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  • erlang reduction


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    erlang:bump_reductions(Reductions) -> true


    Reductions = integer() >= 1

    This implementation-dependent function increments the reduction counter for the calling process. In the Beam emulator, thereduction counter is normally incremented by one for each function and BIF call, and a context switch is forced when the counter reaches the maximum number of reductions for a process (2000 reductions in R12B).

    Scheduling is preemptive. Regardless of priority, a process is preempted when it has consumed more than a certain amount of reductions since the last time it was selected for execution.

      意思就是说每次函数调用或者bif调用都会增加reduction的值。在R12B中额定值是2000。(当前reduction) - (本次进程获得资源一开始的reduction) > 2000 不论优先级强行调度!


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/rsblog/p/3934570.html
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