ABAP里的tenant isolation是通过DB table的client ID来区分的.
Hybris也有multi tenant的concept:
Hybris multi tenant典型的使用场景:
(1) Hosting SAP Hybris Commerce for several individual customers
(2) One single, corporate-wide SAP Hybris Commerce serving individual countries with individual product and customer data
(3) Using the SAP Hybris Commerce CMS module to power country-specific versions of a company website
在project folder下的project.properties里定义一个Hybris server上支持哪些tenant:
Hybris里tenant isolation是通过table name prefix来实现的
不同的tenant需要定义不同的table prefix:
配置文件的naming convention: tenant_.properties:
table prefix在.properties里的定义方式:
在admin console里对tenant进行管理: