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  • Calculate_and_Insert_Event_Intervals_in_SQL2005_Profiler

    -- The following script is mentioned in the "Modifying a Workload in a Trace Table for Special Needs" section
    -- of Chapter 10. The following example demonstrates an idea of calculating and inserting time delay events
    -- into a trace table.  
    -- Steps:
    -- 1. As a preparation, a SQL Profiler trace has been collected and loaded into a data table named
    --    [myTraceData].[dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001.
    --    To use the script, it is required to collect a trace file and load it into the table. You may want to use
    --    the following statement to load your trace file into the table of [myTraceData] database.
    --       SELECT *
    --       INTO dbo.Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001
    --       FROM ::fn_trace_gettable('c:\temp\myTraceData.trc', default)
    -- 2. Create a new table to store the above trace data with time delay events. In this example, we named the
    --    new trace table as [dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval.
    -- 3. Loop through each of event in the [myTraceData].[dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001 table and do
    --    two things:
    --      a. Insert each event to the table [dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval.
    --      b. Evaluate if there is a time delay between two event. If there is a delay, then insert a calculated
    --         time delay event to the table [dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval.
    -- As a result, the table [dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval will contain original trace
    -- event data with additional time delay events. Using Profiler to reply the newly created trace table, all trace
    -- events will be replayed with realistic timing as the original trace events were collected.
    -- Notes:
    --   1. Modified the RowNumber column to a non identity column to allow inserting entries with time delay
    --   2. Use the script to store trace data from SQL 2005 Profiler only. It is not compatible with SQL 2000 Profiler.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval(
        [RowNumber] [int] NOT NULL,
        [EventClass] [int] NULL,
        [EventSequence] [int] NULL,
        [TextData] [ntext] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [Duration] [bigint] NULL,
        [CPU] [int] NULL,
        [Reads] [bigint] NULL,
        [Writes] [bigint] NULL,
        [ApplicationName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [LoginName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [DatabaseName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [DatabaseID] [int] NULL,
        [ClientProcessID] [int] NULL,
        [HostName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [ServerName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [BinaryData] [image] NULL,
        [SPID] [int] NULL,
        [StartTime] [datetime] NULL,
        [EndTime] [datetime] NULL,
        [IsSystem] [int] NULL,
        [NTDomainName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [NTUserName] [nvarchar](128) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
        [Error] [int] NULL,
        [RowNumber] ASC

    -- 1. Assuming the delay interval is less then 23:59:59:997 (hh:mm:ss:ms)
    -- 2. Modify table names to meet your spefic need
    -- 3. The script will not work with SQL 2000 Profiler trace table data without modifications

    DECLARE @PreviousRow_RowNumber int
    DECLARE @PreviousRow_StartTime datetime
    DECLARE @PreviousRow_EndTime datetime    
    DECLARE @RowNumber int
    DECLARE @EventClass int
    DECLARE @EventSequence int
    DECLARE @TextData nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @Duration bigint
    DECLARE @CPU int
    DECLARE @Reads bigint
    DECLARE @Writes bigint
    DECLARE @ApplicationName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @LoginName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @DatabaseID int
    DECLARE @ClientProcessID int
    DECLARE @HostName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @ServerName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @BinaryData varbinary(max)  
    DECLARE @StartTime datetime
    DECLARE @EndTime datetime  
    DECLARE @IsSystem int
    DECLARE @NTDomainName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @NTUserName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @Error int
    DECLARE @NewEventSequence int
    DECLARE @NewRowNumber int
    DECLARE @EventDelayLoginName nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @EventDelayLoginDefaultDB nvarchar (128)
    DECLARE @DelayCommandStr nvarchar (128)

    SET @NewRowNumber = 0
    SET @NewEventSequence = 1
    SET @EventDelayLoginName = 'ds2000'   -- Change it to an existing login name
    SET @EventDelayLoginDefaultDB = 'DS2' -- Change it to the default DB of the @EventDelayLoginName

    DECLARE TraceEvent_cursor CURSOR FOR
        FROM [myTraceData].[dbo].Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001 -- Change the original trace data table

        OPEN TraceEvent_cursor
        FETCH NEXT FROM TraceEvent_cursor INTO

        WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
            --SELECT @EventSequence
            --SELECT @PreviousRow_EndTime AS PreviousRow_EndTime
            --SELECT @StartTime AS StartTime
            --SELECT DATEDIFF (MS, @PreviousRow_EndTime, @StartTime)

            IF ( (DATEDIFF (MS, @PreviousRow_EndTime, @StartTime) > 0) AND
                 (@EventSequence is not NULL) ) BEGIN

                SELECT @RowNumber
                --PRINT '..............delay.................' +
                --CAST (DATEDIFF (MS, @PreviousRow_EndTime, @StartTime) AS VARCHAR) + ' Milisecond.'
                -- WAITFOR DELAY requires having a time in datetime format, since the WAITFOR DELAY has
                -- a limitation on 24 hours, the easiest way to calculate the delta time is use subtraction.  
                SELECT @DelayCommandStr = 'WAITFOR DELAY ' + '''' +
                    CONVERT (varchar, (@StartTime - @PreviousRow_EndTime),114) + ''''
                INSERT INTO Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval ( -- Change the new trace data table
                VALUES (
                    CASE WHEN (@EventSequence is  NULL) THEN @EventSequence
                    ELSE @NewEventSequence
                    END,  -- New Sequence Number

                SELECT @NewEventSequence = @NewEventSequence + 1
                SELECT @NewRowNumber = @NewRowNumber + 1
            SELECT --@PreviousRow_RowNumber = @RowNumber,
                    @PreviousRow_StartTime = @StartTime,
                    @PreviousRow_EndTime = @EndTime

            INSERT INTO Tracedata_from_SQL2005_Profiler_001_with_Inverval ( -- Change the new trace data table
            VALUES (
                CASE WHEN (@EventSequence is  NULL) THEN @EventSequence
                ELSE @NewEventSequence
                END,  -- New Sequence Number        
            SELECT @NewEventSequence = @NewEventSequence + 1
            SELECT @NewRowNumber = @NewRowNumber + 1

            FETCH NEXT FROM TraceEvent_cursor INTO

    CLOSE TraceEvent_cursor
    DEALLOCATE TraceEvent_cursor
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shihao/p/2513543.html
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