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  • 处理传参和底层方法的实现()

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Transactions;
    using Cn.Com.Farm.Common;
    using Cn.Com.Farm.DAL;
    using Cn.Com.Farm.Model;
    using System.Linq.Expressions;
    using Cn.Com.Farm.Model.Entity;
    namespace Cn.Com.Farm.BLL
        /// <summary>
        /// 自己新建 空间好友表
        /// </summary>
        public partial class SpaceFriendBLL : BaseBLL, IDisposable
            public IEnumerable<SpaceFriend> GetSelSpaceFriends(string id, string did, string keyword)  //, string keyword
                using (SpaceFriendBLL bll = new SpaceFriendBLL())
                    var queryData = bll.FindALL();
                       UserInfo us = new UserInfo();
                    ////  var queryData;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(did))
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
                            using (var userbll = new UserInfoBLL())
                                us=userbll.Fetch(x => x.FName.Contains(keyword));
                            queryData = queryData.Where(x => x.FUserId == id && x.FState == 1 && x.FIsDelete == false && x.FTeamId == did && x.FFriendId == us.FId);  // && x.FFriendName.Contains(keyword)
                          queryData = queryData.Where(x => x.FUserId == id && x.FState == 1 && x.FIsDelete == false && x.FTeamId == did);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(keyword))
                            using (var userbll = new UserInfoBLL())
                                us=userbll.Fetch(x => x.FName.Contains(keyword));
                            queryData = queryData.Where(x => x.FUserId == id && x.FState == 1 && x.FIsDelete == false && x.FFriendId == us.FId);  // && x.FFriendName.Contains(keyword)
                            queryData = queryData.Where(x => x.FUserId == id && x.FState == 1 && x.FIsDelete == false);
                  // var  queryData= bll.FindALL().Where(x => x.FUserId == id && x.FState == 1 && x.FIsDelete == false&&x.FTeamId == did );// && x.FFriendName.Contains(keyword)
                    using (UserInfoBLL userbll = new UserInfoBLL())
                        using (SpaceTeamBLL teambll = new SpaceTeamBLL())
                            var result = (from c in queryData.ToList()
                                          join pro in userbll.FindALL().ToList() on c.FFriendId equals pro.FId
                                          join team in teambll.FindALL().Where(x => x.FUserId == id) on c.FTeamId equals team.FId into S
                                          from t in S.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                          select new SpaceFriend
                                              FId = c.FId,//好友列表编号 
                                              FUserId = c.FUserId,//本人编号
                                              FFriendId = c.FFriendId,//好友编号
                                              FFriendName = pro.FName,
                                              FTeamId = t == null ? "" : t.FName,
                                              FCreatorId = c.FCreatorId,//创建人
                                              FCreateTime = c.FCreateTime,//创建时间
                                              FUpdatorId = c.FUpdatorId,//修改人
                                              FUpdateTime = c.FUpdateTime,//修改时间
                                              FDeleteId = c.FDeleteId,//删除人
                                              FDeleteTime = c.FDeleteTime,//删除时间
                                              FIsDelete = c.FIsDelete,//删除状态
                                              FState = c.FState,//好友状态
                                              FType = c.FType,
                                              FRemarks = c.FRemarks//备注
                            return result;



            [SupportFilter(FCode = "PersonalSpace_SpaceFriend_List")]//判断页面是否有权限,FCode 调用枚举,没有的自己补,格式为:Areas_Controller_Action,例如:Heart_AgrBaseArea_Add
            public ActionResult List(string cid, string keyword, int page = 1, int pageSize = 20) //, string keyword
                IDictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                //var pageList = list.Skip((page - 1) * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
                //var pageList2 = new PagedList<UserFavorite>(pageList, page, pageSize, pageList.Count());
                var result = bll.GetSelSpaceFriends(CurrentUser.FId, cid, keyword).AsQueryable<SpaceFriend>().ToPagedList(page, 10);//, keyword
              //  ViewBag.did = did;
                using (SpaceTeamBLL teambll = new SpaceTeamBLL())
                    dic.Add("list", result);
                    using (SpaceTeamBLL teambl = new SpaceTeamBLL())
                        IQueryable<SpaceTeam> team = teambll.FindALL().Where(x => x.FUserId == CurrentUser.FId);
                        dic.Add("spaceteam", team);
                    return PartialView(dic);// View(dic);


    @model IList<SpaceTeam>
        ViewBag.Title = "分类查询+搜索视图";
        string typeTopic = ViewBag.type;
       // string did = ViewBag.did;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeTopic))
            typeTopic = "1";
        int type = int.Parse(typeTopic);
        string TopPicId = ViewBag.TopPicId;
        string RelativeUrl = ViewBag.RelativeUrl;
        string to = "";
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["cid"]))
            to = Request["cid"];
        string toYn = "";
        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["yn"]))
            toYn = Request["yn"];
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        <script type="text/javascript">
            function SearchChanged(e) {
                window.location = '@RelativeUrl/?type=@(type)&cid=@(Request["cid"])&yn=@(Request["yn"])' +
                            '&keyword=' + e.value + '&order=@Request["order"]' + '&did=@Request["did"]' + '&view=@Request["view"]';
            function PriorYear() {
                $('.year').html(Number($('.year').html()) - 1);
            function NextYear() {
                $('.year').html(Number($('.year').html()) + 1);
            function RefreshMonth() {
                var year = Number($('.year').html());
                var param = { type: '1', cid: '', keyword: '', year: '' };
                param.type = '@type';
                param.cid = '@to';
                param.keyword = '@Request["keyword"]';
                param.year = year;
                var order = '@Request["order"]';
                var viewMode = '@Request["view"]';
                    type: "post",
                    url: "/Personal/Space/Calendar/Stat",
                    dataType: "json",
                    data: param,
                    success: function (data) {
                        $("li span.c_tx2").each(function (index1, s) {
                            $(s).html(((index1 + 1) > 12 ? (index1 + 1 - 12) : (index1 + 1)) + "");
                            $(s).attr("title", "0篇文章");
                        $(data).each(function (index, e) {
                            $("li span.c_tx2").each(function (index1, s) {
                                var cm = ((index1 + 1) > 12 ? (index1 + 1 - 12) : (index1 + 1));
                                if (e.month == cm) {
                                    $(s).attr("title", e.count + "篇文章");
                                    var sm = e.month.toString();
                                    if (sm.length < 2) sm = "0" + sm;
                                    $(s).html("<a href='@RelativeUrl/?type=@(type)&cid=" + param.cid + "&yn=" + year.toString() + sm +
                            "&keyword=" + param.keyword + "&order=" + order + "&view=" + viewMode +
                            "' style='vertical-align:middle'>" + e.month + "月</a>");
                                    if (year.toString() + sm == "@(toYn)") {
                                        $(s).css("background", "#39f");
                                        $(s).html("<a href='@RelativeUrl/?type=@(type)&cid=" + param.cid + "&yn=" + year.toString() + sm +
                            "&keyword=" + param.keyword + "&order=" + order + "&view=" + viewMode +
                            "' style='vertical-align:middle; color:#fff;'>" + e.month + "月</a>");
            $(function () {
        <div class="clearfloat">
    <div class="container">
        <div class="menuTitle">
        <div class="menuContent">
            <div style="border: 1px solid green; vertical-align: middle;  190px; height: 20px;
                padding-left: 5px">
                <input type="text" id="txtSearch" style="155px"  value="@Request["keyword"]" 
                <a class="icon_search" href="javascript:;"></a>
    <div class="container">
            string fuid = LoginBLL.GetCurrentUserFid();
            SpaceTeamBLL bll = new SpaceTeamBLL();
            var toplist = bll.FindALL().Where(x => x.FUserId == fuid).ToList();
            //var toplist = Model;
            var top1 = toplist.Where(x => x.FUserId == fuid).Where(s=>s.FParent==null).ToList();
            foreach (var top1item in top1)
            <div class="menuTitle">
            <div class="menuContent">
                        @if (top1item.FId == to)
                            <text>style="  background:#39f;"</text>
                        @if (top1item.FId == to)
                            <text>style="  color:#fff;"</text>
                         href = "@RelativeUrl/?type=@(type)&cid=@(top1item.FId)&yn=@(Request["yn"])
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["keyword"]))
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["order"]))
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["view"]))
                         var top2 = toplist.Where(x => x.FParentId == top1item.FId).ToList();
                         foreach (var top2item in top2)
                        @if (top2item.FId == to)
                            <text>style="  background:#39f;"</text>
                        @if (top2item.FId == to)
                            <text>style="  color:#fff;"</text>
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["keyword"]))
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["order"]))
                         @if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Request["view"]))
            <div class="clearfloat">
  • 相关阅读:
    数据库表的连接(Left join , Right Join, Inner Join)用法详解
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/softmans/p/3267253.html
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