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  • 1208. Legendary Teams Contest

    1208. Legendary Teams Contest

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    Nothing makes as old as years. A lot of cool contests are gone, a lot of programmers are not students anymore and are not allowed to take part at the contests. Though their spirit is fresh and young as it was years ago! And so once they decided to make a contest at the Ural State University among the veteran teams…
    To make the contest interesting, they decided to invite as much "legendary" teams as possible. The jury has made a short list of teams, which have shown the best results in the old good times, thus being worthy to hold the name of "legendary". All those teams were invited to take part of the contest, and all of them accepted the invitations. But they have forgotten one important thing at the jury: during the long history of the contests at the university, the teams happened to change and some programmers managed to contest in different "legendary" teams. Though, the jury decided not to give up the initial idea and to form as much legendary teams as possible to participate at the contest — and your program should help the jury!


    The first line contains a positive integer K, 1 ≤ K ≤ 18. It is the number of all the legendary teams. There follow the descriptions of the teams in K lines. Each of those lines contains three names of the team members of the respective team. All names are written with not more than 20 small Latin letters.


    You should output the maximal possible number of legendary teams of veterans, that could simultaneously participate at the contest.


    gerostratos scorpio shamgshamg
    zaitsev silverberg cousteau
    zaitsev petersen shamgshamg
    clipper petersen shamgshamg
    clipper bakirelli vasiliadi
    silverberg atn dolly
    knuth dijkstra bellman
    Problem Author: Leonid Volkov Problem Source: USU Internal Contest, March 2002
      1 #include<iostream>
      2 #include<string>
      3 #include<cstring>
      4 #include<cmath>
      5 #include<cctype>
      6 #include<cstdio>
      7 #include<stack>
      8 #include<queue>
      9 #include<vector>
     10 using namespace std;
     11 int fn[1000][1000];
     12 int i,j,k,n;
     13 int sum,maxsum;
     14 bool used[1001];
     15 bool flag[1001];
     16 class nodea//构建一个类(可称之为字典类)
     17 {
     18     public:
     19     int id;
     20     nodea *p[131];
     21     nodea()
     22      {
     23          int i;
     24          id=-1;
     25          for(i=0;i<=130;i++)
     26            p[i]=NULL;
     27      }
     28 };
     29 nodea *root;//建立指针
     30 int ans=1;
     31 int  getnum(char *s)//扩展树的结点
     32      {
     33       nodea *r=root;
     34       int m=strlen(s);
     35       for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
     36         {
     37             if(r->p[s[i]]==NULL)
     38               r->p[s[i]]=new nodea();
     39             r=r->p[s[i]];
     40         }
     41      if(r->id==-1)
     42       {
     43           r->id=ans;
     44           ans++;
     45       }
     46       return r->id;//返回编号
     47     }
     48  bool check(int x)//判断是否已有队员在别的队
     49   {
     50       for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
     51         if(used[fn[x][i]])
     52           return false;
     53       return true;
     54   }
     55   void fff(int x,int v)//给本队队员做标记
     56    {
     57        for(int i=1;i<=3;i++)
     58          used[fn[x][i]]=v;
     59    }
     60 void  dfs(int x)
     61   {
     62       if(sum>maxsum)
     63        maxsum=sum;
     64       for(int i=x;i<=n;i++)
     65         {
     66             if(!flag[i]&&check(i))
     67              {
     68                  sum++;
     69                  flag[i]=true;
     70                  fff(i,1);
     71                  dfs(i);
     72                  fff(i,0);//还原
     73                  flag[i]=false;
     74                  sum--;
     75              }
     76         }
     77   }
     78 int main()
     79 {
     80     char  str1[1000],str2[1000],str3[1000];
     81     cin>>n;
     82     root=new nodea();//构建对象
     83     for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
     84      {
     85          scanf("%s%s%s",str1,str2,str3);
     86          int a=getnum(str1);
     87          int b=getnum(str2);
     88          int c=getnum(str3);
     89          fn[i][1]=a;
     90          fn[i][2]=b;
     91          fn[i][3]=c;
     93      }
     94     maxsum=1;
     95    for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
     96     {
     97         //注意每次都要初始化
     98         memset(used,false,sizeof(used));
     99         memset(flag,false,sizeof(flag));
    100         flag[i]=true;
    101         sum=1;
    102         for(j=1;j<=3;j++)
    103          used[fn[i][j]]=true;
    104         dfs(i);
    105     }
    106  cout<<maxsum<<endl;
    109 }
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  • 相关阅读:
    第36课 经典问题解析三
    第35课 函数对象分析
    67. Add Binary
    66. Plus One
    58. Length of Last Word
    53. Maximum Subarray
    38. Count and Say
    35. Search Insert Position
    28. Implement strStr()
    27. Remove Element
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sdau--codeants/p/3239358.html
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