/** * Convert the given array (which may be a primitive array) to an * object array (if necessary of primitive wrapper objects). * <p>A {@code null} source value will be converted to an * empty Object array. * @param source the (potentially primitive) array * @return the corresponding object array (never {@code null}) * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is not an array */ public static Object[] toObjectArray(@Nullable Object source) { if (source instanceof Object[]) { return (Object[]) source; } if (source == null) { return new Object[0]; } if (!source.getClass().isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Source is not an array: " + source); } int length = Array.getLength(source); if (length == 0) { return new Object[0]; } Class<?> wrapperType = Array.get(source, 0).getClass(); Object[] newArray = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(wrapperType, length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { newArray[i] = Array.get(source, i); } return newArray; }
Arrays.stream(ObjectUtils.toObjectArray(new byte[]{1,2,3})).map(String::valueOf).collect(Collectors.joining(","))