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  • [Swift]LeetCode1066. 校园自行车分配 II | Campus Bikes II


    On a campus represented as a 2D grid, there are N workers and M bikes, with N <= M. Each worker and bike is a 2D coordinate on this grid.

    We assign one unique bike to each worker so that the sum of the Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike is minimized.

    The Manhattan distance between two points p1 and p2 is Manhattan(p1, p2) = |p1.x - p2.x| + |p1.y - p2.y|.

    Return the minimum possible sum of Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike.

    Example 1:

    Input: workers = [[0,0],[2,1]], bikes = [[1,2],[3,3]]
    Output: 6
    We assign bike 0 to worker 0, bike 1 to worker 1. The Manhattan distance of both assignments is 3, so the output is 6.

    Example 2:

    Input: workers = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,0]], bikes = [[1,0],[2,2],[2,1]]
    Output: 4
    We first assign bike 0 to worker 0, then assign bike 1 to worker 1 or worker 2, bike 2 to worker 2 or worker 1. Both assignments lead to sum of the Manhattan distances as 4.


    1. 0 <= workers[i][0], workers[i][1], bikes[i][0], bikes[i][1] < 1000
    2. All worker and bike locations are distinct.
    3. 1 <= workers.length <= bikes.length <= 10

    在由 2D 网格表示的校园里有 n 位工人(worker)和 m 辆自行车(bike),n <= m。所有工人和自行车的位置都用网格上的 2D 坐标表示。


    p1 和 p2 之间的曼哈顿距离为 Manhattan(p1, p2) = |p1.x - p2.x| + |p1.y - p2.y|


    示例 1:

    输入:workers = [[0,0],[2,1]], bikes = [[1,2],[3,3]]
    自行车 0 分配给工人 0,自行车 1 分配给工人 1 。分配得到的曼哈顿距离都是 3, 所以输出为 6 。

    示例 2:

    输入:workers = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,0]], bikes = [[1,0],[2,2],[2,1]]
    先将自行车 0 分配给工人 0,再将自行车 1 分配给工人 1(或工人 2),自行车 2 给工人 2(或工人 1)。如此分配使得曼哈顿距离的总和为 4。


    1. 0 <= workers[i][0], workers[i][1], bikes[i][0], bikes[i][1] < 1000
    2. 所有工人和自行车的位置都不相同。
    3. 1 <= workers.length <= bikes.length <= 10

    Runtime: 36 ms
    Memory Usage: 20.9 MB
     1 class Solution {
     2     var dp:[[Int]] = [[Int]](repeating:[Int](repeating:-1,count:11),count:1 << 11)
     3     func assignBikes(_ workers: [[Int]], _ bikes: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     4         var workers = workers
     5         var bikes = bikes
     6         return F(&workers, &bikes, 0, 0)
     7     }
     9     func getCost(_ a:[Int],_ b:[Int]) -> Int
    10     {
    11         var ret:Int = 0
    12         for i in 0..<a.count
    13         {
    14             ret += abs(a[i] - b[i])
    15         }
    16         return ret
    17     }
    19     func F(_ w:inout [[Int]], _ b:inout [[Int]],_ bikesTaken:Int,_ workerId:Int) -> Int
    20     {
    21         var x:Int = b.count
    22         if workerId == w.count {return 0}
    23         else if bikesTaken + 1 == (1 << x) {return 0}
    24         else if dp[bikesTaken][workerId] != -1 {return dp[bikesTaken][workerId]}
    26         var curr:Int = 1000000000
    27         for i in 0..<x
    28         {
    29             if (bikesTaken & (1 << i)) != 0 {continue}
    30             curr = min(curr, F(&w, &b, bikesTaken | (1 << i), workerId + 1) + getCost(b[i], w[workerId]))
    31         }
    32         dp[bikesTaken][workerId] = curr
    33         return curr
    34     }
    35 }

    回溯法:Time Limit Exceeded

     1 class Solution {
     2     var ans:Int = -1
     3     var vis:[Bool] = [Bool](repeating:false,count:20)
     4     func assignBikes(_ workers: [[Int]], _ bikes: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     5         var list1:[Position] = [Position]()
     6         var list2:[Position] = [Position]()
     7         for pos in workers
     8         {
     9             list1.append(Position(pos[0] , pos[1]))
    10         }
    11         for pos in bikes
    12         {
    13             list2.append(Position(pos[0] , pos[1]))
    14         }
    15         backtracking(list1 , 0 , list2 , 0)
    16         return ans
    17     }
    19     func getDist(_ pos1:Position ,_ pos2:Position) -> Int
    20     {
    21         return abs(pos1.x - pos2.x) + abs(pos1.y - pos2.y)
    22     }
    24     func backtracking(_ list1:[Position],_ current:Int,_ list2:[Position],_ dist:Int)
    25     {
    26         if current == list1.count
    27         {
    28             if dist < ans || ans < 0 {ans = dist}
    29         }
    30         else
    31         {
    32             for i in 0..<list2.count
    33             {
    34                 if !vis[i]
    35                 {
    36                     vis[i] = true
    37                     backtracking(list1 , current + 1 , list2 , dist + getDist(list1[current] , list2[i]))
    38                     vis[i] = false
    39                 }
    40             }
    41         }
    42     }
    43 }
    45 class Position
    46 {
    47     var x:Int
    48     var y:Int
    49     init(_ x:Int,_ y:Int)
    50     {
    51         self.x = x
    52         self.y = y
    53     }
    54 }

    DFS:Time Limit Exceeded 
     1 class Solution {
     2     var minNum:Int = Int.max
     3     func assignBikes(_ workers: [[Int]], _ bikes: [[Int]]) -> Int {
     4         var arrBool:[Bool] = [Bool](repeating:false,count:bikes.count)   
     5         dfs(workers, 0, bikes,&arrBool, 0)
     6         return minNum
     7     }
     9     func dfs(_ workers: [[Int]],_ i:Int,_ bikes: [[Int]],_ used:inout [Bool],_ sum:Int)
    10     {
    11         if i == workers.count
    12         {
    13             minNum = min(minNum, sum);
    14             return
    15         }
    17         for j in 0..<bikes.count
    18         {
    19             if used[j] {continue}
    20             used[j] = true
    21             dfs(workers, i+1, bikes, &used, sum + getDistance(workers[i], bikes[j]))
    22             used[j] = false
    23         }
    24     }
    26     func getDistance(_ p1:[Int],_ p2:[Int]) -> Int
    27     {
    28         return abs(p1[0] - p2[0]) + abs(p1[1] - p2[1])
    29     }
    30 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10961684.html
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