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  • [Erlang危机](5.1.4)端口port


    原创文章,转载请注明出处:server非业余研究http://blog.csdn.net/erlib 作者Sunface


    In a manner similar to processes, Ports should be considered. Ports are a datatype that encompasses all kinds of connections and sockets opened to the outside world: TCP sockets, UDP sockets, SCTP sockets, file descriptors, and so on.
     There is a general function (again, similar to processes) to count them: length(erlang:ports()) . However, this function merges in all types of ports into a single entity. Instead, one can use recon to get them sorted by type:

       端口(ports)和进程的行为模式是非常相近的。是一种包括了连接和sockets的数据类型:TCP sockets,UDP sockets。SCTP sockets,文件描写叙述符等等。


    1> recon:port_types().
    {"inet_gethost 4 ",1}]
     This list contains the types and the count for each type of port. The type name is a string and is defined by the Erlang VM itself.
     All the *_inet ports are usually sockets, where the prefix is the protocol used (TCP, UDP, SCTP). The efile type is for files, while "0/1" and "2/2" are file descriptors for standard I/O channels (stdin and stdout) and standard error channels (stderr), respectively. Most other types will be given names of the driver they’re talking to, and will be examples of port programs 14 or port drivers 15.
     Again, tracking these can be useful to assess load or usage of a system, detect leaks, and so on.

     上面这个列表包括了每种类型的端口和数量。端口类型名是Erlang VM自己定义的字符串。


    efile类型是针对文件的。"0/1" 和 "2/2" 就是标准I/O(stdin和stdout),和错误处理(stderr)的文件描写叙述符。大多数其他的port类型在与驱动(dirver)交互时会给定一个名字,代表了对应的port programs14或port drivers15

    [14] http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_port.html
    [15] http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_portdriver.html

    [14] http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_port.html
    [15] http://www.erlang.org/doc/tutorial/c_portdriver.html
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