### here first to check the existence of the focal mechanism event file in the NDK directory, ### if existence, mostly useful for the waveforms inversion,if not,download the event quakeml from ### iris without focal mechanism. Then download the data from IRIS and GFZ, and before run, should ### update the username and password for the restricted data. ### ### wget --post-file /data2/yjgao/token.asc -O cred.txt ### Yajian Gao, 2017,12,26,GFZ from obspy import read_events from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client from obspy import UTCDateTime import os import sys import datetime import obspy from pathlib import Path import os.path from obspy.clients.fdsn.mass_downloader import CircularDomain, Restrictions, MassDownloader from obspy.clients.seedlink.easyseedlink import create_client #def handle_data(trace): #print('Received the following trace:') #print(trace) #print() #client = create_client('', on_data=handle_data) client = Client("IRIS") if len(sys.argv) != 8: sys.exit("Usage: python %s year month day hour:minute:seconds eventid evla evlo"% sys.argv[0]) year,month,day,origin,eventid,evla,evlo = sys.argv[1:] hour,minute,second=origin.split(':') #############################################download quakeml from IRIS without FOCAL MECHANISM EVENTFILENAME='C'+str(year)+str(month)+str(day)+str(hour)+str(minute)+'A.ndk' PATH="../NDK/"+str(EVENTFILENAME) print(PATH) ts=os.path.exists(PATH) if ts== True: print(ts) cat = obspy.read_events("../NDK/"+str(EVENTFILENAME)) print(cat)
cmd,并进入桌面(取决于下载数据的脚本在哪里) ,例:cd C:UsersDesktop
输入下载命令:python 2018 09 28 10:02:45 eventid evla evlo