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  • DB2定位锁等待




    #db2 connect to eos
    #export DB2OPTIONS=+C
    #db2 "create table tacy_test (a int not null primary key,b varchar(10))"
    #db2 "insert into tacy_test values(1,'a')"
    #db2 "insert into tacy_test values(2,'a')"
    #db2 "insert into tacy_test values(3,'a')"
    #db2 "insert into tacy_test values(4,'a')"
    #db2 commit


    #db2 connect to eos
    #export DB2OPTIONS=+C

    二、产生一个lock wait


    #db2 "update tacy_test set b='b' where a=4"
    #db2 "update tacy_test set b='c' where a=4"




    #db2pd -db eos -applications
    Database Partition 0 -- Database EOS -- Active -- Up 0 days 07:37:37
    Address    AppHandl [nod-index] NumAgents  CoorPid    Status                  C-AnchID C-StmtUID  L-AnchID L-StmtUID  Appid                           
    0x10140040 8        [000-00008] 1          8425       Lock-wait               80       2          66       1          *LOCAL.db2inst1.071124043739    
    0x100CE540 7        [000-00007] 1          8358       UOW-Waiting             0        0          80       2          *LOCAL.db2inst1.071124043708    



    #db2pd -db eos -locks showlock wait
    Database Partition 0 -- Database EOS -- Active -- Up 0 days 07:42:56
    Address    TranHdl    Lockname                   Type       Mode Sts Owner      Dur HldCnt     Att Rlse
    0x2C8E0760 3          02001806078066020000000052 Row        ..X  W   2          1   0          0   0x0  TbspaceID 2 TableID 1560 RecordID 0x2668007


    TbspaceID 2 TableID 1560 RecordID 0x2668007

    其中TbspaceID为表空间ID,TableID为表的ID,RecordID代表具体位置,全部应该是0x0266807,其中前面三个字节为page number,为0x02668,后面一个字节代表solt identifier,为0x07


    #db2 "select tbspace,tabschema,tabname,tableid,tbspaceid from syscat.tables where tbspaceid=2 and tableid=1560"
    ------------  ----------- ---------- ------- ---------
    USERSPACE1    DB2INST1    TACY_TEST     1560         2
      1 record(s) selected.



    #db2dart eos /dd /tsi 2 /oi 1560 /ps 157312p /np 1 /v y
    Warning: The database state is not consistent.
    Warning: Reorg rows MAY be due to the inconsistent state of the database.
                      DB2DART Processing completed with warning(s)!
                            Complete DB2DART report found in:

    其中tsi为表空间id(2),oi为表id(1560),ps为page number(0x0266807),需要转换为十进制,在结尾必须加p,np代表你要获取的页数,v为是否详细输出


            _______                    DART                   _______ 
       D a t a b a s e   A n a l y s i s   a n d   R e p o r t i n g   T o o l
                               IBM    DB2    6000
    DART (V8.1.0)  Report:
                Database Name: EOS
                Report name: EOS.RPT
                Old report back-up: EOS.BAK
                Database Subdirectory: /opt/db2/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001
                Operational Mode: Database Inspection Only (INSPECT)
    Action option: DD 
    Table-object-ID: 1560; Tablespace-ID: 2; First-page: 157312p; Number-pages: 1; Verbose: y
    Warning: The database state is not consistent.
    Warning: Reorg rows MAY be due to the inconsistent state of the database.
    Connecting to Buffer Pool Services...
       Table object report phase start.
       Dump format is verbose.
             Page 0 of object 1560 from table space 2.
             BPS Page Header:
                         Page Data Offset = 48
                         Page Data Length = 4048
                                 Page LSN = 0000 AE97 AE41
                       Object Page Number = 0
                         Pool Page Number = 157312
                                Object ID = 1560
                              Object Type = Data Object
                   Data Page Header:
                               Slot Count = 8
                         Total Free Space = 2784
                      Total Reserve Space = 0
                   Youngest Reserve Space = n/a
                             Youngest TID = n/a
                        Free Space Offset = 2799
                      Maximum Record Size = 23
                   Data Records:
                Slot 0:
                   Offset Location = 3996  (xF9C)
                   Record Length = 32  (x20)
                   Record Type = Data Object Header Control Record
                      Page count = 1
             Object Creation LSN = 0000 AE97 800C
                    Object State = x0000
              UDI Since Runstats = 0
                      DART Field = x00000000
                Slot 1:
                   Offset Location = 2992  (xBB0)
                   Record Length = 1004  (x3EC)
                   Record Type = Free Space Control Record
                   Free space entries:
                     0:  2884 (x0B44),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC)
                     4:  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC)
                     8:  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC)
                      492:  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC)
                      496:  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC),  4028 (x0FBC)
                Slot 2:
                   Offset Location = 2916  (xB64)
                   Record Length = 76  (x4C)
                   Record Type = Table Directory Record
                      MetaIndex Root Page = 157377
                      Index Type = 2
                      Table Descriptor Pointer  --  Page 157312  Slot 3
                      Max Insert Search = 0
                      Flags = x02000200
                         bit representation = 00000010 00000000 00000010 00000000
                      Check pending info:
                         Constraint status    = x00
                         Constraint RID       = Page 0 Slot 0
                         last BID          = x00000000
                Slot 3:
                   Offset Location = 2892  (xB4C)
                   Record Length = 24  (x18)
                   Record Type = Table Description Record
                      Number of Columns = 2
                      Column 1:
                      Type is Long Integer
                      Length = 4
                      Prohibits NULLs
                      Prohibits Default
                Fixed offset: 0
                      Column 2:
                      Type is Fixed Length Character String
                      Length = 10
                      Allows NULLs
                      Prohibits Default
                Fixed offset: 4
                Slot 4:
                   Offset Location = 2869  (xB35)
                   Record Length = 23  (x17)
                   Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
                   Fixed part length value = 15
                      Column 1:
                Fixed offset: 0
                      Type is Long Integer
                      Value = 1
                      Column 2:
                Fixed offset: 4
                      Type is Fixed Length Character String
                          61202020 20202020 2020                 a               
                Slot 5:
                   Offset Location = 2846  (xB1E)
                   Record Length = 23  (x17)
                   Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
                   Fixed part length value = 15
                      Column 1:
                Fixed offset: 0
                      Type is Long Integer
                      Value = 2
                      Column 2:
                Fixed offset: 4
                      Type is Fixed Length Character String
                          61202020 20202020 2020                 a               
                Slot 6:
                   Offset Location = 2823  (xB07)
                   Record Length = 23  (x17)
                   Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
                   Fixed part length value = 15
                      Column 1:
                Fixed offset: 0
                      Type is Long Integer
                      Value = 3
                      Column 2:
                Fixed offset: 4
                      Type is Fixed Length Character String
                          61202020 20202020 2020                 a               
                Slot 7:
                   Offset Location = 2800  (xAF0)
                   Record Length = 23  (x17)
                   Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
                   Fixed part length value = 15
                      Column 1:
                Fixed offset: 0
                      Type is Long Integer
                      Value = 4
                      Column 2:
                Fixed offset: 4
                      Type is Fixed Length Character String
                          61202020 20202020 2020                 a               
             Slots Summary:  Total=8,  In-use=8,  Deleted=0.
       Table object report phase end.
                      DB2DART Processing completed with warning(s)!
                         Warning(s) detected during processing.
                            Complete DB2DART report found in:
        _______    D A R T    P R O C E S S I N G    C O M P L E T E    _______

    找到Solt 7 (0x07),ok,你现在可以清楚的知道应用等待的Row为(4,a)



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sideny/p/3385595.html
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