这个程序并没有处理中文,主要是python 2.7对于中文的支持太蛋疼了,虽然可以设置utf8编码,但是如果列表中的某个变量是中文的话,打就会打印出那种我看不懂的编码,我干脆懒得理了,我想自己用python来处理中文的需求基本没有,可能以后就是用python谢谢程序玩玩而已
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from os import system system("clear") def menu(): print " Welcome to the Information Management Center" print " 1.Add user" print " 2.View information" print " 3.Delete user" print " 4.Display all information" def search(): flag=0 username=raw_input('Please enter the name that you wanna view: ') print info.get(username,'Sorry,i can not find it') raw_input('Press enter to continue') def add(): name=raw_input('NAME: ') for temp in info: if name==temp: raw_input('The name you enterd already exist!(Press enter to continue)') return birth=input('BIRTHDAY: ') job=raw_input('OCCUPATION: ') info[name]=(birth,job) print 'done' raw_input('Press enter to continue') def delete(): flag=0 name=raw_input('Enter the name what you want to delete: ') #for temp in info:这样迭代并且删除有问题 for temp in info.keys(): if name==temp: flag=1 del info[name] print 'done' raw_input('Press enter to continue') if flag==0: print 'I can not find the user.' raw_input('Press enter to continue') def showall(): flag=0 for name in info: flag=1 print name,info[name] if flag==0: print 'No data' raw_input('Press enter to continue') info={} info['tcstory']=(1993,"student") while 1: menu() try: choice=input("Enter your choice(q to quit): ") if int(choice)!=choice and abs(choice)+choce==0: print 'Please enter the correct option ' system("clear") continue except (NameError,ValueError,SyntaxError): #syntaxerror 是为了防止一开始就直接输入回车键引起的错误 print "OKey,goodbye!" break if choice==1: add() system('clear') elif choice==2: search() system('clear') elif choice==3: delete() system('clear') elif choice==4: showall() system('clear') else: print 'Your choice is invalid.'
这个是明天的工作,今晚还要学习english和看python 的模块和文件操作部分,并且还要看一下vim 中syntaxtic 的插件的使用方法