sqlalchemy 的基本使用示例

1 from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, orm 2 from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 3 from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table, ForeignKey, Column 4 from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Integer, VARCHAR 5 from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import TINYINT 6 from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship 7 8 9 # declarative_base function will return a class which using active record pattern 10 # It will combine object opeartion and data operation automatically 11 Base = declarative_base() 12 13 dsn = 'mysql://root:root@localhost/test_db' 14 15 # Create table based on Base obj 16 class AccountStore(Base): 17 __tablename__ = 'account_store' 18 account_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 19 items = Column(VARCHAR(20)) 20 account = Column(VARCHAR(50)) 21 password = Column(VARCHAR(50)) 22 print(type(AccountStore)) 23 class SqlalchemyActor(): 24 def __init__(self, dsn): 25 try: 26 engine = create_engine(dsn) 27 except ImportError: 28 raise RuntimeError 29 engine.connect() 30 31 # sessionmaker is a factory obj, generate a Session instance, reload __call__ function 32 # __call__ function will return a session class each time 33 Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine) 34 # use Session() to create a class, and assign it to a attribute 35 self.session = Session() 36 # Assign costom table and engine to attribute 37 self.account = AccountStore 38 self.engine = engine 39 # Bind engine and table 40 # Method one: assign manually one by one 41 self.account.metadata.bind = engine 42 # Method two: use reflect to map all/partly Table schema 43 #Base.metadata.reflect(engine) 44 45 ses = SqlalchemyActor(dsn) 46 47 def printf(items): 48 for i in items: 49 print(i) 50 print(30*'-') 51 52 def printfx(items): 53 for i in items: 54 print(i.__dict__) 55 print(30*'-') 56 57 58 # execute(SQL) 59 re = ses.session.execute('SELECT * FROM account_store') 60 printf(re) 61 # query(table_name) 62 # query function similar to Connection.query / Cursor.execute in SQL adaptor 63 # query(Account) equal to SELECT * FROM acount_store 64 re = ses.session.query(AccountStore) 65 print(type(re), re) 66 printfx(re) 67 68 # query(table_name.column_name) 69 # SELECT items FROM account_store 70 re = ses.session.query(AccountStore.items) 71 print(re) 72 printf(re) 73 74 sq = ses.session.query(AccountStore) 75 76 # all() / one() / first(): 77 # source code does similar to: lambda x: list(x) 78 print(type(sq)) 79 print(type(sq.all())) 80 81 # filter() 82 # SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = 'WeChat' 83 re = sq.filter(AccountStore.items=='WeChat') 84 print(re) 85 printfx(re) 86 87 # filter_by() 88 # SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = 'WeChat' 89 re = sq.filter_by(items='WeChat') 90 print(re) 91 printfx(re) 92 93 # order_by() 94 # SELECT * FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items 95 re = sq.order_by(AccountStore.items) 96 print(re) 97 printfx(re) 98 99 # desc() 100 # SELECT * FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items DESC 101 re = sq.order_by(AccountStore.items.desc()) 102 print(re) 103 printfx(re) 104 105 # limit(): select next 3 values 106 # SELECT * FROM account_store LIMIT 3 107 re = sq.limit(3) 108 print(re) 109 printfx(re) 110 111 # offset(): select from 3rd values 112 # SELECT * FROM table_name OFFSET 2 113 re = sq.offset(2) 114 print(re) 115 printfx(re) 116 117 # select from 3rd and next 3 values 118 re = sq.limit(3).offset(2) # equal to re = sq.offset(2).limit(3) 119 print(re) 120 printfx(re) 121 re = sq[2:5] # equal to re = sq.offset(2).limit(3) 122 print(re) 123 printfx(re) 124 125 # DELETE value 126 re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==8).delete() 127 print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success 128 re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==9).delete() 129 print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success 130 re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==10).delete() 131 print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success 132 133 # INSERT value 134 # Not ORM 135 ses.session.execute(AccountStore.__table__.insert(), {'items': 'KUBO', 'account': 'STAR', 'password': '1d2345', 'account_id': 10}) 136 # Below code is an expression of SQL 137 sql = ses.account.__table__.insert([{'items': 'Ericsson', 'account': 'EKELIKE', 'password': '12345', 'account_id': 8}, {'items': 'MOMO', 'account': 'sad', 'password': '145', 'account_id': 9}]) 138 ses.session.execute(sql) 139 140 # SELECT value 141 re = sq.get(9) 142 print(re) 143 # Modify value 144 re.password = 1293 145 146 # Count values 147 re = sq.count() 148 print(re) 149 150 ses.session.commit() 151 ses.session.close()
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exc, orm from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table, ForeignKey, Column from sqlalchemy.sql.sqltypes import Integer, VARCHAR from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.base import TINYINT from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
# declarative_base function will return a class which using active record pattern # It will combine object opeartion and data operation automatically Base = declarative_base() #dsn = 'mssql+pyodbc://ItpReadOnly:@reaedonlyENC@encitp.cn.ao.ericsson.seitp:0/ITP' dsn = 'mysql://root:root@localhost/test_db' # Create table based on Base obj class AccountStore(Base): __tablename__ = 'account_store' account_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) items = Column(VARCHAR(20)) account = Column(VARCHAR(50)) password = Column(VARCHAR(50))
class SqlalchemyActor(): def __init__(self, dsn): try: engine = create_engine(dsn) except ImportError: raise RuntimeError engine.connect() # sessionmaker is a factory obj, generate a Session instance, reload __call__ function # __call__ function will return a session class each time Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine) # use Session() to create a class, and assign it to a attribute self.session = Session() # Assign costom table and engine to attribute self.account = AccountStore self.engine = engine # Bind engine and table # Method one: assign manually one by one self.account.metadata.bind = engine # Method two: use reflect to map all/partly Table schema #Base.metadata.reflect(engine)
ses = SqlalchemyActor(dsn) def printf(items): for i in items: print(i) print(30*'-') def printfx(items): for i in items: print(i.__dict__) print(30*'-')
# execute(SQL) re = ses.session.execute('SELECT * FROM account_store') printf(re) # query(table_name) # query function similar to Connection.query / Cursor.execute in SQL adaptor
测试session类的query函数,通过query函数传入表的类,来获取表内的信息,其过程等价于SQL语句中的 SELECT * FROM table_name
# query(Account) equal to SELECT * FROM acount_store re = ses.session.query(AccountStore) print(type(re), re) printfx(re)
对于query函数,若想获取表的其中一列信息,则可以用account_store.item的方式进行,其效果等价于SQL语句的SELECT item FROM account_store
# query(table_name.column_name) # SELECT items FROM account_store re = ses.session.query(AccountStore.items) print(re) printf(re)
sq = ses.session.query(AccountStore)
首先是all() / one() / first()函数,分别为获取结果的所有,下一条,第一条项目并返回为list。其中all()函数的源码实现便类似于lambda x: list(x)
# all() / one() / first(): # source code does similar to: lambda x: list(x) print(type(sq)) print(type(sq.all()))
# filter() # SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = 'WeChat' re = sq.filter(AccountStore.items=='WeChat') print(re) printfx(re) # filter_by() # SELECT * FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = 'WeChat' re = sq.filter_by(items='WeChat') print(re) printfx(re)
order_by()函数则类似于SQL中的ORDER BY条件语句,可以对筛选的结果按需求进行顺序排列。当需要倒序排列时,可对排序项目末尾加上.desc()函数
# order_by() # SELECT * FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items re = sq.order_by(AccountStore.items) print(re) printfx(re) # desc() # SELECT * FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items DESC re = sq.order_by(AccountStore.items.desc()) print(re) printfx(re)
# limit(): select next 3 values # SELECT * FROM account_store LIMIT 3 re = sq.limit(3) print(re) printfx(re)
# offset(): select from 3rd values # SELECT * FROM table_name OFFSET 2 re = sq.offset(2) print(re) printfx(re)
# select from 3rd and next 3 values re = sq.limit(3).offset(2) # equal to re = sq.offset(2).limit(3) print(re) printfx(re) re = sq[2:5] # equal to re = sq.offset(2).limit(3) print(re) printfx(re)
# DELETE value re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==8).delete() print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==9).delete() print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success re = sq.filter(AccountStore.account_id==10).delete() print(re) # 0 fail, 1 success
# INSERT value # Not ORM ses.session.execute(AccountStore.__table__.insert(), {'items': 'KUBO', 'account': 'STAR', 'password': '1d2345', 'account_id': 10})
# Below code is an expression of SQL sql = ses.account.__table__.insert([{'items': 'Ericsson', 'account': 'EKELIKE', 'password': '12345', 'account_id': 8}, {'items': 'MOMO', 'account': 'sad', 'password': '145', 'account_id': 9}]) ses.session.execute(sql)
# SELECT value re = sq.get(9) print(re)
# Modify value re.password = 1293
# Count values re = sq.count() print(re)

<class 'sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.api.DeclarativeMeta'> ('WeChat', 'hereisac', '12345', 1) ('Qq', 're32isac', '123435', 2) ('Mail', 're3214ac', '123435', 3) ('Gmail', 're35c', '123dd5', 4) ('Google', 'rccc', '3dd5', 5) ('MySQL', 'r3c', 'cd5', 6) ('SQLSERVER', 'r3cdasd', 'd5', 7) ('Ericsson', 'EKELIKE', '12345', 8) ('MOMO', 'sad', '1293', 9) ('KUBO', 'STAR', '1d2345', 10) ------------------------------ <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query'> SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048398D0>, 'account_id': 1} {'items': 'Qq', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're32isac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839940>, 'account_id': 2} {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048399B0>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839A58>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839B00>, 'account_id': 5} {'items': 'MySQL', 'password': 'cd5', 'account': 'r3c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839BA8>, 'account_id': 6} {'items': 'SQLSERVER', 'password': 'd5', 'account': 'r3cdasd', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839C50>, 'account_id': 7} {'items': 'Ericsson', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'EKELIKE', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839CF8>, 'account_id': 8} {'items': 'MOMO', 'password': '1293', 'account': 'sad', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839DA0>, 'account_id': 9} {'items': 'KUBO', 'password': '1d2345', 'account': 'STAR', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839E48>, 'account_id': 10} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.items AS account_store_items FROM account_store ('WeChat',) ('Qq',) ('Mail',) ('Gmail',) ('Google',) ('MySQL',) ('SQLSERVER',) ('Ericsson',) ('MOMO',) ('KUBO',) ------------------------------ <class 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query'> <class 'list'> SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = %s {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839278>, 'account_id': 1} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store WHERE account_store.items = %s {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048399B0>, 'account_id': 1} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items {'items': 'Ericsson', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'EKELIKE', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858438>, 'account_id': 8} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048584A8>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858518>, 'account_id': 5} {'items': 'KUBO', 'password': '1d2345', 'account': 'STAR', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858588>, 'account_id': 10} {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048585F8>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'MOMO', 'password': '1293', 'account': 'sad', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858668>, 'account_id': 9} {'items': 'MySQL', 'password': 'cd5', 'account': 'r3c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048586D8>, 'account_id': 6} {'items': 'Qq', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're32isac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858748>, 'account_id': 2} {'items': 'SQLSERVER', 'password': 'd5', 'account': 'r3cdasd', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048587B8>, 'account_id': 7} {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858828>, 'account_id': 1} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store ORDER BY account_store.items DESC {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839390>, 'account_id': 1} {'items': 'SQLSERVER', 'password': 'd5', 'account': 'r3cdasd', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048399B0>, 'account_id': 7} {'items': 'Qq', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're32isac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839EF0>, 'account_id': 2} {'items': 'MySQL', 'password': 'cd5', 'account': 'r3c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048392B0>, 'account_id': 6} {'items': 'MOMO', 'password': '1293', 'account': 'sad', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839278>, 'account_id': 9} {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839320>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'KUBO', 'password': '1d2345', 'account': 'STAR', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839470>, 'account_id': 10} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839CF8>, 'account_id': 5} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839668>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Ericsson', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'EKELIKE', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839C88>, 'account_id': 8} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store LIMIT %s {'items': 'WeChat', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'hereisac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839828>, 'account_id': 1} {'items': 'Qq', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're32isac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048397B8>, 'account_id': 2} {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004839F28>, 'account_id': 3} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store LIMIT %s, 18446744073709551615 {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048581D0>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858240>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048582B0>, 'account_id': 5} {'items': 'MySQL', 'password': 'cd5', 'account': 'r3c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858320>, 'account_id': 6} {'items': 'SQLSERVER', 'password': 'd5', 'account': 'r3cdasd', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858390>, 'account_id': 7} {'items': 'Ericsson', 'password': '12345', 'account': 'EKELIKE', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858400>, 'account_id': 8} {'items': 'MOMO', 'password': '1293', 'account': 'sad', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858470>, 'account_id': 9} {'items': 'KUBO', 'password': '1d2345', 'account': 'STAR', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048584E0>, 'account_id': 10} ------------------------------ SELECT account_store.account_id AS account_store_account_id, account_store.items AS account_store_items, account_store.account AS account_store_account, account_store.password AS account_store_password FROM account_store LIMIT %s, %s {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858208>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858278>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048582E8>, 'account_id': 5} ------------------------------ [<__main__.AccountStore object at 0x0000000004858390>, <__main__.AccountStore object at 0x0000000004858400>, <__main__.AccountStore object at 0x0000000004858470>] {'items': 'Mail', 'password': '123435', 'account': 're3214ac', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048583C8>, 'account_id': 3} {'items': 'Gmail', 'password': '123dd5', 'account': 're35c', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x0000000004858438>, 'account_id': 4} {'items': 'Google', 'password': '3dd5', 'account': 'rccc', '_sa_instance_state': <sqlalchemy.orm.state.InstanceState object at 0x00000000048584A8>, 'account_id': 5} ------------------------------ 1 1 1 <__main__.AccountStore object at 0x0000000004858B38> 10