CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."sfun"("results" _numeric, "val" numeric) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."_numeric" AS $BODY$ BEGIN results :=array_append(results,val::numeric); RETURN results; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION "public"."sfun"("results" _numeric, "val" numeric) OWNER TO "postgres";
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."sffun_o3_8h"("results" _numeric) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."numeric" AS $BODY$ DECLARE tmp integer; len integer; ret numeric[];--结果 BEGIN len=array_length(results , 1); if len<8 then return -999; end if; for i in 8..len loop tmp=0; for j in 0..7 loop tmp=tmp+results[i-j]; end loop; tmp=tmp/8::numeric; ret:=array_append(ret,tmp::numeric); end loop; ret=array_sort(ret,'asc'); RETURN ret[array_length(ret,1)]; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; ALTER FUNCTION "public"."sffun_o3_8h"("results" _numeric) OWNER TO "postgres";
CREATE AGGREGATE agg_o3_8h( BASETYPE = numeric, SFUNC = sfun, STYPE = numeric[], FINALFUNC = sffun_o3_8h );