-- 查找重复记录
select names,num
from test
where rowid != (select max(rowid)
from test b
where b.names = test.names and
b.num = test.num)
select names,num
from test
where rownum!= (select max(rownum)
from test b
where b.names = test.names and
b.num = test.num)
对于sql server 的使用可能没有oracle 那么方便
declare @table table(
id nchar(20),
name nchar(10),
number int
insert into @table select id,name, row_number() over(order by id) number from userapp
--select *from @table
select a.id,a.name
from @table a
where number!= (select max(number)
from @table b
where b.id = a.id and
b.name = a.name)