$.ajax() returns an object packed with other deferred-related methods. I discussed promise(), but you’ll also find then(), success(), error(), and a host of others. You don’t have access to the complete deferred object, though; only the promise, callback-binding methods, and the isRejected() and isResolved() methods, which can be used to check the state of the deferred.
But why not return the whole object? If this were the case, it would be possible to muck with the works, maybe pragmatically "resolve" the deferred, causing all bound callbacks to fire before the AJAX request had a chance to complete. Therefore, to avoid potentially breaking the whole paradigm, only return the dfd.promise().
$.ajax()返回一个对象(jqXHR,这是对原生的XMLHttpRequest的封装),这个对象包含了deferred相关的函数,比如promise(), then(), success(), error(), isRejected(), isResolved()。
但是你发现没,这里面没有resolve(), resolveWith(), reject(), rejectWith() 几个函数,而这几个函数才是用来改变deferred对象流程。也就是说$.ajax()返回了一个只读的deferred对象。
// deferred对象所有的方法数组 var methods = 'done,resolveWith,resolve,isResolved,then,fail,rejectWith,reject,isRejected,promise'.split(','), method, ajaxMethods = [], onlyInDeferredMethods = []; for (method in $.ajax()) { if ($.inArray(method, methods) !== -1) { ajaxMethods.push(method); } } for (method in $.Deferred()) { if ($.inArray(method, methods) !== -1 && $.inArray(method, ajaxMethods) === -1) { onlyInDeferredMethods.push(method); } } // 存在于$.Deferred(),但是不存在于$.ajax()的deferred相关方法列表为: // ["resolveWith", "resolve", "rejectWith", "reject"] console.log(onlyInDeferredMethods);
如果$.ajax()返回的对象包含resolve(), resolveWith(),可能会产生哪些影响呢?我们还是用例子也说明,首先看看erichynds原文的第一个例子:
// $.get, 异步的AJAX请求 var req = $.get('./sample.txt').success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success'); }).error(function () { console.log('AJAX error'); }); // 添加另外一个AJAX回调函数,此时AJAX或许已经结束,或许还没有结束 // 由于$.ajax内置了deferred的支持,所以我们可以这样写 req.success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success2'); }); console.log('END');执行结果为:
END -> AJAX success -> AJAX success2
// Attach deferreds deferred.promise( jqXHR ); jqXHR.success = jqXHR.done; jqXHR.error = jqXHR.fail; jqXHR.complete = completeDeferred.done; // 下面两行是我们手工增加的,jQuery源代码中没有 jqXHR.resolve = deferred.resolve; jqXHR.resolveWith = deferred.resolveWith;
// $.get, 异步的AJAX请求 var req = $.get('./sample.txt').success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success'); }).error(function () { console.log('AJAX error'); }); req.resolve(); // 添加另外一个AJAX回调函数,此时AJAX或许已经结束,或许还没有结束 // 由于$.ajax内置了deferred的支持,所以我们可以这样写 req.success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success2'); }); console.log('END');此时的执行结果为:
AJAX success -> AJAX success2 -> END
// $.get, 异步的AJAX请求 var req = $.get('./sample.txt').success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success(' + response + ')'); }); req.resolve('Fake data'); // 添加另外一个AJAX回调函数,此时AJAX或许已经结束,或许还没有结束 // 由于$.ajax内置了deferred的支持,所以我们可以这样写 req.success(function (response) { console.log('AJAX success2(' + response + ')'); }); console.log('END');此时的执行结果为:
AJAX success(Fake data) -> AJAX success2(Fake data) -> END
在深入jQuery代码之前,先来看看jQuery.promise的文档:The deferred.promise() method allows an asynchronous function to prevent other code from interfering with the progress or status of its internal request. The Promise exposes only the Deferred methods needed to attach additional handlers or determine the state (then, done, fail, isResolved, and isRejected), but not ones that change the state (resolve, reject, resolveWith, and rejectWith).
If you are creating a Deferred, keep a reference to the Deferred so that it can be resolved or rejected at some point. Return only the Promise object via deferred.promise() so other code can register callbacks or inspect the current state.
function getData() { return $.get('/foo/'); } function showDiv() { // 正确代码。推荐做法。 return $.Deferred(function (dfd) { $('#foo').fadeIn(1000, dfd.resolve); }).promise(); } $.when(getData(), showDiv()).then(function (ajaxResult) { console.log('The animation AND the AJAX request are both done!'); });
function getData() { return $.get('/foo/'); } function showDiv() { // 正确代码。不推荐这么做。 return $.Deferred(function (dfd) { $('#foo').fadeIn(1000, dfd.resolve); }); } $.when(getData(), showDiv()).then(function (ajaxResult) { console.log('The animation AND the AJAX request are both done!'); });
// Promise相关方法数组 promiseMethods = "then done fail isResolved isRejected promise".split( " " ), jQuery.extend( // 完备的deferred对象(具有两个回调队列) Deferred: function (func) { var deferred = jQuery._Deferred(), failDeferred = jQuery._Deferred(), promise; // 添加then, promise 以及出错相关的deferred方法 jQuery.extend(deferred, { then: function (doneCallbacks, failCallbacks) { deferred.done(doneCallbacks).fail(failCallbacks); return this; }, fail: failDeferred.done, rejectWith: failDeferred.resolveWith, reject: failDeferred.resolve, isRejected: failDeferred.isResolved, // 返回deferred对象的只读副本 // 如果将obj作为参数传递进去,则promise相关方法将会添加到这个obj上 promise: function (obj) { if (obj == null) { if (promise) { return promise; } promise = obj = {}; } var i = promiseMethods.length; while (i--) { obj[promiseMethods[i]] = deferred[promiseMethods[i]]; } return obj; } }); // 确保只有一个回调函数队列可用,也就是说一个任务要么成功,要么失败 deferred.done(failDeferred.cancel).fail(deferred.cancel); // 删除cancel函数 delete deferred.cancel; // 将当前创建的作为参数传递到给定的函数中 if (func) { func.call(deferred, deferred); } return deferred; });
Arr = function () { var items = [], promise, arr = { add: function (item) { items.push(item); }, length: function () { return items.length; }, clear: function () { items = []; }, promise: function () { if (promise) { return promise; } var obj = promise = {}; obj.add = arr.add; obj.length = arr.length; obj.promise = arr.promise; return obj; } }; return arr; }
上面代码定义了一个Arr,用来生成一个数组对象,包含一些方法,比如add(), length(), clear(), promise()。
var arr = Arr(); arr.add(1); arr.add(2); // 2 console.log(arr.length()); arr.clear(); // 0 console.log(arr.length());
var arr = Arr(); arr.add(1); arr.add(2); // 2 console.log(arr.length()); var promise = arr.promise(); promise.add(3); promise.add(4); // 4 console.log(promise.length()); // Error: TypeError: promise.clear is not a function promise.clear();
还记得前面提到的那两个完成相同功能的代码么?function getData() { return $.get('/foo/'); } function showDiv() { // 这里返回promise()或者直接返回deferred对象,代码都能正确运行。 return $.Deferred(function (dfd) { $('#foo').fadeIn(1000, dfd.resolve); }).promise(); } $.when(getData(), showDiv()).then(function (ajaxResult) { console.log('The animation AND the AJAX request are both done!'); });
如果你深入jQuery的源代码,你会发现$.when(obj1, obj2, ...)在内部实现时会获取obj1.promise():
if ( object && jQuery.isFunction( object.promise ) ) { object.promise().then( iCallback(lastIndex), deferred.reject ); }所以我们来看上面showDiv的返回结果:
- 如果是deferred对象的话,$.when()通过下面方式得到promise:
- 如果是deferred.promise()对象的话,$.when()通过下面方式得到promise:
var deferred = $.Deferred(), promise = deferred.promise(); // true promise === promise.promise(); // true promise === promise.promise().promise().promise();当然,这个结果是推理出来的,如果我们直接看Deferred的源代码,也很容易看出这样的结果:
promise: function (obj) { if (obj == null) { // 在这里,如果promise已经存在(已经调用过.promise()),就不会重新创建了 if (promise) { return promise; } promise = obj = {}; } var i = promiseMethods.length; while (i--) { obj[promiseMethods[i]] = deferred[promiseMethods[i]]; } return obj; }
1. deferred.promise()返回的是deferred对象的只读属性。
2. 建议任务不要返回deferred对象,而是返回deferred.promise()对象。这样外部就不能随意更改任务的内部流程。
3. deferred.promise() === deferred.promise().promise() (上面我们分别从代码推理,和源代码分析两个角度得到这个结论)