Given a text file file.txt
, print just the 10th line of the file.
Assume that file.txt
has the following content:
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10
Your script should output the tenth line, which is:
Line 10
1. If the file contains less than 10 lines, what should you output?
2. There's at least three different solutions. Try to explore all possibilities.
1. If the file contains less than 10 lines, what should you output?
2. There's at least three different solutions. Try to explore all possibilities.
给定一个文本文件 file.txt
假设 file.txt
Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10
Line 10
1. 如果文件少于十行,你应当输出什么?
2. 至少有三种不同的解法,请尝试尽可能多的方法来解题。
1 # Read from the file file.txt and output the tenth line to stdout. 2 sed -n 10p file.txt
1 # Read from the file file.txt and output the tenth line to stdout. 2 awk 'NR==10' file.txt
1 # Read from the file file.txt and output the tenth line to stdout. 2 { cat file.txt; for (( i = 1; i <= 10; ++i)); do echo ; done } | head -n 10 | tail -n 1
1 # Read from the file file.txt and output the tenth line to stdout. 2 3 sed 's/\n/ 4 /g' file.txt | awk 'NR==10{print}'