共享内存封装. 封装成了MemoryStream的形式. 用法如下: var ms : TShareMemStream; ms := TShareMemStream.Create('Global est', FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 4096); if (ms.Memory <> nil)(*and(ms.AlreadyExists)*) then //如果创建失败Memory指针是空指针 //AlreadyExists表示已经存在了,也就是之前被别人(也许是别的进程)创建过了. begin //获取锁,多个进程线程访问安全访问 if ms.GetLock(INFINITE) then begin ms.read(...); ms.write(...); //释放锁 ms.ReleaseLock(); end; end; ms.free;
unit ShareMemoryStream; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, Syncobjs, Windows; type TShareMemStream = class(TCustomMemoryStream) private FFile: THandle; FSize: Int64; FEvent: TEvent; FAlreadyExists: Boolean; protected property Event: TEvent read FEvent; public constructor Create(const ShareName: string; ACCESS: DWORD = FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS; ASize: Int64 = 16 * 1024 * 1024); destructor Destroy; override; function Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint; override; function GetLock(ATimeOut: DWORD = INFINITE): Boolean; procedure ReleaseLock(); property AlreadyExists: Boolean read FAlreadyExists; end; implementation procedure InitSecAttr(var sa: TSecurityAttributes; var sd: TSecurityDescriptor); begin sa.nLength := sizeOf(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @sd; sa.bInheritHandle := false; InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@sd, true, nil, false); end; { TShareMem } constructor TShareMemStream.Create(const ShareName: string; ACCESS: DWORD; ASize: Int64); var sa: TSecurityAttributes; sd: TSecurityDescriptor; lprotect: DWORD; e: Integer; begin FEvent := TEvent.Create(nil, false, true, ShareName + '_TShareMemStream_Event'); FSize := ASize; InitSecAttr(sa, sd); ACCESS := ACCESS and (not SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE); if (ACCESS and FILE_MAP_WRITE) = FILE_MAP_WRITE then lprotect := PAGE_READWRITE else if (ACCESS and FILE_MAP_READ) = FILE_MAP_READ then lprotect := PAGE_READONLY; FFile := CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, @sa, lprotect, Int64Rec(FSize).Hi, Int64Rec(FSize).Lo, PChar(ShareName)); e := GetLastError; if FFile = 0 then Exit; FAlreadyExists := e = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; SetPointer(MapViewOfFile(FFile, ACCESS, 0, 0, Int64Rec(FSize).Lo), Int64Rec(FSize).Lo); end; destructor TShareMemStream.Destroy; begin if Memory <> nil then begin UnmapViewOfFile(Memory); SetPointer(nil, 0); Position := 0; end; if FFile <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(FFile); FFile := 0; end; FEvent.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TShareMemStream.GetLock(ATimeOut: DWORD): Boolean; var wr : TWaitResult; begin wr := FEvent.WaitFor(ATimeOut); Result := wr = wrSignaled; end; procedure TShareMemStream.ReleaseLock; begin FEvent.SetEvent; end; function TShareMemStream.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Longint; begin Result := 0; if (Size - Position) >= Count then begin System.Move(Buffer, PByte(Memory)[Position], Count); Position := Position + Count; Result := Count; end; end; end.