// RemoteClient.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h" // added _WIN32_DCOM
#include // get "cout"
#include // get _com_error
#include // get time_t
// extract definitions from server project
#include "..\RemoteServer\RemoteServer.h"
#include "..\RemoteServer\RemoteServer_i.c"
// forward reference for status display method
void ShowStatus( HRESULT hr );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRESULT hr; // COM error code
IGetInfo *pI; // pointer to interface
// Get the server name from user
char name[32];
cout << "Enter Server Name:" << endl;
gets( name );
_bstr_t Server = name;
// remote server info
// Init structures to zero
memset(&cs, 0, sizeof(cs));
// Allocate the server name in the COSERVERINFO struct
cs.pwszName = Server;
// structure for CoCreateInstanceEx
MULTI_QI qi[1];
memset(qi, 0, sizeof(qi));
// initialize COM
hr = CoInitialize(0);
ShowStatus( hr );
// macro to check for success
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// set a low level of security
hr = CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
// init security
ShowStatus( hr );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Fill the qi with a valid interface
qi[0].pIID = &IID_IGetInfo;
// get the interface pointer
hr = CoCreateInstanceEx( CLSID_GetInfo, // clsid NULL,
// outer unknown CLSCTX_SERVER,
// server context &cs, // server info 1,
// size of qi qi ); // MULTI_QI array
ShowStatus( hr );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
BSTR bsName; // Basic style string
// Extract the interface from the MULTI_QI strucure
pI = (IGetInfo*)qi[0].pItf;
// Call a method on the remote server
hr = pI->GetComputerName( &bsName );
ShowStatus( hr );
// Convert name to a printable string
_bstr_t bst( bsName );
cout << "Server Name :" << bst << endl;
// get time from remote computer
time_t tt;
hr = pI->GetTimeT(&tt );
ShowStatus( hr );
// display time_t as a string
cout << "Server Time :" << ctime( &tt ) << endl;
// Release the interface
// Close COM
// Prompt user to continue
cout << "Press ENTER to continue" << endl;
return 0;
// Display detailed status information
void ShowStatus( HRESULT hr )
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
cout << "OK" << endl;
// construct a _com_error using the HRESULT
_com_error e(hr);
char temp[32];
// convert to hexidecimal string and display
sprintf( temp, "0x%x", hr );
cout << "Error : " << temp << endl;
// The hr as a decimal number
cout << "Decimal : " << hr << endl;
// show the 1st 16 bits (SCODE)
cout << "SCODE : " << HRESULT_CODE( hr ) << endl;
// Show facility code as a decimal number
cout << "Facility: " << HRESULT_FACILITY( hr ) << endl;
// Show the severity bit
cout << "Severity: " << HRESULT_SEVERITY( hr ) << endl;
// Use the _com_error object to format a message string. This is
// Much easier then using ::FormatMessage
cout << "Message : " << e.ErrorMessage() << endl;
#include "stdafx.h" // added _WIN32_DCOM
#include // get "cout"
#include // get _com_error
#include // get time_t
// extract definitions from server project
#include "..\RemoteServer\RemoteServer.h"
#include "..\RemoteServer\RemoteServer_i.c"
// forward reference for status display method
void ShowStatus( HRESULT hr );
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
HRESULT hr; // COM error code
IGetInfo *pI; // pointer to interface
// Get the server name from user
char name[32];
cout << "Enter Server Name:" << endl;
gets( name );
_bstr_t Server = name;
// remote server info
// Init structures to zero
memset(&cs, 0, sizeof(cs));
// Allocate the server name in the COSERVERINFO struct
cs.pwszName = Server;
// structure for CoCreateInstanceEx
MULTI_QI qi[1];
memset(qi, 0, sizeof(qi));
// initialize COM
hr = CoInitialize(0);
ShowStatus( hr );
// macro to check for success
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// set a low level of security
hr = CoInitializeSecurity(NULL, -1, NULL, NULL,
// init security
ShowStatus( hr );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Fill the qi with a valid interface
qi[0].pIID = &IID_IGetInfo;
// get the interface pointer
hr = CoCreateInstanceEx( CLSID_GetInfo, // clsid NULL,
// outer unknown CLSCTX_SERVER,
// server context &cs, // server info 1,
// size of qi qi ); // MULTI_QI array
ShowStatus( hr );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
BSTR bsName; // Basic style string
// Extract the interface from the MULTI_QI strucure
pI = (IGetInfo*)qi[0].pItf;
// Call a method on the remote server
hr = pI->GetComputerName( &bsName );
ShowStatus( hr );
// Convert name to a printable string
_bstr_t bst( bsName );
cout << "Server Name :" << bst << endl;
// get time from remote computer
time_t tt;
hr = pI->GetTimeT(&tt );
ShowStatus( hr );
// display time_t as a string
cout << "Server Time :" << ctime( &tt ) << endl;
// Release the interface
// Close COM
// Prompt user to continue
cout << "Press ENTER to continue" << endl;
return 0;
// Display detailed status information
void ShowStatus( HRESULT hr )
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
cout << "OK" << endl;
// construct a _com_error using the HRESULT
_com_error e(hr);
char temp[32];
// convert to hexidecimal string and display
sprintf( temp, "0x%x", hr );
cout << "Error : " << temp << endl;
// The hr as a decimal number
cout << "Decimal : " << hr << endl;
// show the 1st 16 bits (SCODE)
cout << "SCODE : " << HRESULT_CODE( hr ) << endl;
// Show facility code as a decimal number
cout << "Facility: " << HRESULT_FACILITY( hr ) << endl;
// Show the severity bit
cout << "Severity: " << HRESULT_SEVERITY( hr ) << endl;
// Use the _com_error object to format a message string. This is
// Much easier then using ::FormatMessage
cout << "Message : " << e.ErrorMessage() << endl;
// Get the server name from user char name[32]; cout << "Enter Server Name:" << endl; gets( name ); |
该服务器的名字将会被载入到一个COSERVERINFO结构体中。这个结构体需要一个指向宽字符(wide-character)的指针以得到服务器的名字。我们将使用_bstr_t copy构造器来转换该字符,在与BSTRs和宽字符配合时,_bstr_t是一个很有用的类。要注意到COSERVERINFO结构体会通过memset()函数初始化为0。
// remote server info COSERVERINFO cs; // Init structures to zero memset(&cs, 0, sizeof(cs)); // Allocate the server name in the COSERVERINFO struct // use _bstr_t copy constructor cs.pwszName = _bstr_t(name); |
// structure for CoCreateInstanceEx MULTI_QI qi[2]; // Array of structures // set to zero memset(qi, 0, sizeof(qi)); // Fill the qi with a valid interface qi[0].pIID = &IID_IGetInfo; qi[1].pIID = &IID_ISomeOtherInterface; // get the interface pointer hr = CoCreateInstanceEx( CLSID_GetInfo, // clsid NULL, // outer unknown CLSCTX_SERVER, // server context &cs, // server info 2, // size of qi qi ); // MULTI_QI array |
C:\> TRACERT www.iftech.com
Tracing route to www.iftech.com
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 184 ms 169 ms 182 ms ct1.intercenter.net []
2 182 ms 189 ms 188 ms ts-gw1.intercenter.net []
3 195 ms 192 ms 161 ms ilan-gw1.intercenter.net []
4 220 ms 178 ms 206 ms
5 188 ms 207 ms 216 ms
6 196 ms 189 ms 205 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 201 ms 221 ms 197 ms rampart.iftech.com []
9 210 ms 205 ms 192 ms www.iftech.com []
Trace complete.