B. Maximum Value
time limit per test
1 secondmemory limit per test
256 megabytesinput
standard inputoutput
standard outputYou are given a sequence a consisting of n integers. Find the maximum possible value of (integer remainder of ai divided by aj), where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and ai ≥ aj.
The first line contains integer n — the length of the sequence (1 ≤ n ≤ 2·105).
The second line contains n space-separated integers ai (1 ≤ ai ≤ 106).
Print the answer to the problem.
Sample test(s)
3 4 5
思路:类似筛表法的思想,对于每个aj找ai。对每个aj,就for(p=aj;p<mx;p+=aj) 然后二分一下找小于a[p]且最接近a[p]的数,然后用这个数维护答案。另外一点由于这里的数只有10^6,所以可以不用二分找最靠近的数,用一个数组直接维护就可以了。
#include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef pair<int,int> pii; const int INF = 1e9; const double eps = 1e-6; const int N = 300000; const int M = 1000010; int cas = 1; int a[N]; bool vis[M]; int num[M]; int n,mxnum,ans; void run() { int x; mxnum=0; memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); memset(num,0,sizeof(num)); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&x); if(mxnum<x) mxnum=x; vis[x]=1; } for(int i=1;i<=mxnum;i++) { if(vis[i]) num[i]=i; else num[i]=num[i-1]; } ans=0; for(int aj=1;aj<=mxnum;aj++) { if(!vis[aj]) continue; if(ans<mxnum%aj) ans=mxnum%aj; for(int p=aj*2;p<=mxnum;p+=aj) { if(ans < num[p-1]%aj) ans = num[p-1]%aj; } } printf("%d ",ans); } int main() { #ifdef LOCAL // freopen("case.txt","r",stdin); #endif while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF) run(); return 0; }