--业务单成功率(eg:办公的成功的/办公的全部的) select t1.[ci_designerid],t2.[ci_designerid],t3.u_id, t1.办公成功的单子数 bgc,t2.办公全部的单子数 bgq, t1.餐饮成功的单子数 cyc,t2.餐饮全部的单子数 cgq, t1.商业成功的单子数 syc,t2.商业全部的单子数 syq, t1.酒店成功的单子数 jdc,t2.酒店全部的单子数 jdq, t1.其他成功的单子数 qtc,t2.其他全部的单子数 qtq from --本表得到个人的各类的成功数 --ci_leixing是单子的类型,ci_state是单子的状态, --ci_xiaozuid是小组的id,[ci_designerid]是用户id (SELECT [ci_designerid], sum(case when ci_leixing=1 then 1 else 0 end) 办公成功的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=2 then 1 else 0 end) 餐饮成功的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=3 then 1 else 0 end) 商业成功的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=4 then 1 else 0 end) 酒店成功的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=5 then 1 else 0 end) 其他成功的单子数 FROM [DB_zab].[dbo].[zab_clientInfo] where ci_state=7 and ci_xiaozuid=21 and ci_timeJd>'2012-05-20' and ci_timejd<'2013-09-09' and ([ci_designerid] in (select u_id from zab_userlist where u_zuhao=1)) group by [ci_designerid]) t1 left join --右连接,本表得到个人的各类的总数 (SELECT [ci_designerid], sum(case when ci_leixing=1 then 1 else 0 end) 办公全部的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=2 then 1 else 0 end) 餐饮全部的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=3 then 1 else 0 end) 商业全部的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=4 then 1 else 0 end) 酒店全部的单子数, sum(case when ci_leixing=5 then 1 else 0 end) 其他全部的单子数 FROM [DB_zab].[dbo].[zab_clientInfo] where ci_xiaozuid=21 and ci_timeJd>'2012-05-20' and ci_timejd<'2013-09-09' and ([ci_designerid] in (select u_id from zab_userlist where u_zuhao=1)) group by [ci_designerid]) t2 on t1.[ci_designerid]=t2.[ci_designerid] right join --左链接根据小组id得到小用员工信息 (select * from zab_userlist where u_zuhao=1) t3 on t1.ci_designerid=t3.u_id