Given two integer arrays
, and the integerd
, return the distance value between the two arrays.The distance value is defined as the number of elements
such that there is not any elementarr2[j]
where|arr1[i]-arr2[j]| <= d
.Example 1:
Input: arr1 = [4,5,8], arr2 = [10,9,1,8], d = 2 Output: 2 Explanation: For arr1[0]=4 we have: |4-10|=6 > d=2 |4-9|=5 > d=2 |4-1|=3 > d=2 |4-8|=4 > d=2 For arr1[1]=5 we have: |5-10|=5 > d=2 |5-9|=4 > d=2 |5-1|=4 > d=2 |5-8|=3 > d=2 For arr1[2]=8 we have: |8-10|=2 <= d=2 |8-9|=1 <= d=2 |8-1|=7 > d=2 |8-8|=0 <= d=2Example 2:
Input: arr1 = [1,4,2,3], arr2 = [-4,-3,6,10,20,30], d = 3 Output: 2Example 3:
Input: arr1 = [2,1,100,3], arr2 = [-5,-2,10,-3,7], d = 6 Output: 1Constraints:
1 <= arr1.length, arr2.length <= 500
-10^3 <= arr1[i], arr2[j] <= 10^3
0 <= d <= 100
class Solution(object): def findTheDistanceValue(self, arr1, arr2, d): """ :type arr1: List[int] :type arr2: List[int] :type d: int :rtype: int """ res = 0 for i in arr1: flag = True for j in arr2: if abs(i-j) <= d: flag = False break if flag:res += 1 return res