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  • ubuntu升级最新linux kernel内核


    Bash script for Ubuntu (and derivatives as LinuxMint) to easily (un)install kernels from the Ubuntu Kernel PPA.


    apt install wget
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/master/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
    wget https://gitee.com/cnmirror/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/raw/master/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
    chmod +x ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
    sudo mv ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh /usr/local/bin/

    If you want to automatically check for a new kernel version when you login:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/master/UbuntuMainlineKernel.desktop
    mv UbuntuMainlineKernel.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

    Warning ⚠️

    Use this script at your own risk. You could remove all kernels with this script and leave your system unbootable.
    There is no safeguard that at least one kernel is installed on your system. Be especially careful with the --yes option.


    Usage: ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c|-l|-r|-u
    Download & install the latest kernel available from kernel.ubuntu.com
      -c               Check if a newer kernel version is available
      -i [VERSION]     Install kernel VERSION, see -l for list. You don't have to prefix
                       with v. E.g. -i 4.9 is the same as -i v4.9. If version is
                       omitted the latest available version will be installed
      -l [SEARCH]      List locally installedkernel versions. If an argument to this
                       option is supplied it will search for that
      -r [SEARCH]      List available kernel versions. If an argument to this option
                       is supplied it will search for that
      -u [VERSION]     Uninstall the specified kernel version. If version is omitted,
                       a list of max 10 installed kernel versions is displayed
      -h               Show this message
      -p, --path DIR       The working directory, .deb files will be downloaded into
                           this folder. If omitted, the folder /tmp/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/
                           is used. Path is relative from $PWD
      -ll, --low-latency   Use the low-latency version of the kernel, only for amd64 & i386
      -lpae, --lpae        Use the Large Physical Address Extension kernel, only for armhf
      --snapdragon         Use the Snapdragon kernel, only for arm64
      -do, --download-only Only download the deb files, do not install them
      -ns, --no-signature  Do not check the gpg signature of the checksums file
      -nc, --no-checksum   Do not check the sha checksums of the .deb files
      -d, --debug          Show debug information, all internal command's echo their output
      --rc                 Also include release candidates
      --yes                Assume yes on all questions (use with caution!)

    Elevated privileges

    This script needs elevated privileges when installing or uninstalling kernels.

    Either run this script with sudo or configure the path to sudo within the script to sudo automatically

    Example output

    Install latest version:

     ~ $ sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -i
    Finding latest version available on kernel.ubuntu.com
    Latest version is v4.9.0 but seems its already installed, continue? (y/N)
    Will download 5 files from kernel.ubuntu.com:
    Signature of checksum file has been successfully verified
    Checksums of deb files have been successfully verified with sha256sum
    Installing 3 packages
    [sudo] password for pimlie:
    Cleaning up work folder

    Uninstall a version from a list

     ~ $ sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -u
    Which kernel version do you wish to uninstall?
    [0]: v4.8.6-040806
    [1]: v4.8.8-040808
    [2]: v4.9.0-040900
    type the number between []: 0
    Are you sure you wish to remove kernel version v4.8.6-040806? (y/N)
    The following packages will be removed:
    linux-headers-4.8.6-040806-generic:amd64 linux-headers-4.8.6-040806-generic:all linux-image-4.8.6-040806-generic:amd64
    Are you really sure? (y/N)
    [sudo] password for pimlie:
    Kernel v4.8.6 successfully purged


    • bash
    • gnucoreutils
    • dpkg
    • wget (since 2018-12-14 as kernel ppa is now https only)

    Optional dependencies

    • libnotify-bin (to show notify bubble when new version is found)
    • bsdmainutils (format output of -l, -r with column)
    • gpg (to check the signature of the checksum file)
    • sha1sum/sha256sum (to check the .deb checksums)
    • sudo


    • [ ] Support daily kernel builds (on hold until there is significant demand for this, PRs are also welcome)
  • 相关阅读:
    01_1、光盘上CentOS 安装程序启动过程
    01_2、GRUB(Boot Loader)
    1.在CentOS 6.4安装python3
    Python for else 循环控制
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/spfanlost/p/14800875.html
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