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  • Python小练习008


     1 # 简易购物程序
     3 money = 20000
     4 goods_list = ['IPhone 8', 'Bicycle', 'Banana', 'Xiaomi Note', 'MacBook', '矿泉水']
     5 goods_price = [9000, 800, 20, 3200, 12000, 5]
     6 print("欢迎来到智能购物中心!您卡上余额共有%d元。"% money)
     7 print()
     8 print('商品信息:')
     9 count = 0
    10 while count < len(goods_list):
    11     print('商品编号:%d' % count + "   " + goods_list[count] + '----' +  str(goods_price[count]) + '',end="
    12     count += 1
    13 print()
    14 flag = True
    15 buy_lists = []
    16 buy_price = []
    17 while flag:
    18     print()
    19     num = input("请输入要购买商品的编号:")
    20     print()
    21     if num.isdigit() and int(num) < len(goods_list):
    22         num = int(num)
    23         if num < len(goods_list) and money >= goods_price[num]:
    24             money -= int(goods_price[num])
    25             print("您购买了%s" % goods_list[num], '剩余%d元' % money)
    26             buy_lists.append(goods_list[num])
    27             buy_price.append(goods_price[num])
    28         else:
    29             print("余额不足!")
    30             flag = False
    31     else:
    32         print("请输入正确的商品编号!")
    33 print()
    34 for m in range(len(buy_lists)):
    35     buy_lists[m] +=  '--' + str(buy_price[m]) + ''
    36 print("您共购买了%d件商品:%s" % (len(buy_lists),' , '.join(buy_lists)) + '
    ' + '您卡上剩余%d元' %(money) + '
    ' + '欢迎下次光临!')



     1 goods_lists = [
     2     ('IPhone 8', 9000),
     3     ('Bicycle', 800),
     4     ('Banana', 20),
     5     ('Xiaomi Note', 3200),
     6     ('MacBook', 12000),
     7     ('矿泉水', 5),
     8 ]
     9 money = input('Please input your money:')
    10 shopping_list = []
    11 if money.isdigit():
    12     money = int(money)
    13     while True:
    14         for m,n in enumerate(goods_lists, 1):
    15             print(m,'>>',n)
    16         choice = input('选择购买商品编号【输入Q结束购买】:')
    17         if choice.isdigit():
    18             choice = int(choice)
    19             if choice > 0 and choice < len(goods_lists):
    20                 goods_item = goods_lists[choice-1]
    21                 if goods_item[1] < money:
    22                     money -= goods_item[1]
    23                     shopping_list.append(goods_item)
    24                 else:
    25                     print('余额不足!还剩%s元' %money)
    26             else:
    27                 print('请输入正确的商品编号!')
    28         elif choice == 'Q' or 'q':
    29             print('您已购买如下商品:')
    30             for i in shopping_list:
    31                 print(i)
    32             print('您还剩%s元'%money)
    33             break
    34         else:
    35             print('输入错误,请重新输入!')



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