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  • RabbitMQ中实现延时消息

    平常项目中很多场景需要使用延时消息处理,例如订单超过多久没有支付需要取消等。如何在消息中间件RabbitMQ中实现该功能?下面描述下使用Dead Letter Exchange实现延时消息场景,当然会有别的其他实现方式。

    1. 什么是Dead Letter Exchange?

    如果存在以下三种情况,同时队列上设置了Dead Letter Exchange,消息会被转送到Dead Letter Exchange中。

    • 消息被拒绝(basicReject或者basicNack) requeue=false
    • 消息存活时间超过了TTL预设值(x-message-ttl)
    • 队列满了

    Dead Letter Exchange像平常的Exchange一样,可以设置它的BuiltinExchangeType,也可以为它绑定队列。
    这里我们可以通过设定Dead Letter Exchange,并为它绑定一个队列,然后定义Consumer消费这个队列,就可以达到处理延时消息的功能。

    2. 代码实例


    I. 定义消息生产者

         * 消息发送者
        static class NormalEXSend {
            private Connection conn;
            private Channel chnl;
            public NormalEXSend(String tag) throws IOException, TimeoutException {
                ConnectionFactory connFact = initConnFac();
                conn = connFact.newConnection();
                chnl = conn.createChannel();
                // 定义正常工作Exchange
                chnl.exchangeDeclare(WORKER_EXCHANGE_NAME, BuiltinExchangeType.DIRECT);
                // 定义 dead letter exchange
                chnl.exchangeDeclare(DELAY_EXCHANGE_NAME, BuiltinExchangeType.DIRECT);
                Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
                args.put("x-message-ttl", 60000); // timeout 1min
                args.put("x-dead-letter-exchange", DELAY_EXCHANGE_NAME);
                args.put("x-dead-letter-routing-key", DEAD_ROUTING_KEY);
                // 定义正常工作Queue同时设置dead letter exchange
                chnl.queueDeclare(WORKER_QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, args);
                // 绑定到正常工作Exchange
                chnl.queueBind(WORKER_QUEUE_NAME, WORKER_EXCHANGE_NAME, tag);
             * 发送消息
             * @param key
             * @param msg
             * @throws IOException
            public void send(String key, String msg) throws IOException {
                AMQP.BasicProperties props = MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN;
                // send a message to a exchange
                chnl.basicPublish(WORKER_EXCHANGE_NAME, key, props, msg.getBytes());
                System.out.println(String.format("[%s|%s|Sender] send 【%s】 to exchange:%s", Thread.currentThread().getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), msg, WORKER_EXCHANGE_NAME));

    II. 定义延时消息处理者

    其中receive方法中consumerhandleDelivery方法参数properties可以获取到消息的death原因properties.getHeaders().get("x-first-death-reason"),可能值rejected | expired | maxlen。此处可以根据判断此值去处理由于超时而引起death的消息(就是我们想要处理的延时消息)。

         * 延时消息处理者
        static class DelayEXRecv {
            private Connection conn;
            private Channel chnl;
            public DelayEXRecv() throws IOException, TimeoutException {
                ConnectionFactory connFact = initConnFac();
                conn = connFact.newConnection();
                chnl = conn.createChannel();
                // 定义延时消息队列
                chnl.queueDeclare(DELAY_QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null);
                // 绑定到延时消息Exchange
             * 接收消息
             * @throws IOException
            public void receive() throws IOException {
                // no auto ack
                boolean autoAck = false;
                chnl.basicConsume(DELAY_QUEUE_NAME, autoAck, new DefaultConsumer(chnl) {
                    public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope,
                                               AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException {
                        String message = new String(body, "UTF-8");
                        // 打印出消息的death原因 rejected | expired | maxlen
                        // 项目中可以根据原因处理目标消息
                        System.out.println(String.format("[%s|%s|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【%s】 from EXCHANGE: %s, the delay reason is: %s", Thread.currentThread().getName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), message, envelope.getExchange(), properties.getHeaders().get("x-first-death-reason")));
                        // 确认消息
                        chnl.basicAck(envelope.getDeliveryTag(), false);

    III. 试验一把

        private static final String WORKER_EXCHANGE_NAME = "exchange.worker";
        private static final String DELAY_EXCHANGE_NAME = "exchange.delay";
        private static final String WORKER_QUEUE_NAME = "queue.worker";
        private static final String DELAY_QUEUE_NAME = "queue.delay";
        private static final String DEAD_ROUTING_KEY = "dead.key.message";
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
            exec.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        String key = "worker";
                        NormalEXSend sender = new NormalEXSend(key);
                        for (int i =0; i < 5; i++) {
                            sender.send(key, String.format("YaYYY, one message, No.:%s!", i));
                    } catch (IOException | TimeoutException | InterruptedException e) {
            exec.execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        DelayEXRecv receiver = new DelayEXRecv();
                        System.out.println(String.format("[%s|%s|Delay_Receiver] Starting the Delay Msg Receiver process...", Thread.currentThread().getName(), System.currentTimeMillis()));
                    } catch (IOException | TimeoutException e) {

    IV. 打印结果

    [pool-1-thread-2|1515750089010|Delay_Receiver] Starting the Delay Msg Receiver process...
    [pool-1-thread-1|1515750089020|Sender] send 【YaYYY, one message, No.:0!】 to exchange:exchange.worker
    [pool-1-thread-1|1515750092020|Sender] send 【YaYYY, one message, No.:1!】 to exchange:exchange.worker
    [pool-1-thread-1|1515750095020|Sender] send 【YaYYY, one message, No.:2!】 to exchange:exchange.worker
    [pool-1-thread-1|1515750098021|Sender] send 【YaYYY, one message, No.:3!】 to exchange:exchange.worker
    [pool-1-thread-1|1515750101022|Sender] send 【YaYYY, one message, No.:4!】 to exchange:exchange.worker
    [pool-2-thread-4|1515750149038|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【YaYYY, one message, No.:0!】 from EXCHANGE: exchange.delay, the delay reason is: expired
    [pool-2-thread-5|1515750152035|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【YaYYY, one message, No.:1!】 from EXCHANGE: exchange.delay, the delay reason is: expired
    [pool-2-thread-6|1515750155035|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【YaYYY, one message, No.:2!】 from EXCHANGE: exchange.delay, the delay reason is: expired
    [pool-2-thread-7|1515750158036|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【YaYYY, one message, No.:3!】 from EXCHANGE: exchange.delay, the delay reason is: expired
    [pool-2-thread-8|1515750161036|Delay_Receiver] received the delay msg 【YaYYY, one message, No.:4!】 from EXCHANGE: exchange.delay, the delay reason is: expired

    Yayy, 至此结束。


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sv00/p/8280082.html
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