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  • c++面向对象程序设计 谭浩强 第五章答案


    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Student


      void get_value()


      void display( )

        {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;

         cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;

         cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;}

     private :

       int num;

       char name[10];

       char sex;


    class Student1: public Student


       void get_value_1()



       void display_1()

       {   cout<<"age: "<<age<<endl;          //引用派生类的私有成员,正确。

           cout<<"address: "<<addr<<endl;}    //引用派生类的私有成员,正确。


           int age;

           char addr[30];


    int  main()

    {Student1 stud1;




      return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Student


      void get_value()


      void display( )

        {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;

         cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;

         cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;}

     private :

       int num;

       char name[10];

       char sex;


    class Student1: private Student


       void get_value_1()



       void display_1()


           cout<<"age: "<<age<<endl;        //引用派生类的私有成员,正确。

           cout<<"address: "<<addr<<endl;}    //引用派生类的私有成员,正确。


           int age;

        char addr[30];


    int main()

     {Student1 stud1;



      return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Student                        //声明基类

    {public:                             //基类公用成员

      void get_value();

      void display( );

     protected :                         //基类保护成员

        int num;

        char name[10];

        char sex;


    void Student::get_value()


    void Student::display( )

     {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;

      cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;

      cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;


    class Student1: protected Student              //声明一个保护派生类


       void get_value_1();

       void display1( );


       int age;                          

       char addr[30];


    void Student1::get_value_1()




    void Student1::display1( )

      {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;         //引用基类的保护成员

       cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;       //引用基类的保护成员

       cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;         //引用基类的保护成员

       cout<<"age: "<<age<<endl;         //引用派生类的私有成员

       cout<<"address: "<<addr<<endl;    //引用派生类的私有成员


    int main( )

     {Student1 stud1;                      //stud1是派生类student1类的对象

      stud1.get_value_1();                 //调用派生类对象stud1的公用成员函数

      stud1.display1( );                   //调用派生类对象stud1的公用成员函数

      return 0;


    4: 解法一

    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Student//声明基类

    {public:                             //基类公用成员

      void get_value();

      void display( );

     protected :                         //基类保护成员

        int num;

        char name[10];

        char sex;


    void Student::get_value()


    void Student::display( )

     {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;

      cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;

      cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;


    class Student1: public Student              //声明一个公用派生类


       void get_value_1();

       void display1( );


       int age;                          

       char addr[30];


    void Student1::get_value_1()




    void Student1::display1( )

      {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;     //引用基类的保护成员,合法

       cout<<"name: "<<name<<endl;       //引用基类的保护成员,合法

       cout<<"sex: "<<sex<<endl;         //引用基类的保护成员,合法

       cout<<"age: "<<age<<endl;         //引用派生类的私有成员,合法

       cout<<"address: "<<addr<<endl;    //引用派生类的私有成员,合法


    int main( )

     {Student1 stud1;                      //stud1是派生类student1类的对象

      stud1.get_value_1();                 //调用派生类对象stud1的公用成员函数get_value_1

      stud1.display1( );                   //调用派生类对象stud1的公用成员函数display1

      return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Student                        //声明基类

    {public:                             //基类公用成员

      void get_value();

      void display( );

     protected :                         //基类保护成员

        int num;

        char name[10];

        char sex;



    void Student::get_value()


    void Student::display( )

     {cout<<"num: "<<num<<endl;




    class Student1: protected Student              //声明一个公用派生类


       void get_value_1();

       void display1( );


       int age;                          

       char addr[30];


    void Student1::get_value_1()


    void Student1::display1( )




    int main( )

     {Student1 stud1;                      //stud1是派生类student1类的对象



      stud1.display( );

      stud1.display1();                  //合法。display1是派生类中的公用成员函数

      return 0;



    class A                   //A为基类


      void f1( );

      int i;


      void f2();

      int j;


      int k;


    class B: public A            //B为A的公用派生类


      void f3( );


      int m;


      int n;


    class C: public B              //C为B的公用派生类


      void f4();


      int p;


    int main()

    {A a1;                         //a1是基类A的对象

     B b1;                         //b1是派生类B的对象


     return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class A


      void f1( );


      void f2();


      int i;


    class B: public A


      void f3( );

      int k;


      int m;


    class C: protected B


      void f4();


      int n;


      int p;


    class D: private C


      void f5();


      int q;


      int r;


    int main()

    {A a1;

     B b1;

         C c1;

     D d1;

     return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class A




       A(int i){a=i;b=0;}

       A(int i,int j){a=i;b=j;}

       void display(){cout<<"a="<<a<<" b="<<b;}


       int a;

       int b;


    class B  : public A




       B(int i):A(i){c=0;}

       B(int i,int j):A(i,j){c=0;}

       B(int i,int j,int k):A(i,j){c=k;}

       void display1()


         cout<<" c="<<c<<endl;



        int c;


    int main()

    {   B b1;

        B b2(1);

        B b3(1,3);

        B b4(1,3,5);





    return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class A



       A(){cout<<"constructing A "<<endl;}

       ~A(){cout<<"destructing A "<<endl;}


    class B  : public A



       B(){cout<<"constructing B "<<endl;}

       ~B(){cout<<"destructing B "<<endl;}


    class C  : public B



       C(){cout<<"constructing C "<<endl;}

       ~C(){cout<<"destructing C "<<endl;}


    int main()

    { C c1;

      return 0;




    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;

    class Teacher


       Teacher(string nam,int a,char s,string tit,string ad,string t);

       void display();


        string name;

        int age;

        char sex;

        string title;

        string addr;

        string tel;


    Teacher::Teacher(string nam,int a,char s,string tit,string ad,string t):

         name(nam),age(a),sex(s),title(tit),addr(ad),tel(t){ }

    void Teacher::display()








    class Cadre


    Cadre(string nam,int a,char s,string p,string ad,string t);

       void display();


       string name;

       int age;

       char sex;

       string post;

       string addr;

       string tel;


    Cadre::Cadre(string nam,int a,char s,string p,string ad,string t):


    void Cadre::display()








    class Teacher_Cadre:public Teacher,public Cadre


       Teacher_Cadre(string nam,int a,char s,string tit,string p,string ad,string t,float w);

       void show( );


        float wage;


    Teacher_Cadre::Teacher_Cadre(string nam,int a,char s,string t,string p,string ad,string tel,float w):

      Teacher(nam,a,s,t,ad,tel),Cadre(nam,a,s,p,ad,tel),wage(w) {}

    void Teacher_Cadre::show( )





    int main( )

     {Teacher_Cadre te_ca("Wang-li",50,'f',"prof.","president","135 Beijing Road,Shanghai","(021)61234567",1534.5);

      te_ca.show( );

      return 0;



    #include <iostream>

    #include <cstring>

    using namespace std;

    class Teacher                                //教师类


      Teacher(int,char [],char);               //声明构造函数

        void display();                          //声明输出函数


       int num;

       char name[20];

       char sex;


    Teacher::Teacher(int n,char nam[],char s)    //定义构造函数





    void Teacher::display()                      //定义输出函数





    class BirthDate                               //生日类


        BirthDate(int,int,int);                   //声明构造函数

        void display();                           //声明输出函数

        void change(int,int,int);                 //声明修改函数


        int year;

        int month;

        int day;


    BirthDate::BirthDate(int y,int m,int d)       //定义构造函数





    void BirthDate::display()                     //定义输出函数


    void BirthDate::change(int y,int m,int d)     //定义修改函数





    class Professor:public Teacher                         //教授类


        Professor(int,char [],char,int,int,int,float);    //声明构造函数

        void display();                                   //声明输出函数

        void change(int,int,int);                         //声明修改函数


        float area;

        BirthDate birthday;                               //定义BirthDate类的对象作为数据成员


    Professor::Professor(int n,char nam[20],char s,int y,int m,int d,float a):

     Teacher(n,nam,s),birthday(y,m,d),area(a){ }          //定义构造函数

    void Professor::display()                             //定义输出函数





    void Professor::change(int y,int m,int d)             //定义修改函数



    int main()

    {Professor prof1(3012,"Zhang",'f',1949,10,1,125.4);   //定义Professor对象prof1

     cout<<endl<<"original data:"<<endl;

     prof1.display();                                     //调用prof1对象的display函数

     cout<<endl<<"new data:"<<endl;

     prof1.change(1950,6,1);                              //调用prof1对象的change函数

     prof1.display();                                     //调用prof1对象的display函数

     return 0;


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/suibian1/p/10987322.html
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