en: simple_form: labels: defaults: pasword: 'default_password' aad: username: 'User name' pasword: 'Password' edit: username: 'Change user name' pasword: 'Change password' hints: aad: username: 'Your username' pasword: '****' placeholders: aad: username: 'User name to sign in.' pasword: 'No special characters, please.' include_blanks: aad: age: 'Rather not to say' prompts: aad: role: 'Select your role' required: text: 'required' mark: '*' error_notification: default_message: "Please review the problems below:"

en: simple_form: labels: defaults: pasword: 'default_password' aad: username: 'User name' pasword: 'Password' edit: username: 'Change user name' pasword: 'Change password' options: username: admin: 'Administrator' editor: 'Editor' hints: email: username: 'Your username' pasword: '****' placeholders: aad: username: 'User name to sign in.' pasword: 'No special characters, please.' include_blanks: aad: age: 'Rather not to say' prompts: aad: role: 'Select your role' required: text: 'required' mark: '*' error_notification: default_message: "Please review the problems below:"
https://github.com/miaomiaotab/simple_form 所有内容
1.app下面新建inputs文件夹,新建aa_input.rb文件,在_form.html.erb中,.input组件后可以用as: :aa直接引用