 81 82 ENDIF. 83 84 ENDLOOP. 85 86 " Sending changes to the frontend 87 CALL METHOD sender->frontend_update. 88 89 90 ENDMETHOD.
1 DATA: gr_tree type ref to CL_SALV_TREE,
nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes, 2 3 node TYPE REF TO cl_salv_node, 4 5 item TYPE REF TO cl_salv_item, 6 7 text TYPE lvc_value. 8 9 node = nodes->add_node( related_node = ip_node 10 11 data_row = gs_tree 12 13 row_style = lv_style 14 15 text = text 16 17 relationship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child ). 18 19 item = node->get_hierarchy_item( ). 20 21 item->set_type( if_salv_c_item_type=>checkbox ). 22 23 IF NOT gv_flag IS INITIAL. 24 25 item->set_checked( abap_true ). 26 27 ENDIF. 28 29 item->set_editable( abap_true ). 30 31 ENDIF. 32 33 &---- 34 35 *& Form CHECKBOX_CHANGE 36 37 &---- 38 39 text 40 41 ---- 42 43 -->IV_COLUMNNAME Columnname 44 45 -->IV_NODE_KEY Node key 46 47 -->IV_CHECKED Falg for check box 48 49 ---- 50 51 FORM checkbox_change USING iv_columnname TYPE lvc_fname 52 53 iv_node_key TYPE salv_de_node_key 54 55 iv_checked TYPE sap_bool. 56 57 DATA: lv_tree TYPE REF TO data, 58 59 ls_tree TYPE rpuben42_alv1. 60 61 FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> TYPE ANY. 62 63 DATA: nodes TYPE REF TO cl_salv_nodes, 64 65 item1 TYPE REF TO cl_salv_item, 66 67 item TYPE REF TO cl_salv_item, 68 69 tree TYPE salv_t_nodes, 70 71 tree1 TYPE salv_t_nodes, 72 73 leaf TYPE salv_s_nodes, 74 75 leaf1 TYPE salv_s_nodes. 76 77 get all existing nodes 78 79 TRY. 80 81 nodes = gr_tree->get_nodes( ). 82 83 tree = nodes->get_all_nodes( ). 84 85 CATCH cx_salv_msg. 86 87 EXIT. 88 89 ENDTRY. 90 91 READ TABLE tree INTO leaf WITH KEY key = iv_node_key. 92 93 CREATE DATA lv_tree TYPE rpuben42_alv1. 94 95 IF iv_checked = abap_true. 96 97 TRY. 98 99 tree1 = leaf-node->get_subtree( ). 100 101 item1 = leaf-node->get_hierarchy_item( ). 102 103 item1->set_checked( abap_true ). 104 105 lv_tree = leaf-node->get_data_row( ). 106 107 ASSIGN lv_tree->* TO <fs>. 108 109 ls_tree = <fs> . 110 111 MOVE ls_tree TO gs_tree. 112 113 PERFORM update_table USING iv_checked. 114 115 CLEAR gs_tree. 116 117 CATCH cx_salv_msg. 118 119 ENDTRY. 120 121 LOOP AT tree1 INTO leaf1. 122 123 item = leaf1-node->get_hierarchy_item( ). 124 125 IF item->is_checked( ) NE abap_true. 126 127 item->set_checked( abap_true ). 128 129 lv_tree = leaf1-node->get_data_row( ). 130 131 ASSIGN lv_tree->* TO <fs>. 132 133 ls_tree = <fs> . 134 135 MOVE ls_tree TO gs_tree. 136 137 PERFORM update_table USING iv_checked. 138 139 CLEAR gs_tree. 140 141 ENDIF. 142 143 ENDLOOP. 144 145 ELSE. 146 147 TRY. 148 149 tree1 = leaf-node->get_subtree( ). 150 151 CATCH cx_salv_msg. 152 153 ENDTRY. 154 155 LOOP AT tree1 INTO leaf1. 156 157 item = leaf1-node->get_hierarchy_item( ). 158 159 item->set_checked( abap_false ). 160 161 lv_tree = leaf1-node->get_data_row( ). 162 163 ASSIGN lv_tree->* TO <fs>. 164 165 ls_tree = <fs> . 166 167 MOVE ls_tree TO gs_tree. 168 169 PERFORM update_table USING iv_checked. 170 171 CLEAR gs_tree. 172 173 ENDLOOP. 174 175 ENDIF. 176 177 ENDFORM. " CHECKBOX_CHANGE