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  • 图像处理 之 Canny 算子

    function [eout,thresh] = canny(varargin)
    %canny:Find edges in intensity image.
    %canny takes an intensity image I as its input, and returns a binary image
    % BW of the same size as I, with 1's where the function finds edges in I
    % and 0's elsewhere.
    % The Canny method finds edges by looking for local maxima of the
    % gradient of I. The gradient is calculated using the derivative of a
    % Gaussian filter. The method uses two thresholds, to detect strong
    % and weak edges, and includes the weak edges in the output only if
    % they are connected to strong edges. This method is therefore less
    % likely than the others to be "fooled" by noise, and more likely to
    % detect true weak edges.
    % Canny Method
    % ----------------------------
    % BW = canny(I) specifies the Canny method.
    % BW = canny(I,THRESH) specifies sensitivity thresholds for the
    % Canny method. THRESH is a two-element vector in which the first element
    % is the low threshold, and the second element is the high threshold. If
    % you specify a scalar for THRESH, this value is used for the high
    % threshold and 0.4*THRESH is used for the low threshold. If you do not
    % specify THRESH, or if THRESH is empty ([]), EDGE chooses low and high
    % values automatically.
    % BW = canny(I,THRESH,SIGMA) specifies the Canny method, using
    % SIGMA as the standard deviation of the Gaussian filter. The default
    % SIGMA is 1; the size of the filter is chosen automatically, based
    % on SIGMA.
    % [BW,thresh] = canny(I,...) returns the threshold values as a
    % two-element vector.
    % Class Support
    % -------------
    % I can be of class uint8, uint16, or double. BW is of class uint8.
    % Example
    % -------
    % Find the edges of the rice.tif image using the Prewitt and Canny
    % methods:
    % I = imread('rice.tif');
    % BW2 = canny(I);
    % Clay M. Thompson 10-8-92
    % Revised by Chris Griffin, 1996,1997
    % Copyright 1993-1998 The MathWorks, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    % $Revision: 5.14 $ $Date: 1998/12/17 17:20:14 $

    // 取得输入参数 --> 实际上,为参数分配空间
    [a,thresh,sigma,H,kx,ky] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});

    % %变成双精度强度图像

    if isa(a, 'uint8') | isa(a, 'uint16')
    a = im2double(a);

    m = size(a,1); 宽
    n = size(a,2); 高

    rr = 2:m-1; cc=2:n-1; //没用到这二个

    % 建一个 m*n 的矩阵,并置0
    e = repmat(logical(uint8(0)), m, n);

    % Magic numbers 应该是阀值

    GaussianDieOff = .0001;
    PercentOfPixelsNotEdges = .7; % Used for selecting thresholds
    ThresholdRatio = .4; % Low thresh is this fraction of the high.

    % Design the filters - a gaussian and its derivative

    // 设计高斯滤波器--具体方式自己查下吧! 参数放在了 gau,dgau上面
    pw = 1:30; % possible widths
    ssq = sigma*sigma;
    width = max(find(exp(-(pw.*pw)/(2*sigma*sigma))>GaussianDieOff));
    if isempty(width)
    width = 1; % the user entered a really small sigma
    t = (-width);
    len = 2*width+1;
    t3 = [t-.5; t; t+.5]; % We will average values at t-.5, t, t+.5
    gau = sum(exp(-(t3.*t3)/(2*ssq))).'/(6*pi*ssq); % the gaussian 1-d filter
    dgau = (-t.* exp(-(t.*t)/(2*ssq))/ ssq).'; % derivative of a gaussian

    % Convolve the filters with the image in each direction
    % The canny edge detector first requires convolutions with
    % the gaussian, and then with the derivitave of a gauusian.
    % I convolve the filters first and then make a call to conv2
    % to do the convolution down each column.

    ra = size(a,1);
    ca = size(a,2);
    ay = 255*a;
    ax = 255*a';

    h = conv(gau,dgau); %得取了传递函数
    ax = conv2(ax, h, 'same').';
    ay = conv2(ay, h, 'same');
    mag = sqrt((ax.*ax) + (ay.*ay));
    magmax = max(mag(:));
    if magmax>0
    mag = mag / magmax; % normalize
    %mag 中存的是 通过高斯核卷积, 后的值

    // 下面是高,低阀值的计算: 结果放到 thresh 中去

    % Select the thresholds 选择阈值
    if isempty(thresh)
    [counts,x]=imhist(mag, 64);
    highThresh = min(find(cumsum(counts) > PercentOfPixelsNotEdges*m*n)) / 64;
    lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*highThresh;
    thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];
    elseif length(thresh)==1
    highThresh = thresh;
    if thresh>=1
    error('The threshold must be less than 1.');
    lowThresh = ThresholdRatio*thresh;
    thresh = [lowThresh highThresh];
    elseif length(thresh)==2
    lowThresh = thresh(1);
    highThresh = thresh(2);
    if (lowThresh >= highThresh) | (highThresh >= 1)
    error('Thresh must be [low high], where low < high < 1.');

    // 下面进行,计算弱边缘

    % The next step is to do the non-maximum supression.
    % We will accrue indices which specify ON pixels in strong edgemap
    % The array e will become the weak edge map.
    idxStrong = [];
    for dir = 1:4
    idxLocalMax = cannyFindLocalMaxima(dir,ax,ay,mag); // 调用了子函数
    idxWeak = idxLocalMax(mag(idxLocalMax) > lowThresh);
    idxStrong = [idxStrong; idxWeak(mag(idxWeak) > highThresh)];

    rstrong = rem(idxStrong-1, m)+1;
    cstrong = floor((idxStrong-1)/m)+1;
    e = bwselect(e, cstrong, rstrong, 8);
    e = bwmorph(e, 'thin', 1); % Thin double (or triple) pixel wide contours

    if nargout==0,
    eout = e;

    % Local Function : cannyFindLocalMaxima
    % 得到梯度各个方向上的一阶导数的局部极大值点
    function idxLocalMax = cannyFindLocalMaxima(direction,ix,iy,mag);
    % This sub-function helps with the non-maximum supression in the Canny
    % edge detector. The input parameters are:
    % direction - the index of which direction the gradient is pointing, 方向
    % read from the diagram below. direction is 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    % ix - input image filtered by derivative of gaussian along x
    % iy - input image filtered by derivative of gaussian along y
    % mag - the gradient magnitude image 梯度图像
    % there are 4 cases:
    % The X marks the pixel in question, and each
    % 3 2 of the quadrants for the gradient vector
    % O----0----0 fall into two cases, divided by the 45
    % 4 | | 1 degree line. In one case the gradient
    % | | vector is more horizontal, and in the other
    % O X O it is more vertical. There are eight
    % | | divisions, but for the non-maximum supression
    % (1)| |(4) we are only worried about 4 of them since we
    % O----O----O use symmetric points about the center pixel.
    % (2) (3)

    [m,n,o] = size(mag);

    % Find the indices of all points whose gradient (specified by the vector (ix,iy)) is going in the direction we're looking at.

    // 查出四种情况的点,放到 idx 中去
    switch direction
    case 1
    idx = find((iy<=0 & ix>-iy) | (iy>=0 & ix<-iy));
    case 2
    idx = find((ix>0 & -iy>=ix) | (ix<0 & -iy<=ix));
    case 3
    idx = find((ix<=0 & ix>iy) | (ix>=0 & ix<iy));
    case 4
    idx = find((iy<0 & ix<=iy) | (iy>0 & ix>=iy));

    % Exclude the exterior pixels
    if ~isempty(idx)
    v = mod(idx,m);
    extIdx = find(v==1 | v==0 | idx<=m | (idx>(n-1)*m));
    idx(extIdx) = [];

    ixv = ix(idx);
    iyv = iy(idx);
    gradmag = mag(idx);

    % Do the linear interpolations for the interior pixels
    switch direction
    case 1
    d = abs(iyv./ixv);
    gradmag1 = mag(idx+m).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m-1).*d;
    gradmag2 = mag(idx-m).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m+1).*d;
    case 2
    d = abs(ixv./iyv);
    gradmag1 = mag(idx-1).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m-1).*d;
    gradmag2 = mag(idx+1).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m+1).*d;
    case 3
    d = abs(ixv./iyv);
    gradmag1 = mag(idx-1).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m-1).*d;
    gradmag2 = mag(idx+1).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m+1).*d;
    case 4
    d = abs(iyv./ixv);
    gradmag1 = mag(idx-m).*(1-d) + mag(idx-m-1).*d;
    gradmag2 = mag(idx+m).*(1-d) + mag(idx+m+1).*d;

    idxLocalMax = idx(gradmag>=gradmag1 & gradmag>=gradmag2);

    % Local Function : parse_inputs
    function [I,Thresh,Sigma,H,kx,ky] = parse_inputs(varargin)
    % OUTPUTS:
    % I Image Data
    % Thresh Threshold value 阀值
    % Sigma standard deviation of Gaussian //用来计算高斯滤波器的
    % H Filter for Zero-crossing detection 滤波器对二阶导数过零检测
    % kx,ky From Directionality vector // 方向矢量..估计是外国人想的周全,把你会不会计算单方向都考虑了!


    I = varargin{1};

    % Defaults
    K=[1 1];

    directions = {'both','horizontal','vertical'};

    % Now parse the nargin-1 remaining input arguments
    % Get the rest of the arguments

    Sigma = 1.0; % Default Std dev of gaussian for canny
    threshSpecified = 0; % Threshold is not yet specified
    for i = nonstr
    if prod(size(varargin{i}))==2 & ~threshSpecified
    Thresh = varargin{i};
    threshSpecified = 1;
    elseif prod(size(varargin{i}))==1
    if ~threshSpecified
    Thresh = varargin{i};
    threshSpecified = 1;
    Sigma = varargin{i};
    elseif isempty(varargin{i}) & ~threshSpecified
    % Thresh = [];
    threshSpecified = 1;
    error('Invalid input arguments');

    if Sigma<=0
    error('Sigma must be positive');

    switch Direction
    case 'both',
    kx = K(1); ky = K(2);
    case 'horizontal',
    kx = 0; ky = 1; % Directionality factor
    case 'vertical',
    kx = 1; ky = 0; % Directionality factor
    error('Unrecognized direction string');

    if isrgb(I)
    error('RGB images are not supported. Call RGB2GRAY first.');

    作者微信号: xh66i88
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