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  • 2006-7有价值的Kean博客——Calling ObjectARX functions from a .NET Application(PInvoke)

    One of the really compelling features of .NET is its ability to call "legacy" unmanaged C++ APIs. I say "legacy", but we use this facility regularly to call APIs that are far from being considered defunct (the C++ version of ObjectARX is alive and kicking, believe me! :-).

    真正引人注目的特性之一是.NET调用“遗留”非托管c++ api的能力。我说的“遗产”,但我们使用该机制来调用api远非证明这个东西已经死了(c++版本ObjectARX活蹦乱跳的,相信我!:-)。

    Autodesk understands that our development partners have invested many years in application development, and can't afford to throw that investment away to support the latest & greatest (and sometimes "flavor of the month") programming technology. For example, over the years we've made sure it was possible to create a VB or VBA user-interface for an existing LISP application or now a .NET user-interface for an ObjectARX application. Sometimes we expose our own interoperability functions to help with this (such as LISP functions to call ActiveX DLLs), and in other cases we advise people on how best to leverage standard Microsoft platform technologies.

    Autodesk明白我们的发展伙伴多年投入在应用程序开发中,并且不能为了支持最新的和最伟大的编程技术而抛弃他们之前的投入。例如,多年来我们尽可能来为现有的LISP程序创建VB或VBA用户接口以保证或是现在为ObjectARX应用程序提供.NET的用户接口。有时我们暴露自己的互操作性的功能来帮助用户(如LISP函数调用ActiveX dll),而在其他情况下,我们建议人们如何利用微软平台技术标准。

    So... how do you call an ObjectARX function from VB.NET? The answer is Platform Invoke (or P/Invoke for short). Microsoft has not exposed the full functionality of the Win32 API through the .NET Framework - just as Autodesk has not exposed all of ObjectARX through AutoCAD's Managed API - but P/Invoke helps you get around this.

    所以…你怎么从VB.NET调用一个ObjectARX函数?答案是平台调用(简称P / Invoke)。微软尚未经由.NET Framework暴露的Win32 API的完整的功能。就像欧特克并没有暴露ObjectARX通过AutoCAD的所有管理API一样,但P / Invoke帮助你绕过这个限制。

    First, some background on what ObjectARX really is, and how P/Invoke can help us.

    首先,是一些关于ObjectARX到底是一个东西的背景,以及P / Invoke如何帮助我们。

    ObjectARX is a set of APIs that are exported from DLLs or EXEs. Most exported functions get "decorated" or "mangled" during compilation, unless there is a specific compiler directive not to (this is the case for all the old ADS functions, for instance - they are declared as extern "C" and are therefore not mangled). The compiler assigns a unique name based on the function signature, which makes sense: it is quite legal in C++ to have two functions with the same name, but not with identical arguments and return values. The decorated name includes the full function name inside it, which is why the below technique for finding the correct export works.



    Note: this technique works well for C-style functions, or C++ static functions. It will not work on instance members (methods of classes), as it is not possible to instantiate an unmanaged object of the class that defines the class from managed code. If you need to expose a class method to managed code, you will need to write & expose some native C++ code that instantiates the class, calls the method and returns the result. ]


    To demonstrate the procedure we're going to work through the steps needed to call acedGetUserFavoritesDir() from C# and VB.NET.


    This function is declared in the ObjectARX headers as:

    extern Adesk::Boolean acedGetUserFavoritesDir( ACHAR* szFavoritesDir );

    According to the ObjectARX Reference, "this function provides access to the Windows Favorites directory of the current user."


    Step 1 - Identify the location of the export.

    Fenton Webb, from DevTech EMEA, provided this handy batch file he uses for just this purpose:

    [ Copy and paste this into a file named "findapi.bat", which you then place this into your AutoCAD application folder. You will need to run findapi from a command prompt which knows where to find dumpbin.exe - the Visual Studio Command Prompts created on installing VS will help you with this. ]

    这个复制并粘贴到一个文件名为“findapi.bat”的文件中,然后把这个到cad应用程序文件夹中。你需要从命令提示符运行findapi知道找到dumpbin.exe - Visual Studio命令提示上创建安装VS将帮助你解决这个问题

    @echo off
    if "%1" == "" goto usage
    for %%i IN (*.exe *.dll *.arx *.dbx *.ocx *.ddf) DO dumpbin /exports %%i | findstr "%%i %1"
    goto end
    echo findapi "function name"


    You can redirect the output into a text file, of course, for example:

    C:Program FilesAutoCAD 2007>findapi acedGetUserFavoritesDir > results.txt

    It'll take some time to work, as this batch file chunks through all the DLLs, EXEs, etc. in the AutoCAD application folder to find the results (it doesn't stop when it finds one, either - this enhancement is left as an exercise for the reader ;-).


    Opening the text file will allow you to see where the acedGetUserFavoritesDir() function is exported:

    [ from the results for AutoCAD 2007 ]
    Dump of file acad.exe
            436  1B0 004B4DC0 ?acedGetUserFavoritesDir@@YAHPA_W@Z

    A word of warning: the decorated names for functions accepting/returning strings changed between AutoCAD 2006 and 2007, because we are now using Unicode for string definition. Here is the previous declaration for 2004/2005/2006 (which was probably valid for as long as the function was defined, back in AutoCAD 2000i, if I recall correctly):

    函数接受的装饰名称/返回字符串AutoCAD 2006年和2007年之间的变化,因为我们现在使用Unicode字符串的定义。这是以前申报2004/2005/2006(可能是在函数定义,只要有效在AutoCAD 2000我,如果我没记错的话):

    [ from the results for AutoCAD 2006 ]
    Dump of file acad.exe
            357  161 00335140 ?acedGetUserFavoritesDir@@YAHPAD@Z

    This is simply because the function signature has changed from taking a char* to an ACHAR* (a datatype which now resolves to a "wide" or Unicode string in AutoCAD 2007). A change in the function signature results in a change in the decorated name. This is straightforward enough, but it is worth bearing in mind the potential migration issue - a heavy dependency on decorated function names can lead to substantial migration effort if widespread signature changes are made in a release (as with AutoCAD 2007's support of Unicode).

    这完全是因为函数签名已经改变了从char *到ACHAR *(数据类型被解析为“宽”或者Unicode字符串在AutoCAD 2007)。函数签名的变化导致修改名称的改变。这是非常简单的,但值得注意的是,潜在的歉意问题——严重依赖装饰函数名可能会导致大量的迁移工作在某一次发布之中被改变(与AutoCAD 2007支持Unicode)。

    Another warning: you will find a number of other functions exported from the various DLLs/EXEs that do not have corresponding declarations in the ObjectARX headers. These functions - while exposed - are not supported. Which means that you may be able to work out how they can be called, but use them at your own risk (which can be substantial). Unsupported APIs are liable to change (or even disappear) without notice.


    Now we've identified where and how the function is exposed, we can create a declaration of this function we can use in our code.


    Step 2 - Declare the function correctly in your code.

    This is going to be slightly different depending on the programming language you're using.


    VB developers will be used to using "Declare" to set-up P/Invoke from their projects. This ends up being translated by the compiler into calls to DllImport, which is also used directly in C#.

    介绍关键字,vb使用declare c#使用DllImport

    These declarations should be made at the class level (not within an individual function definition).


    Private Declare Auto Function acedGetUserFavoritesDir Lib "acad.exe" Alias "?acedGetUserFavoritesDir@@YAHPA_W@Z"(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal sDir As StringBuilder) As Boolean
    [DllImport("acad.exe", EntryPoint = "?acedGetUserFavoritesDir@@YAHPA_W@Z", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
    public static extern boolacedGetUserFavoritesDir([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] StringBuildersDir);


    1. It's worth specifying the character set as "Auto" - which is not the default setting. The compiler does a good job of working out whether to use Unicode or ANSI, so it's easiest to trust it to take care of this.


    1. You will need to use the MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr) declaration for Unicode string variables in 2007. This is true whether using Strings or StringBuilders.


    1. Use a StringBuilder for an output string parameter, as standard Strings are considered immutable. Strings are fine for input parameters.


    Step 3 - Use the function in your code

    [ I've omited the standard using/import statements, as well as the class & function declarations, to improve readability. ]


    Dim ed As Editor = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
    Dim sDir As New StringBuilder(256) 
    Dim bRet As Boolean = acedGetUserFavoritesDir(sDir)
    If bRet And sDir.Length > 0 Then
            ed.WriteMessage("Your favorites folder is: " + sDir.ToString)
    End If
    Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
    StringBuilder sDir = new StringBuilder(256);
    bool bRet = acedGetUserFavoritesDir(sDir);
    if (bRet && sDir.Length > 0)
            ed.WriteMessage("Your favorites folder is: " + sDir.ToString());

    Note: we declare the StringBuilder variable (sDir) as being 256 characters long. AutoCAD expects us to provide a sufficiently long buffer for the data to be copied into it.


    On my system both code snippets resulted in the following being sent to AutoCAD's command-line:

    Your favorites folder is: C:My DocumentsFavorites

    So that's it: you should now be able to call global ObjectARX functions from .NET. This technique can also be used to call your own functions exposed from DLLs... which is one way to allow you to create fancy UIs with .NET and leverage existing C++ code (there are others, such as exposing your own Managed API).


    For additional information on using P/Invoke, particularly with Win32, here is a really great resource.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sinper/p/5097040.html
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