/*===============插入源程序開始==================*/ CREATE procedure sp_GenInsert @TableName varchar(130), @ProcedureName varchar(130) as set nocount on declare @maxcol int, @TableID int set @TableID = object_id(@TableName) select @maxcol = max(colorder) from syscolumns where id = @TableID select 'Create Procedure ' + rtrim(@ProcedureName) as type,0 as colorder into #tempproc union select convert(char(35),'@' + syscolumns.name) + rtrim(systypes.name) + case when rtrim(systypes.name) in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') then '(' + rtrim(convert(char(4),syscolumns.length)) + ')' when rtrim(systypes.name) not in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') then ' ' end + case when colorder < @maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then ' ' end as type, colorder from syscolumns join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype where id = @TableID and systypes.name <> 'sysname' union select 'AS',@maxcol + 1 as colorder union select 'INSERT INTO ' + @TableName,@maxcol + 2 as colorder union select '(',@maxcol + 3 as colorder union select syscolumns.name + case when colorder < @maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then ' ' end as type, colorder + @maxcol + 3 as colorder from syscolumns join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype where id = @TableID and systypes.name <> 'sysname' union select ')',(2 * @maxcol) + 4 as colorder union select 'VALUES',(2 * @maxcol) + 5 as colorder union select '(',(2 * @maxcol) + 6 as colorder union select '@' + syscolumns.name + case when colorder < @maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then ' ' end as type, colorder + (2 * @maxcol + 6) as colorder from syscolumns join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype where id = @TableID and systypes.name <> 'sysname' union select ')',(3 * @maxcol) + 7 as colorder order by colorder select type from #tempproc order by colorder drop table #tempproc /*===============修改源程序結束==================*/ GO /*===============修改源程序開始==================*/ CREATE procedure sp_GenUpdate @TableName varchar(130), @PrimaryKey varchar(130), @ProcedureName varchar(130) as set nocount on declare @maxcol int, @TableID int set @TableID = object_id(@TableName) select @maxcol = max(colorder) from syscolumns where id = @TableID select 'Create Procedure ' + rtrim(@ProcedureName) as type,0 as colorder into #tempproc union select convert(char(35),'@' + syscolumns.name) + rtrim(systypes.name) + case when rtrim(systypes.name) in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') then '(' + rtrim(convert(char(4),syscolumns.length)) + ')' when rtrim(systypes.name) not in ('binary','char','nchar','nvarchar','varbinary','varchar') then ' ' end + case when colorder < @maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then ' ' end as type, colorder from syscolumns join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype where id = @TableID and systypes.name <> 'sysname' union select 'AS',@maxcol + 1 as colorder union select 'UPDATE ' + @TableName,@maxcol + 2 as colorder union select 'SET',@maxcol + 3 as colorder union select syscolumns.name + ' = @' + syscolumns.name + case when colorder < @maxcol then ',' when colorder = @maxcol then ' ' end as type, colorder + @maxcol + 3 as colorder from syscolumns join systypes on syscolumns.xtype = systypes.xtype where id = @TableID and syscolumns.name <> @PrimaryKey and systypes.name <> 'sysname' union select 'WHERE ' + @PrimaryKey + ' = @' + @PrimaryKey,(2 * @maxcol) + 4 as colorder order by colorder select type from #tempproc order by colorder drop table #tempproc /*===============修改源程序結束==================*/ GO