2011-12-05 19:49:55
粒子群优化算法属于群智能(swarm intelligence)优化算法。群智能分两种,一种是粒群优化,另一种是蚁群优化。
假设你和你的朋友正在寻宝,每个人有个探测器,这个探测器可以知道宝藏到探测器的距离。你们一群人在找,每个人都可以把信息共享出去,就跟打dota时你 可以有你队友的视野,你可以知道其他所有人距离宝藏的距离,这样,你看谁离宝藏最近,就向谁靠近,这样会使你发现宝藏的机会变大,而且,这种方法比你单人 找要快的多。
这是一个群行为(swarm behavior)的简单实例,群中各个体交互作用,使用一个比单一个体更有效的方法求解全局目标。可以把群(swarm)定义为某种交互作用的组织或Agent之结构集合,在群智能计算研究中,群的个体组织包括蚂蚁,白蚁,蜜蜂,黄蜂,鱼群,鸟群等。在这些群体中,个体在结构上是很简单的,而它们的集体行为却可能变得相当复杂。研究人员发现,蚂蚁在鸟巢和食物之间的运输路线,不管一开始多随机,最后蚂蚁总能找到一条最短路径。
粒群优化(particle swarm optimization,PSO)算法是一种基于群体搜索的算法,它建立在模拟鸟群社会的基础上。粒群概念的最初含义是通过图形来模拟鸟群优美和不可预 测的舞蹈动作,发现鸟群支配同步飞行和以最佳队形突然改变飞行方向并重新编队的能力。这个概念已经被包含在一个简单有效的优化算法中。
v_new = v_old + c1*rand()*(pbest-pcurrent) +c2*rand()*(gbest-pcurrent)
For each particle
____Initialize particle
____For each particle
________Calculate fitness value
________If the fitness value is better than the best fitness value (pBest) in history
____________set current value as the new pBest
____Choose the particle with the best fitness value of all the particles as the gBest
____For each particle
________Calculate particle velocity according equation (a)
________Update particle position according equation (b)
While maximum iterations or minimum error criteria is not attained
计算f(x) = x*x - 20x + 100 的最小值及取最小值时的x
- #include <iostream>
- #include <cmath>
- #include <cstdlib>
- using namespace std;
- #define C1 2
- #define C2 2
- #define VMAX 5.0
- #define MAX_ITERATIONS 100
- float rand01()
- {
- return (float) (rand()/(double)RAND_MAX);
- }
- struct particle{
- float current;
- float pbest;
- };
- float fitness(float x)
- {
- return x*x - 20*x + 100;
- }
- float gbest = 10000;
- struct particle p[5];
- float v[5] = {0};
- void init_particles()
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- p[i].current = -2+i;
- p[i].pbest = p[i].current;
- }
- }
- void find_gbest()
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- if(fitness(gbest) > fitness(p[i].current))
- gbest = p[i].current;
- }
- }
- void adjust_v()
- {
- int i ;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- v[i] = v[i] + C1*rand01()*(p[i].pbest - p[i].current) + C2*rand01()*(gbest - p[i].current);
- if(v[i] > VMAX)
- v[i] = VMAX;
- }
- }
- void pso()
- {
- int i,iter_num;
- iter_num = 1;
- while(iter_num < MAX_ITERATIONS)
- {
- /*for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- cout <<"p"<<i<<":current "<<p[i].current<<" pbest "<<p[i].pbest<<endl;
- }
- cout <<"gbest:"<<gbest<<endl;
- cout <<endl;
- getchar();*/
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- {
- if(fitness(p[i].current) < fitness(p[i].pbest))
- p[i].pbest = p[i].current;
- }
- find_gbest();
- adjust_v();
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- p[i].current += v[i];
- iter_num ++;
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- init_particles();
- pso();
- printf("After %d iterations,gbest is %f ",MAX_ITERATIONS,gbest);
- return 0;
- }
- After 1 iterations
- p0:current -2 pbest -2
- p1:current -1 pbest -1
- p2:current 0 pbest 0
- p3:current 1 pbest 1
- p4:current 2 pbest 2
- gbest:10000
- After 2 iterations
- p0:current 1.15506 pbest -2
- p1:current 3.79064 pbest -1
- p2:current 0.790205 pbest 0
- p3:current 2.53646 pbest 1
- p4:current 2 pbest 2
- gbest:2
- After 3 iterations
- p0:current 6.15506 pbest 1.15506
- p1:current 8.58128 pbest 3.79064
- p2:current 5.79021 pbest 0.790205
- p3:current 5.87216 pbest 2.53646
- p4:current 4.17373 pbest 2
- gbest:3.79064
- After 4 iterations
- p0:current 11.1551 pbest 6.15506
- p1:current 13.3719 pbest 8.58128
- p2:current 10.7902 pbest 5.79021
- p3:current 9.79741 pbest 5.87216
- p4:current 8.27141 pbest 4.17373
- gbest:8.58128
- After 5 iterations
- p0:current 13.8766 pbest 11.1551
- p1:current 10.1764 pbest 8.58128
- p2:current 14.7492 pbest 10.7902
- p3:current 13.7227 pbest 9.79741
- p4:current 13.2714 pbest 8.27141
- gbest:9.79741
- After 6 iterations
- p0:current 8.03327 pbest 11.1551
- p1:current 6.98078 pbest 10.1764
- p2:current 13.2414 pbest 10.7902
- p3:current 4.78856 pbest 9.79741
- p4:current 11.6974 pbest 8.27141
- gbest:10.1764
- After 7 iterations
- p0:current 5.84287 pbest 11.1551
- p1:current 9.25245 pbest 10.1764
- p2:current 5.23059 pbest 10.7902
- p3:current -3.28694 pbest 9.79741
- p4:current 9.93147 pbest 11.6974
- gbest:10.1764
本文出自 “牛哥的博客” 博客,请务必保留此出处http://nxlhero.blog.51cto.com/962631/734212