Fn InitializeMaxSDK = ( local result = false if (MaxVersion())[1] >= 14000 do ( result = (DotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface") != undefined if not result do try ( DotNet.LoadAssembly (PathConfig.GetDir #MaxRoot + "\Autodesk.Max.dll") result = true ) catch() ) result ) Fn GetMaxGlobal = (DotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance Fn GetMaxCoreInterface = (DotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance.CoreInterface Fn ParseIGameScene argIGameScene = ( local tempIGameNode,tempNode local tempNodeName,tempChildrenNames,tempParentName for i = 1 to argIGameScene.TotalNodeCount do ( tempChildrenNames = "" tempIGameNode = argIGameScene.GetIGameNode i for ci = 0 to tempIGameNode.ChildCount do ( tempNode = tempIGameNode.GetNodeChild ci if undefined != tempNode do tempChildrenNames += " " + tempNode.name ) if tempIGameNode.NodeParent != undefined do tempParentName = tempIGameNode.NodeParent.Name print ("Name:" + tempIGameNode.Name + "\t\t Parent:" + tempParentName as string + "\t\t Children:" + tempChildrenNames) ) ) Fn SimpleIGameMain = ( if InitializeMaxSDK() do ( MaxGolbal = GetMaxGlobal() MaxCoreInterface = GetMaxCoreInterface() theIGameScene = MaxGolbal.IGameInterface theIGameScene.InitialiseIGame false ParseIGameScene theIGameScene ) ) SimpleIGameMain()