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  • Android调试工具 stetho


    在android studio中使用:

    1. 添加jar  (下载地址:https://github.com/facebook/stetho/releases/tag/v1.1.0  )

        (需要 stetho-1.1.0.jar    和  stetho-urlconnection-1.1.0.jar



    2 在你的application类中添加:Stetho.initialize(Stetho..... 初始化Stetho工具

    public class myApplication extends Application {


       public void onCreate() {









    3 开启网络调试

        a.假如使用 HttpURLConnection 需要使用StethoURLConnectionManager类(在stetho-urlconnection JAR中) 并且注意在请求头中添加Accept-Encoding: gzip


    public class Networker {

     private static Networker sInstance;

     private final Executor sExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);

     private static final int READ_TIMEOUT_MS = 10000;

     private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 15000;

     private static final String HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding";

     private static final String GZIP_ENCODING = "gzip";

     public static synchronized Networker get() {

       if (sInstance == null) {

         sInstance = new Networker();


       return sInstance;


     private Networker() {


     public void submit(HttpRequest request, Callback callback) {

       sExecutor.execute(new HttpRequestTask(request, callback));


     private class HttpRequestTask implements Runnable {

       private final HttpRequest request;

       private final Callback callback;

       private final StethoURLConnectionManager stethoManager;

       public HttpRequestTask(HttpRequest request, Callback callback) {

         this.request = request;

         this.callback = callback;

         stethoManager = new StethoURLConnectionManager(request.friendlyName);



       public void run() {

         try {

           HttpResponse response = doFetch();


         } catch (IOException e) {




       private HttpResponse doFetch() throws IOException {

         HttpURLConnection conn = configureAndConnectRequest();

         try {

           ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

           InputStream rawStream = conn.getInputStream();

           try {

             // Let Stetho see the raw, possibly compressed stream.

             rawStream = stethoManager.interpretResponseStream(rawStream);

             InputStream decompressedStream = applyDecompressionIfApplicable(conn, rawStream);

             if (decompressedStream != null) {

               copy(decompressedStream, out, new byte[1024]);


           } finally {

             if (rawStream != null) {




           return new HttpResponse(conn.getResponseCode(), out.toByteArray());

         } finally {




       private HttpURLConnection configureAndConnectRequest() throws IOException {

         URL url = new URL(request.url);

         // Note that this does not actually create a new connection so it is appropriate to

         // defer preConnect until after the HttpURLConnection instance is configured.  Do not

         // invoke connect, conn.getInputStream, conn.getOutputStream, etc before calling

         // preConnect!

         HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

         try {




           // Adding this disables transparent gzip compression so that we can intercept

           // the raw stream and display the correct response body size.


           SimpleRequestEntity requestEntity = null;

           if (request.body != null) {

             requestEntity = new ByteArrayRequestEntity(request.body);


           stethoManager.preConnect(conn, requestEntity);

           try {

             if (request.method == HttpMethod.POST) {

               if (requestEntity == null) {

                 throw new IllegalStateException("POST requires an entity");





             // Ensure that we are connected after this point.  Note that getOutputStream above will

             // also connect and exchange HTTP messages.



             return conn;

           } catch (IOException inner) {

             // This must only be called after preConnect.  Failures before that cannot be

             // represented since the request has not yet begun according to Stetho.


             throw inner;


         } catch (IOException outer) {


           throw outer;




     private static void requestDecompression(HttpURLConnection conn) {

       conn.setRequestProperty(HEADER_ACCEPT_ENCODING, GZIP_ENCODING);



     private static InputStream applyDecompressionIfApplicable(

         HttpURLConnection conn, @Nullable InputStream in) throws IOException {

       if (in != null && GZIP_ENCODING.equals(conn.getContentEncoding())) {

         return new GZIPInputStream(in);


       return in;


     private static void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out, byte[] buf) throws IOException {

       if (in == null) {



       int n;

       while ((n = in.read(buf)) != -1) {

         out.write(buf, 0, n);



     public static class HttpRequest {

       public final String friendlyName;

       public final HttpMethod method;

       public final String url;

       public final byte[] body;

       public static Builder newBuilder() {

         return new Builder();


       HttpRequest(Builder b) {

         if (b.method == HttpMethod.POST) {

           if (b.body == null) {

             throw new IllegalArgumentException("POST must have a body");


         } else if (b.method == HttpMethod.GET) {

           if (b.body != null) {

             throw new IllegalArgumentException("GET cannot have a body");



         this.friendlyName = b.friendlyName;

         this.method = b.method;

         this.url = b.url;

         this.body = b.body;


       public static class Builder {

         private String friendlyName;

         private HttpMethod method;

         private String url;

         private byte[] body = null;

         Builder() {


         public Builder friendlyName(String friendlyName) {

           this.friendlyName = friendlyName;

           return this;


         public Builder method(HttpMethod method) {

           this.method = method;

           return this;


         public Builder url(String url) {

           this.url = url;

           return this;


         public Builder body(byte[] body) {

           this.body = body;

           return this;


         public HttpRequest build() {

           return new HttpRequest(this);




     public static enum HttpMethod {

       GET, POST


     public static class HttpResponse {

       public final int statusCode;

       public final byte[] body;

       HttpResponse(int statusCode, byte[] body) {

         this.statusCode = statusCode;

         this.body = body;



     public interface Callback {

       public void onResponse(HttpResponse result);

       public void onFailure(IOException e);




    public void sendOneReq() {

           Networker.HttpRequest request = Networker.HttpRequest.newBuilder()

                   .friendlyName("Bai Du")




           Networker.get().submit(request, mStoreRssResponse);


       private final Networker.Callback mStoreRssResponse = new Networker.Callback() {


           public void onResponse(Networker.HttpResponse result) {

               if (result.statusCode == 200) {

                   String page22222=new String(result.body);

                   System.out.println("page22222 : "+page22222);


                   System.out.println("result.statusCode is not 200");




           public void onFailure(IOException e) {








    1. public class Net {
    2.    private static final boolean debug = true;
    3.    private static OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient();
    4.    static {
    5.        if (debug) {
    6.            okHttpClient.networkInterceptors().add(new StethoInterceptor());
    7.        }
    8.    }
    9.    public static final void askBaidu() {
    10.        Request request = new Request.Builder().url("http://www.baidu.com")
    11.                .build();
    12.        try {
    13.            Response response = okHttpClient.newCall(request).execute();
    14.            String reslut = response.body().string();
    15.        } catch (IOException e) {
    16.            e.printStackTrace();
    17.        }
    18.    }
    19. }

    4 查看结果:

        在Chrome浏览器中输入  chrome://inspect/#devices 


    注: 真机中是不会显示webView的。。

    点击 inspect 显示:



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sunyanyan/p/4477656.html
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