1. IEnumerable接口表示该类的对象是可以枚举的,强调了它的能力。它定义了一个GetEnumerator();的方法,该方法返回IEnumerator接口,即枚举器对象
1 public interface IEnumerable
2 {
3 // 摘要:
4 // Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection.
5 //
6 // 返回结果:
7 // An System.Collections.IEnumerator object that can be used to iterate through
8 // the collection.
9 [DispId(-4)]
10 IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
11 }
2. IEnumerator接口是一个枚举器。
1 public interface IEnumerator
2 {
3 // 摘要:
4 // Gets the current element in the collection.
5 //
6 // 返回结果:
7 // The current element in the collection.
8 //
9 // 异常:
10 // System.InvalidOperationException:
11 // The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or
12 // after the last element.
13 object Current { get; }
15 // 摘要:
16 // Advances the enumerator to the next element of the collection.
17 //
18 // 返回结果:
19 // true if the enumerator was successfully advanced to the next element; false
20 // if the enumerator has passed the end of the collection.
21 //
22 // 异常:
23 // System.InvalidOperationException:
24 // The collection was modified after the enumerator was created.
25 bool MoveNext();
26 //
27 // 摘要:
28 // Sets the enumerator to its initial position, which is before the first element
29 // in the collection.
30 //
31 // 异常:
32 // System.InvalidOperationException:
33 // The collection was modified after the enumerator was created.
34 void Reset();
35 }
注:通过实验发现,只要类存在IEnumerator GetEnumerator();方法,但不实现 IEnumerable接口,也是可以foreach的,可能是foreach的实现机制中没有强烈要求一定实现IEnumerable接口。暂时不知道这样做的原因是什么。
总结:c#中的foreach 可以循环遍历一个IEnumerable对象。