1 1 1 0 0 //1,2,3
1 1 0 1 0 //1,2,4
1 0 1 1 0 //1,3,4
0 1 1 1 0 //2,3,4
1 1 0 0 1 //1,2,5
1 0 1 0 1 //1,3,5
0 1 1 0 1 //2,3,5
1 0 0 1 1 //1,4,5
0 1 0 1 1 //2,4,5
0 0 1 1 1 //3,4,5
1 const
2 MaxCount = 22;
4 type
5 TMyAry = array[1..MaxCount] of Boolean;
7 function SetAryToString(SetAry: TMyAry; const AryLen: Integer): string;
8 var
9 i: Integer;
10 begin
11 Result := '';
12 for i := 1 to AryLen do
13 if SetAry[i] = True then
14 Result := Result + IntToStr(i) + ' ';
15 end;
17 function SetAryNext(var SetAry: TMyAry; const AryLen: Integer): Boolean;
18 var
19 i, j, Cnt: Integer;
20 begin
21 Result := True;
22 for i := 1 to AryLen do begin
23 if i + 1 > AryLen then
24 Break;
25 if SetAry[i] and (not SetAry[i + 1]) then begin
26 SetAry[i] := False;
27 SetAry[i+1] := True;
28 Cnt := 0;
29 for j := 1 to i do begin
30 if SetAry[j] then
31 Inc(Cnt);
32 end;
33 if Cnt < 1 then
34 Exit;
35 for j := 1 to i do begin
36 if j <= Cnt then
37 SetAry[j] := True
38 else
39 SetAry[j] := False;
40 end;
41 Exit;
42 end;
43 end;
44 Result := False;
45 end;
47 function GetSet(const N, M: Word; StrList: TStrings): Boolean;
48 var
49 SetAry: TMyAry;
50 i: Integer;
51 TempStr: string;
52 begin
53 Result := False;
54 if (N < M) or (M = 0) then
55 Exit;
56 FillChar(SetAry, N, 0);
57 for i := 1 to M do
58 SetAry[i] := True;
60 try
61 StrList.Clear;
62 StrList.BeginUpdate;
63 StrList.Add(SetAryToString(SetAry, N));
64 while SetAryNext(SetAry, N) do begin
65 TempStr := SetAryToString(SetAry, N);
66 StrList.Add(TempStr);
67 end;
68 finally
69 StrList.EndUpdate;
70 end;
71 end;