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  • Emmet Documentation ( Abbreviations+CSS Abbreviations )

    Emmet Documentation


    Emmet — the essential toolkit for web-developers



    Abbreviations Syntax


    You can use elements’ names like div or p to generate HTML tags. Emmet doesn’t have a predefined set of available tag names, you can write any word and transform it into a tag: div → <div></div>foo → <foo></foo> and so on.

    Nesting operators

    Child: >

    Sibling: +

    Climb-up: ^

    ...outputs to

    You can use as many ^ operators as you like, each operator will move one level up:


     ...will output to


    Multiplication: *

    Grouping: ()

    Parenthesises are used by Emmets’ power users for grouping subtrees in complex abbreviations:


    ...expands to

                <li><a href=""></a></li>
                <li><a href=""></a></li>

    Attribute operators

    ID and CLASS


    Custom attributes

    td[title="Hello world!" colspan=3]

    Item numbering: $


    Changing numbering base and direction

    For example, to change direction, add @- after $:


    …outputs to

        <li class="item5"></li>
        <li class="item4"></li>
        <li class="item3"></li>
        <li class="item2"></li>
        <li class="item1"></li>

    To change counter base value, add @N modifier to $:


    …transforms to

        <li class="item3"></li>
        <li class="item4"></li>
        <li class="item5"></li>
        <li class="item6"></li>
        <li class="item7"></li>

    You can use these modifiers together:


    …is transformed to

        <li class="item7"></li>
        <li class="item6"></li>
        <li class="item5"></li>
        <li class="item4"></li>
        <li class="item3"></li>

    Text: {}

    Notes on abbreviation formatting

    For example, use spaces between elements and operators, like this:

    (header > ul.nav > li*5) + footer

    But it won’t work, because space is a stop symbol where Emmet stops abbreviation parsing.


    Element types

    In the abbreviations section of snippets.json you can also define aliases: a short-hands for commonly used abbreviations. Aliases can be used to define:

    • short names for long tag names;
    • referencing commonly used abbreviations.

    In snippets.json file, you can find the following definitions:

    "html": {
        "abbreviations": {
            "bq": "blockquote",
            "ol+": "ol>li"


    Implicit tag names

    Here’s how it resolves the names for some parent elements:

    • li for ul and ol
    • tr for tabletbodythead and tfoot
    • td for tr
    • option for select and optgroup

    Take a look at some abbreviations equivalents with implicit and explicit tag names:

    .wrap>.content div.wrap>div.content
    em>.info em>span.info
    ul>.item*3 ul>li.item*3
    table>#row$*4>[colspan=2] table>tr#row$*4>td[colspan=2]


    “Lorem Ipsum” generator

    1 ul.generic-list>lorem10.item*4


    CSS Abbreviations

    How it works?

    First, it looks for a m10 snippet definition in snippets.json. If it’s found, it simply outputs it as a regular snippet. Otherwise, it extracts value from abbreviation.

    When property part is found, resolver searches for the snippet definition in snippets.json. For an m part, it will find "m": "margin:|;" definition (| character is used as a caret position reference when the snippet is expanded).

    Supplying values with units

    By default, when you expand an abbreviation with integer value, Emmet outputs it with a px unit: m10 → margin: 10px;

    If you’re expanding an abbreviation with a float value, it is outputted with an em unit: m1.5 → margin: 1.5em;

    But you can explicitly provide the unit name, just by putting any alpha characters right after value: m1.5ex → margin: 1.5ex;m10foo → margin: 10foo;.

    If you’re explicitly defining units, you don’t need to use hyphens to separate values anymore: m10ex20em → margin: 10ex 20em;m10ex-5 → margin: 10ex -5px;.

    Value aliases

    Emmet has a few aliases for commonly used values:

    • p → %
    • e → em
    • x → ex

    You can use aliases instead of full units:

    • w100p →  100%
    • m10p30e5x → margin: 10% 30em 5ex

    Color values

    Emmet supports hex color values, like this: c#3 → color: #333;

    The # sign is a value separator so you don’t need to use hyphen to separate it. For example, bd5#0s expands to border: 5px #000 solid: the # sign separates color from 5 and since s (alias to solid) is not a hexadecimal character, it can be used without - value separator.

    You can write one, two, three or six characters as color value:

    • #1 → #111111
    • #e0 → #e0e0e0
    • #fc0 → #ffcc00

    Unit-less properties

    Some CSS properties are defined as unit-less, e.g. no unit suffix will be outputted: lh2 → line-height: 2;fw400 → font-weight: 400;.

    These values are: 'z-indexline-heightopacity and font-weight but you can override them with css.unitlessProperties preferences.

    !important modifier


    ...will produce

    padding:  !important;
    margin: 10em !important;

    Vendor prefixes

    How it works?

     For example, for -bdrs abbreviation it will look for a bdrs definition. snippet.json has the following definition:

    "bdrs": "border-radius:|;"

    Add prefixed properties by default

    Explicit vendor prefixed


    Emmet has the following one-letter prefixes:

    • wwebkit
    • mmoz
    • sms
    • oo


    lg( left, #fc0, 30%, red)
    border-image:lg( left, #fc0, 30%, red)

     ...will produce

        background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        background-image: -o-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #fc0, 30%, red);
        -webkit-border-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        -moz-border-image:-moz-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        -o-border-image:-o-linear-gradient(left, #fc0, 30%, red);
        border-image:linear-gradient(to right, #fc0, 30%, red);

    Fallback value

    In preferences, you can enable css.gradient.fallback option to produce a fallback background-color CSS property whenever a gradient definition for background-* CSS property is expanded.

    Fuzzy search

    For example, instead of writing ov:h (overflow: hidden;) abbreviation, you can write ov-hovh or even oh

    Remember that you can always create your own snippets or redefine existing ones to fine-tune fuzzy search experience.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/siluo2000/p/9048370.html
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