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  • 模式识别 之 模糊C均值聚类算法

    完全照抄公式实现,没什么好讲的,有意的大家可以看: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/ee968c00eff9aef8941e06a2.html



    据论文上讲,算法的性能依赖于初始聚类中心。 所以下面这个算法,最好是,半交互,先指定聚类中心! 

    void get_class_mohu_c_junzhi_julei(yangben_t*pYanBeng, int yangbengNum, yangben_t* pCentre,int classNum,double stopThreshold, double m)
    assert(yangbengNum > classNum);

    int teZhengNum = pYanBeng[0].iTeZhengNum;

    CString strLog;

    // for (int n=0; n<yangbengNum; n++)
    // {
    // for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    // {
    // pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i];
    // CString tmp;
    // tmp.Format(" %7.3f ", pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i]);
    // strLog += tmp;
    // }
    // strLog += "\n\r";
    // }

    ////// 数据预处理 -- 归一化

    yangben_t minYanBeng;
    yangben_t maxYanBeng;

    // 1. 取出最大最小值
    for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    double minVal = pYanBeng[0].pTeZheng[i];
    double maxVal = pYanBeng[0].pTeZheng[i];

    for (int n=1; n<yangbengNum; n++)
    if (pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i] < minVal)
    minVal = pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i];
    if (pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i] > maxVal)
    maxVal = pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i];
    minYanBeng.pTeZheng[i] = minVal;
    maxYanBeng.pTeZheng[i] = maxVal;

    // 2. 归一化
    for (int n=0; n<yangbengNum; n++)
    for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i] = (pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i] - minYanBeng.pTeZheng[i])/(maxYanBeng.pTeZheng[i] - minYanBeng.pTeZheng[i]);


    // for (int n=0; n<yangbengNum; n++)
    // {
    // for (int t=0; t<teZhengNum; t++)
    // {
    // pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[t] = pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[t] * (maxYanBeng.pTeZheng[t] - minYanBeng.pTeZheng[t]) + minYanBeng.pTeZheng[t];
    // }
    // }

    // 归一化后的数据
    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "归一化数据\n\r";
    for (int n=0; n<yangbengNum; n++)
    for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    CString tmp;
    tmp.Format(" %7.5f ", pYanBeng[n].pTeZheng[i]);
    strLog += tmp;

    strLog += "\n\r";

    yangben_t*pJuLeiCent = pCentre;

    time_t t;

    // 随机聚类中心
    for (int i = 0; i<classNum; i++)
    int index = rand()%yangbengNum;

    pJuLeiCent[i].iTeZhengNum = pYanBeng[index].iTeZhengNum;
    for (int k=0; k<pYanBeng[index].iTeZhengNum; k++)
    pJuLeiCent[i].pTeZheng[k] = pYanBeng[index].pTeZheng[k];


    // 申请隶属矩阵
    double *pLiShu = new double[yangbengNum * classNum];
    if (pLiShu == NULL) return;

    // 样本到各聚类中心的距离
    double *pJuLi = new double[yangbengNum * classNum];
    if (pJuLi == NULL) return;

    double newSize = 10.0;
    double oldSize = 0.0;

    int loop = 0;
    // 比较价值 -- 如果价值差异过大,则循环
    while( abs(newSize - oldSize) > stopThreshold)
    //while( loop < 50)
    oldSize = newSize;

    // 更新样本到聚类中心的距离
    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    for (int c = 0; c<classNum; c++)
    pJuLi[i*classNum + c] = get_distance_ou(&pYanBeng[i], &pJuLeiCent[c]);

    if (pJuLi[i*classNum + c]<0.000000001)
    pJuLi[i*classNum + c] = 0.000000001;

    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "距离列表\n\r";

    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    for (int c = 0; c<classNum; c++)
    CString tmp;
    tmp.Format(" %7.5f ", pJuLi[i*classNum + c]);
    strLog += tmp;
    strLog += "\n\r";


    // 更新隶属矩阵
    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    for (int c = 0; c<classNum; c++)
    double lishu = 0.0;

    // 并不是完全隶属某一类
    for (int k = 0; k<classNum; k++)
    double tmp = 0.0;

    tmp = ( pJuLi[i*classNum + c] / pJuLi[i*classNum + k] );

    lishu += pow(tmp,2/(m - 1));
    pLiShu[i*classNum + c] = 1.0 / lishu;

    // 隶属矩阵不需要做归一化处理


    // 更新聚类中心

    for (int c=0; c<classNum; c++)
    double tmp = 0.0;
    double sum0 = 0.0;
    yangben_t cenTmp;
    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    tmp = pLiShu[i*classNum + c];
    tmp = pow(tmp,m);
    sum0 += tmp;
    for (int j=0; j<teZhengNum; j++)
    cenTmp.pTeZheng[j] += tmp * pYanBeng[i].pTeZheng[j];


    for (int j=0; j<teZhengNum; j++)
    pJuLeiCent[c].pTeZheng[j] = cenTmp.pTeZheng[j]/sum0;


    strLog = "\n\r";
    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "隶属矩阵\n\r";

    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    CString tmp;
    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int c = 0; c<classNum; c++)
    tmp.Format(" %14.8f ", pLiShu[i*classNum + c]);
    strLog += tmp;

    sum += pLiShu[i*classNum + c];
    tmp.Format(" %14.8f \n\r", sum);
    strLog += tmp;


    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "聚类中心\n\r";

    for (int c=0; c<classNum; c++)
    for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    CString tmp;
    tmp.Format(" %7.5f ", pJuLeiCent[c].pTeZheng[i]);
    strLog += tmp;

    strLog += "\n\r";


    // 更新价值
    newSize = 0.0;
    for (int c=0; c<classNum; c++)
    for (int i=0; i<yangbengNum; i++)
    double tmpLiShu = 0.0;
    double tmpJuLi = 0.0;

    tmpLiShu = pLiShu[i*classNum + c];
    tmpJuLi = pJuLi[i*classNum + c];
    newSize += pow(tmpLiShu,m) * tmpJuLi * tmpJuLi;


    delete [] pJuLi;
    delete [] pLiShu;

    // 把聚类中心--做归一化的逆运算
    for (int c=0; c<classNum; c++)
    for (int t = 0; t<teZhengNum; t++)
    pCentre[c].pTeZheng[t] = pCentre[c].pTeZheng[t] * (maxYanBeng.pTeZheng[t] - minYanBeng.pTeZheng[t]) + minYanBeng.pTeZheng[t];

    strLog = "\n\r";
    strLog += "\n\r";
    strLog += "聚类中心\n\r";

    for (int c=0; c<classNum; c++)
    for (int i=0; i<teZhengNum; i++)
    CString tmp;
    tmp.Format(" %7.5f ", pJuLeiCent[c].pTeZheng[i]);
    strLog += tmp;

    strLog += "\n\r";



    作者微信号: xh66i88
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/signal/p/2860636.html
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