Strateties running inside the backtrader do mostly deal with datas and indicators.
Datas are added to Cerebro instances and end up being part of the input of strategies (parsed and served as attributes of the instance) whereas Indicators are declared and managed by the Strategy itself.
All backtrader sample charts have so far had 3 things which seem to be taken for granted because they are not declared anywhere:
Cash and Value (what’s happening with the money in the broker)
Trades (aka Operations)
Buy/Sell Orders
They are Observers
and exist within the submodule backtrader.observers
. They are there because Cerebro supports a parameter to automatically add (or not) them to the Strategy
import backtrader as bt ... cerebro = bt.Cerebro() # default kwarg: stdstats=True cerebro.addobserver(backtrader.observers.Broker) cerebro.addobserver(backtrader.observers.Trades) cerebro.addobserver(backtrader.observers.BuySell)
Let’s see the usual chart with those 3 default observers (even if no order is issued and therefore no trade happens and there is no change to the cash and portfolio value)
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import backtrader as bt import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds if __name__ == '__main__': cerebro = bt.Cerebro(stdstats=True) cerebro.addstrategy(bt.Strategy) data = bt.feeds.BacktraderCSVData(dataname='../datas/2006-day-001.txt') cerebro.adddata(data) cerebro.run() cerebro.plot()
Now let’s change the value of stdstats
to False
when creating the Cerebro instance (can also be done when invoking run
cerebro = bt.Cerebro(stdstats=False)
Accesing the Observers
The Observers as seen above are already there in the default case and collecting information which can be used for statistical purposes and that’s why acess to the observers can be done through an attribute of the strategy called:
It is simply a placeholder. If we recall the addition of one of the default Observers as laid out above:
... cerebro.addobserver(backtrader.observers.Broker) ...
The obvious question would be how to access the Broker
observer. Here for example how it’s done from the next
method of a strategy:
class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy): def next(self): if self.stats.broker.value[0] < 1000.0: print('WHITE FLAG ... I LOST TOO MUCH') elif self.stats.broker.value[0] > 10000000.0: print('TIME FOR THE VIRGIN ISLANDS ....!!!')
The Broker
observer just like a Data, an Indicator and the Strategy itself is also a Lines
objects. In this case the Broker
has 2 lines:
cash value
Observer Implementation
The implementation is very similar to that of an Indicator:
class Broker(Observer): alias = ('CashValue',) lines = ('cash', 'value') plotinfo = dict(plot=True, subplot=True) def next(self): self.lines.cash[0] = self._owner.broker.getcash() self.lines.value[0] = value = self._owner.broker.getvalue()
Derive from
(and not fromIndicator
) - 继承与
) -
Declare lines and params as needed (
has 2 lines but no params) - 根据需要声明行和参数(
) -
There will be an automatic attribute
which is the strategy holding the observer - 将有一个自动属性_owner,它是容纳观察者的策略
- 这个真的有意思,observer在strategy.stats里面,但strategy却在observer_owner里面
Observers come in action:
After all Indicators have been calculated
- 在所有的指标计算完成
After the Strategy
method has been executed - 然后策略的next方法开始被执行
That means: at the end of the cycle … they observe what has happened
- 这意味在一个循环的最后,观察者发生了什么
In the Broker
case it’s simply blindly recording the broker cash and portfolio values at each point in time.
Adding Observers to the Strategy
As already pointed out above, Cerebro is using the stdstats
parameter to decide whether to add 3 default Observers, alleviating the work of the end user.
Adding other Observers to the mix is possible, be it along the stdstats
or removing those.
Let’s go for the usual strategy which buys when the close
price goes above a SimpleMovingAverage
and sells if the opposite is true.
With one “addition”:
- DrawDown which is an already existing observer in the
ecosystem - 在回溯交易生态系统中已经存在的一个观察者
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import argparse import datetime import os.path import time import sys import backtrader as bt import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds import backtrader.indicators as btind class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = (('smaperiod', 15),) def log(self, txt, dt=None): ''' Logging function fot this strategy''' dt = dt or self.data.datetime[0] if isinstance(dt, float): dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt)) def __init__(self):
The visual output shows the evolution of the drawdown
And part of the text output:
... 2006-12-14T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-15T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.22 2006-12-15T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-18T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.00 2006-12-18T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-19T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.00 2006-12-19T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-20T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.10 2006-12-20T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-21T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.39 2006-12-21T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-22T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.21 2006-12-22T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-27T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.28 2006-12-27T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-28T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.65 2006-12-28T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62 2006-12-29T23:59:59+00:00, DrawDown: 0.06 2006-12-29T23:59:59+00:00, MaxDrawDown: 2.62
class DrawDown(Observer): '''This observer keeps track of the current drawdown level (plotted) and the maxdrawdown (not plotted) levels Params: - ``fund`` (default: ``None``) If ``None`` the actual mode of the broker (fundmode - True/False) will be autodetected to decide if the returns are based on the total net asset value or on the fund value. See ``set_fundmode`` in the broker documentation Set it to ``True`` or ``False`` for a specific behavior ''' _stclock = True params = ( ('fund', None), ) lines = ('drawdown', 'maxdrawdown',) plotinfo = dict(plot=True, subplot=True) plotlines = dict(maxdrawdown=dict(_plotskip=True,)) def __init__(self): kwargs = self.p._getkwargs() self._dd = self._owner._addanalyzer_slave(bt.analyzers.DrawDown, **kwargs) def next(self): self.lines.drawdown[0] = self._dd.rets.drawdown # update drawdown self.lines.maxdrawdown[0] = self._dd.rets.max.drawdown # update max
As seen in the text output and in the code, the DrawDown
observer has actually 2 lines:
从文本输出的代码中可以看到,DrawDown observer实际上有两行:
The choice is not to plot the maxdrawdown
line, but make it is still available to the user.
Actually the last value of maxdrawdown
is also available in a direct attribute (not a line) with the name of maxdd
Developing Observers
The implementation of the Broker
observer was shown above. To produce a meaningful observer, the implementation can use the following information:
is the currently strategy being executed - self._owner是当前正在执行的策略
As such anything within the strategy is available to the observer
- 因此,策略中的任何东西都可供观察者使用
Default internal things available in the strategy which may be useful:
- 策略中可用的默认内部信息可能有用
-> attribute giving access to the broker instance the strategy creates order against- 这个策略创造了broker属性,通过broker能够访问beoker实例
As seen in
, cash and portfolio values are collected by invoking the methodsgetcash
- 如Broker中所示,现金和投资组合价值是通过调用getcash和getvalue方法来收集的
-> list orders created by the strategy and for which the broker has notified an event to the strategy.- _orderspending->列出由策略创建的、broker已将事件通知策略的订单。
observer traverses the list looking for orders which have executed (totally or partially) to create an average execution price for the given point in time (index 0) -
-> list of trades (a set of completed buy/sell or sell/buy pairs) which is compiled from the buy/sell orders_tradespending
An Observer can obviously access other observers over the self._owner.stats
Custom OrderObserver
The standard BuySell
observer does only care about operations which have executed. We can create an observer which shows when orders where created and if they expired.
For the sake of visibility the display will not be plotted along the price but on a separate axis.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import math import backtrader as bt class OrderObserver(bt.observer.Observer): lines = ('created', 'expired',) plotinfo = dict(plot=True, subplot=True, plotlinelabels=True) plotlines = dict( created=dict(marker='*', markersize=8.0, color='lime', fillstyle='full'), expired=dict(marker='s', markersize=8.0, color='red', fillstyle='full') ) def next(self): for order in self._owner._orderspending: if order.data is not self.data: continue if not order.isbuy(): continue # Only interested in "buy" orders, because the sell orders # in the strategy are Market orders and will be immediately # executed if order.status in [bt.Order.Accepted, bt.Order.Submitted]: self.lines.created[0] = order.created.price elif order.status in [bt.Order.Expired]: self.lines.expired[0] = order.created.price
The custom observer only cares about buy orders, because this is a stratey which only buys to try to make a profit. Sell orders are Market orders and will be executed immediately.
The Close-SMA CrossOver strategy is changed to:
Create a Limit order with a price below 1.0% the close price at the moment of the signal
- 创建一个价格低于信号时刻收盘价1.0%的限价单
A validity for the order of 7 (calendar) days
- 订单有效期为7(日历)天
The resulting chart.
Several orders have expired as can be seen in the new subchart (red squares) and we can also appreciate that between “creation” and “execution” several days happen to be.
Starting with commit 1560fa8802 in the development
branch if price is unset at the time of order creation, the closing price will be used as the reference price.
从开发分支中的commit 1560fa8802开始,如果在创建订单时价格未设置,则收盘价将用作参考价格。
This has no impact in Market orders but keeps order.create.price
usable at all times and eases up the usage of buy
Finally the code for this strategy which applies the new observer
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals) import datetime import backtrader as bt import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds import backtrader.indicators as btind from orderobserver import OrderObserver class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy): params = ( ('smaperiod', 15), ('limitperc', 1.0), ('valid', 7), ) def log(self, txt, dt=None): ''' Logging function fot this strategy''' dt = dt or self.data.datetime[0] if isinstance(dt, float): dt = bt.num2date(dt) print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt)) def notify_order(self, order): if order.status in [order.Submitted, order.Accepted]: # Buy/Sell order submitted/accepted to/by broker - Nothing to do self.log('ORDER ACCEPTED/SUBMITTED', dt=order.created.dt) self.order = order return if order.status in [order.Expired]: self.log('BUY EXPIRED') elif order.status in [order.Completed]: if order.isbuy(): self.log( 'BUY EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' % (order.executed.price, order.executed.value, order.executed.comm)) else: # Sell self.log('SELL EXECUTED, Price: %.2f, Cost: %.2f, Comm %.2f' % (order.executed.price, order.executed.value, order.executed.comm)) # Sentinel to None: new orders allowed self.order = None def __init__(self): # SimpleMovingAverage on main data # Equivalent to -> sma = btind.SMA(self.data, period=self.p.smaperiod) sma = btind.SMA(period=self.p.smaperiod) # CrossOver (1: up, -1: down) close / sma self.buysell = btind.CrossOver(self.data.close, sma, plot=True) # Sentinel to None: new ordersa allowed self.order = None def next(self): if self.order: # pending order ... do nothing return # Check if we are in the market if self.position: if self.buysell < 0: self.log('SELL CREATE, %.2f' % self.data.close[0]) self.sell() elif self.buysell > 0: plimit = self.data.close[0] * (1.0 - self.p.limitperc / 100.0) valid = self.data.datetime.date(0) + datetime.timedelta(days=self.p.valid) self.log('BUY CREATE, %.2f' % plimit) self.buy(exectype=bt.Order.Limit, price=plimit, valid=valid) def runstrat(): cerebro = bt.Cerebro() data = bt.feeds.BacktraderCSVData(dataname='../datas/2006-day-001.txt') cerebro.adddata(data) cerebro.addobserver(OrderObserver) cerebro.addstrategy(MyStrategy) cerebro.run() cerebro.plot() if __name__ == '__main__': runstrat()
Saving/Keeping the statistics
As of now backtrader
has not implemented any mechanism to track the values of observers storing them into files. The best way to do it:
Open a file in the
method of the strategy - 在策略的start方法中打开一个文件
Write the values down in the
method of the strategy - 在策略的next方法中写下这些值
Considering the DrawDown
observer, it could be done like this:
class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy): def start(self): self.mystats = open('mystats.csv', 'wb') self.mystats.write('datetime,drawdown, maxdrawdown ') def next(self): self.mystats.write(self.data.datetime.date(0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) self.mystats.write(',%.2f' % self.stats.drawdown.drawdown[-1]) self.mystats.write(',%.2f' % self.stats.drawdown.maxdrawdown-1]) self.mystats.write(' ')
To save the values of index 0, once all observers have been processed a custom observer which writes to a file could be added as the last observer to the system to save values to a csv file.