Anaconda 安装和配置
1. Anaconda 安装
2. Anaconda和Pip源修改
- Anaconda源修改:打开Anaconda Prompt后,输入以下代码。
conda config --add channels conda config --set show_channel_urls yes
- Pip源修改:在本地User用户目录新建pip目录,然后新建pip.ini文件,编辑如下代码后保存。
[global] index-url =
3. Anaconda常用命令
3.1 模块迁移
- 将当前环境安装的所有模块信息导出到名为requirements.txt文件中,该文件存放在当前用户目录下。
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- 新环境中根据requirements.txt文件来安装模块。
pip install -r C:UsersXXX equirements.txt
3.2 环境创建、激活和退出
- 创建环境
conda create -n env_name package_name=version
- 激活环境
(base) C:UsersAdministrator>activate superset
(superset) C:UsersAdministrator>
- 列出环境
(base) C:UsersAdministrator>conda env list # conda environments: # base * D:ProSoftwaresPythonAnaconda3 python36 D:ProSoftwaresPythonAnaconda3envspython36 superset D:ProSoftwaresPythonAnaconda3envssuperset
- 退出环境
(superset) C:UsersAdministrator>conda deactivate (base) C:UsersAdministrator>
3.3 克隆环境
(base) C:UsersAdministrator>conda create -n analysis --clone python36
(base) C:UsersAdministrator>conda remove -n python36 --all
4. Anaconda安装superset环境(在线)
4.1 创建隔离环境
(base) C:UsersAdministrator>conda activate -n superset python==3.6
4.2 安装VC++需求文件
进入superset环境后,尝试用pip install superset命令直接安装,最后提示Failed to build superset python-geohash错误,缺少编译环境,并提示下载:
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":
上述下载地址失效,使用VC++14.0安装教程进行安装。安装完成后,重新使用pip install superset命令安装superset,则可正常安装:
Successfully installed cchardet-2.1.4 et-xmlfile-1.0.1 ijson-2.3 jdcal-1.4.1 jsonlines-1.2.0 linear-tsv-1.1.0 openpyxl-2.4.11 pure-sasl-0.6.1 python-geohash-0.8.5 rfc3986-1.3.1 simplejson-3.16.0 sqlalchemy-utils-0.33.11 sqlparse-0.3.0 superset-0.28.1 tableschema-1.4.1 tabulator-1.20.0 thrift-0.11.0 thrift-sasl-0.3.0 unicodecsv-0.14.1 unidecode-1.0.23 xlrd-1.2.0
4.3 配置superset
- 创建superset管理员账号
(superset) C:UsersAdministrator>fabmanager create-admin --app superset fabmanager is going to be deprecated in 2.2.X, you can use the same commands on the improved 'flask fab <command>' Username [admin]: admin User first name [admin]: Strive User last name [user]: Py Email []: Password: Repeat for confirmation: Was unable to import superset Error: cannot import name '_maybe_box_datetimelike'
出现Was unable to import superset Error: cannot import name '_maybe_box_datetimelike'错误,原因是pandas版本(0.24.2)太高,卸载重装0.23.4版本:
pip uninstall pandas pip install pandas==0.23.4
(superset) C:UsersAdministrator>fabmanager create-admin --app superset fabmanager is going to be deprecated in 2.2.X, you can use the same commands on the improved 'flask fab <command>' Username [admin]: admin User first name [admin]: Strive User last name [user]: Py Email []: Password: Repeat for confirmation: Recognized Database Authentications. Admin User admin created.
初始化数据库需要使用python superset命令,该命令需要进入superset包的bin目录(D:ProSoftwaresPythonAnaconda3envssupersetLibsite-packagessupersetin)下执行:
(superset) D:ProSoftwaresPythonAnaconda3envssupersetLibsite-packagessupersetin>python superset Usage: superset [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... This is a management script for the superset application. Options: --version Show the flask version --help Show this message and exit. Commands: db Perform database migrations. export_dashboards Export dashboards to JSON export_datasource_schema Export datasource YAML schema to stdout export_datasources Export datasources to YAML fab FAB flask group commands flower Runs a Celery Flower web server Celery Flower... import_dashboards Import dashboards from JSON import_datasources Import datasources from YAML init Inits the Superset application load_examples Loads a set of Slices and Dashboards and a... load_test_users Loads admin, alpha, and gamma user for... refresh_druid Refresh druid datasources run Runs a development server. runserver Starts a Superset web server. shell Runs a shell in the app context. update_datasources_cache Refresh sqllab datasources cache version Prints the current version number worker Starts a Superset worker for async SQL query...
- 使用python superset db upgrade命令更新数据库,出现sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Can't determine which FROM clause to join from, there are multiple FROMS which can join to this entity. Try adding an explicit ON clause to help resolve the ambiguity.错误,原因是sqlalchemy包版(1.3.3)本太高,卸载重装1.2.0版本,就可以成功进行数据库更新操作。
- 使用python superset load_examples命令加载样例模板。
- 使用python superset init命令初始化用户角色和权限。
- 使用python superset runserver 命令启动服务报错,原因是superset使用gunicorn作为应用程序服务器,而gunicorn不支持windows,命令行中添加-d,使用development web server运行。最终运行命令为:python superset runserver -d。
4.4 Superset数据库查询报错
因为superset是为Linux和Mac服务的,Windows下缺失某些系统依赖包,所以进行数据库查询时,会提示'Module 'signal' has no attribute 'SIGALRM',并且查询不到数据,解决办法是修改superset安装目录下的文件中关于signal提示的代码。用文本编辑器打开,找到如下代码:
def __enter__(self): try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.seconds) except ValueError as e: logging.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logging.exception(e) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: signal.alarm(0) except ValueError as e: logging.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logging.exception(e)
def __enter__(self): try: # signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) # signal.alarm(self.seconds) pass except ValueError as e: logging.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logging.exception(e) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): try: # signal.alarm(0) pass except ValueError as e: logging.warning("timeout can't be used in the current context") logging.exception(e)
5 Anaconda安装Superset环境(离线)
5.1 使用Pip安装依赖包
pip install -r C:UsersXXX equirements.txt
5.2 使用Pip安装Superset离线包
pip install C:UsersXXXapache-superset-0.34.0.tar.gz
5.3 配置Superset
- 设置用户名时不能设置admin,会提示唯一字段重复的sql错误。
- 启动服务时,在bin目录内使用命令python superset run即可。
5.4 Superset数据库查询报错
因为superset是为Linux和Mac服务的,Windows下缺失某些系统依赖包,所以进行数据库查询时,会提示'Module 'signal' has no attribute 'SIGALRM',并且查询不到数据,解决办法是修改superset安装目录下的中关于signal提示的代码(579行),按照4.4修改后,重启服务即可。