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  • Akka(15): 持久化模式:AtLeastOnceDelivery-消息保证送达模式


    AtleastOnceDelivery模式既然需要保证消息必达,就必须保证自身在出现任何异常情况下都能恢复到原来的状态,这些都可通过状态持久化来实现。与PersistentActor不同而且更复杂的是AtleastOnceDelivery-Actor的状态除自定义的结构外还必须包括未确认收到的消息(outstanding messages)。所以AtleastOnceDelivery提供了自身特殊的事件(event)和快照(snapshot)类型,它们都包括消息送达状态。


     * Scala API: Mix-in this trait with your `PersistentActor` to send messages with at-least-once
     * delivery semantics to destinations. It takes care of re-sending messages when they
     * have not been confirmed within a configurable timeout. Use the [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#deliver]] method to
     * send a message to a destination. Call the [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#confirmDelivery]] method when the destination
     * has replied with a confirmation message.
     * At-least-once delivery implies that original message send order is not always retained
     * and the destination may receive duplicate messages due to possible resends.
     * The interval between redelivery attempts can be defined by [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#redeliverInterval]].
     * After a number of delivery attempts a [[AtLeastOnceDelivery.UnconfirmedWarning]] message
     * will be sent to `self`. The re-sending will still continue, but you can choose to call
     * [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#confirmDelivery]] to cancel the re-sending.
     * The `AtLeastOnceDelivery` trait has a state consisting of unconfirmed messages and a
     * sequence number. It does not store this state itself. You must persist events corresponding
     * to the `deliver` and `confirmDelivery` invocations from your `PersistentActor` so that the
     * state can be restored by calling the same methods during the recovery phase of the
     * `PersistentActor`. Sometimes these events can be derived from other business level events,
     * and sometimes you must create separate events. During recovery calls to `deliver`
     * will not send out the message, but it will be sent later if no matching `confirmDelivery`
     * was performed.
     * Support for snapshots is provided by [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#getDeliverySnapshot]] and [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#setDeliverySnapshot]].
     * The `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot` contains the full delivery state, including unconfirmed messages.
     * If you need a custom snapshot for other parts of the actor state you must also include the
     * `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot`. It is serialized using protobuf with the ordinary Akka
     * serialization mechanism. It is easiest to include the bytes of the `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot`
     * as a blob in your custom snapshot.
     * @see [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike]]
     * @see [[AbstractPersistentActorWithAtLeastOnceDelivery]] for Java API
    trait AtLeastOnceDelivery extends PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike {
       * Scala API: Send the message created by the `deliveryIdToMessage` function to
       * the `destination` actor. It will retry sending the message until
       * the delivery is confirmed with [[#confirmDelivery]]. Correlation
       * between `deliver` and `confirmDelivery` is performed with the
       * `deliveryId` that is provided as parameter to the `deliveryIdToMessage`
       * function. The `deliveryId` is typically passed in the message to the
       * destination, which replies with a message containing the same `deliveryId`.
       * The `deliveryId` is a strictly monotonically increasing sequence number without
       * gaps. The same sequence is used for all destinations of the actor, i.e. when sending
       * to multiple destinations the destinations will see gaps in the sequence if no
       * translation is performed.
       * During recovery this method will not send out the message, but it will be sent
       * later if no matching `confirmDelivery` was performed.
       * This method will throw [[AtLeastOnceDelivery.MaxUnconfirmedMessagesExceededException]]
       * if [[#numberOfUnconfirmed]] is greater than or equal to [[#maxUnconfirmedMessages]].
      def deliver(destination: ActorPath)(deliveryIdToMessage: Long ⇒ Any): Unit = {
       * Scala API: Send the message created by the `deliveryIdToMessage` function to
       * the `destination` actor. It will retry sending the message until
       * the delivery is confirmed with [[#confirmDelivery]]. Correlation
       * between `deliver` and `confirmDelivery` is performed with the
       * `deliveryId` that is provided as parameter to the `deliveryIdToMessage`
       * function. The `deliveryId` is typically passed in the message to the
       * destination, which replies with a message containing the same `deliveryId`.
       * The `deliveryId` is a strictly monotonically increasing sequence number without
       * gaps. The same sequence is used for all destinations of the actor, i.e. when sending
       * to multiple destinations the destinations will see gaps in the sequence if no
       * translation is performed.
       * During recovery this method will not send out the message, but it will be sent
       * later if no matching `confirmDelivery` was performed.
       * This method will throw [[AtLeastOnceDelivery.MaxUnconfirmedMessagesExceededException]]
       * if [[#numberOfUnconfirmed]] is greater than or equal to [[#maxUnconfirmedMessages]].
      def deliver(destination: ActorSelection)(deliveryIdToMessage: Long ⇒ Any): Unit = {


       * Call this method when a message has been confirmed by the destination,
       * or to abort re-sending.
       * @see [[#deliver]]
       * @return `true` the first time the `deliveryId` is confirmed, i.e. `false` for duplicate confirm
      def confirmDelivery(deliveryId: Long): Boolean = {
        if (unconfirmed.contains(deliveryId)) {
          unconfirmed -= deliveryId
        } else false


       * @see [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts]]
      case class UnconfirmedWarning(unconfirmedDeliveries: immutable.Seq[UnconfirmedDelivery]) {
         * Java API
        def getUnconfirmedDeliveries: java.util.List[UnconfirmedDelivery] = {
          import scala.collection.JavaConverters._


    private def redeliverOverdue(): Unit = {
        val now = System.nanoTime()
        val deadline = now - redeliverInterval.toNanos
        var warnings = Vector.empty[UnconfirmedDelivery]
          .filter { case (_, delivery) ⇒ delivery.timestamp <= deadline }
          .foreach {
            case (deliveryId, delivery) ⇒
              send(deliveryId, delivery, now)
              if (delivery.attempt == warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts)
                warnings :+= UnconfirmedDelivery(deliveryId, delivery.destination, delivery.message)
        if (warnings.nonEmpty)
          self ! UnconfirmedWarning(warnings)


     override private[akka] def onReplaySuccess(): Unit = {
      override protected[akka] def aroundReceive(receive: Receive, message: Any): Unit =
        message match {
          case RedeliveryTick ⇒
          case x ⇒
            super.aroundReceive(receive, message)


    object AtLeastOnceDelivery {
       * Snapshot of current `AtLeastOnceDelivery` state. Can be retrieved with
       * [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#getDeliverySnapshot]] and saved with [[PersistentActor#saveSnapshot]].
       * During recovery the snapshot received in [[SnapshotOffer]] should be set
       * with [[AtLeastOnceDeliveryLike#setDeliverySnapshot]].
      case class AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot(currentDeliveryId: Long, unconfirmedDeliveries: immutable.Seq[UnconfirmedDelivery])
        extends Message {
         * Java API
        def getUnconfirmedDeliveries: java.util.List[UnconfirmedDelivery] = {
          import scala.collection.JavaConverters._


       * Full state of the `AtLeastOnceDelivery`. It can be saved with [[PersistentActor#saveSnapshot]].
       * During recovery the snapshot received in [[SnapshotOffer]] should be set
       * with [[#setDeliverySnapshot]].
       * The `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot` contains the full delivery state, including unconfirmed messages.
       * If you need a custom snapshot for other parts of the actor state you must also include the
       * `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot`. It is serialized using protobuf with the ordinary Akka
       * serialization mechanism. It is easiest to include the bytes of the `AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot`
       * as a blob in your custom snapshot.
      def getDeliverySnapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot =
          unconfirmed.map { case (deliveryId, d) ⇒ UnconfirmedDelivery(deliveryId, d.destination, d.message) }(breakOut))
       * If snapshot from [[#getDeliverySnapshot]] was saved it will be received during recovery
       * in a [[SnapshotOffer]] message and should be set with this method.
      def setDeliverySnapshot(snapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot): Unit = {
        deliverySequenceNr = snapshot.currentDeliveryId
        val now = System.nanoTime()
        unconfirmed = snapshot.unconfirmedDeliveries.map(d ⇒
          d.deliveryId → Delivery(d.destination, d.message, now, 0))(breakOut)


    package atleastonce.calculation
    import akka.actor._
    import akka.persistence._
    import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery._
    import atleastonce.calculator.Calculator
    object CalcAggregator {
      sealed trait Command
      case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Result(id: Long, res: Int) extends Command
      sealed trait Event
      case class Added(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Substracted(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Multiplied(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Divided(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class GotResult(id: Long, res: Int) extends Event
      case class Snap(results: Set[Int], deliverySnapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot)
    class CalcAggregator(calculators: Map[String,ActorPath]) extends PersistentActor
      with AtLeastOnceDelivery with ActorLogging {
     import CalcAggregator._
      var results: Set[Int] = Set()
      override def persistenceId = "calculation-actor"
      //sending commands and update state only with delivery ack
      def updateState(cmd: Command) = cmd match {
        case Add(x,y) => deliver(calculators("ADD")){id => Calculator.Add(id,x,y)}
        case Sub(x,y) => deliver(calculators("SUB")){id => Calculator.Sub(id,x,y)}
        case Mul(x,y) => deliver(calculators("MUL")){id => Calculator.Mul(id,x,y)}
        case Div(x,y) => deliver(calculators("DIV")){id => Calculator.Div(id,x,y)}
        case Result(id,res) =>
          results += res
      override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => persistAsync(cmd){updateState}
        case UnconfirmedWarning(unconfirmedDeliveries) =>  //cancel outstanding message
          unconfirmedDeliveries.foreach{u => confirmDelivery(u.deliveryId)}
      override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => updateState(cmd)
        case SnapshotOffer(_,snap: Snap) =>
          results = snap.results

    以上是一个典型的任务分发器,主要功能是通过发送指令消息驱动其它Calculator Actor进行运算,我们希望保证发出的指令都能送达。首先,指令和事件是一一对应的,无需进行指令事件转换,可以统一直接采用指令。再就是存写指令时无需验证,因为状态results更新是在收到指令接收方回复Results(id,res)之后进行的。从这个例子比较简单的功能操作中我们可明显感觉到写入日志的流量:CalcAggregator好像就是在不断的把经历的指令写入日志然后等待回复,回复时间就是Calculator运算时间。试想下次启动系统进行日志重演时会怎样:启动时间长度等于系统累积运算的时间长度。这很可怕,花几个小时来恢复状态可能是常态。所以必须充分利用快照,采用一套有效的日志、快照维护方式来提高状态恢复效率。下面是加入了日志快照维护功能的新代码:

    package atleastonce.calculation
    import akka.actor._
    import akka.persistence._
    import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery._
    import atleastonce.calculator.Calculator
    import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
    object CalcAggregator {
      sealed trait Command
      case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Result(id: Long, res: Int) extends Command
      sealed trait Event
      case class Added(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Substracted(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Multiplied(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Divided(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class GotResult(id: Long, res: Int) extends Event
      case class Snap(results: List[Int],
                      deliverySnapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot)
      case object ShowResults
      case object Boom
      case object ClearJournal
      def props(calculators: Map[String,ActorRef],keepJournalNr: Int) =
        Props(new CalcAggregator(calculators,keepJournalNr))
    class CalcAggregator(calculators: Map[String,ActorRef],keepJournalNr: Int)
      extends PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDelivery with ActorLogging {
      import CalcAggregator._
      var results: List[Int] = List()
      var resultsId: Int = 0
      override def persistenceId = "calculation-actor023"
      //sending commands and update state only with delivery ack
      def updateState(cmd: Command) = {
        if (!recoveryRunning && !cmd.isInstanceOf[Result])
            log.info(s"Sending command message: $cmd at: $lastSequenceNr")
        cmd match {
          case Add(x,y) => deliver(calculators("ADD").path){id => Calculator.Add(id,x,y)}
          case Sub(x,y) => deliver(calculators("SUB").path){id => Calculator.Sub(id,x,y)}
          case Mul(x,y) => deliver(calculators("MUL").path){id => Calculator.Mul(id,x,y)}
          case Div(x,y) => deliver(calculators("DIV").path){id => Calculator.Div(id,x,y)}
          case Result(id,res) =>
            log.info(s"Receive calculation result $res with ack id: $id")
            if ( res != 0) {
              results = res :: results
              log.info(s"Current state updated to: $results at $lastSequenceNr")
              resultsId += 1
              if (resultsId % keepJournalNr == 0) {
                resultsId = 0
                saveSnapshot(Snap(results, getDeliverySnapshot))
                log.info(s"Saving snapshot with state $results, snapshot: $getDeliverySnapshot")
      override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => persist(cmd){updateState}
        case ack: Calculator.Ack =>
        case UnconfirmedWarning(unconfirmedDeliveries) =>  //cancel outstanding message
          log.info(s"UnconfirmedWarning: $unconfirmedDeliveries ...")
          unconfirmedDeliveries.foreach{u =>
            log.info(s"Cancelling unconfirmedDeliveris $u")
        case SaveSnapshotSuccess(m) =>
          log.info(s"Sucessfull saving snapshot: ${m} at: $lastSequenceNr")
          //clear journal and snapshot
          deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = m.sequenceNr - 1))
        case SaveSnapshotFailure(m,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Saving snapshot failed because: ${cause}")
        case DeleteMessagesSuccess(toSeq) =>
          log.info(s"Succefull deleting journal upto: $toSeq")
        case DeleteMessagesFailure(cause,toSeq) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete journal upto: $toSeq because: $cause")
        case DeleteSnapshotsSuccess(crit) =>
          log.info(s"Successful delete snapshots for $crit")
        case DeleteSnapshotSuccess(m) =>
          log.info(s"Successful delete snapshot upto: ${m.sequenceNr}")
        case DeleteSnapshotsFailure(crit,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete snapshots $crit because: $cause")
        case DeleteSnapshotFailure(m,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete snapshot upto: ${m.sequenceNr} because: $cause")
        case ShowResults =>
          log.info(s"Show Current State: $results and lastSequenceNr : $lastSequenceNr")
        case "TakeSnapshot" =>
          log.info(s"Saving snapshot with state: $results ...")
          saveSnapshot(Snap(results, getDeliverySnapshot))
        case Boom =>
          throw new RuntimeException("boom") with NoStackTrace
        case ClearJournal =>
          deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = lastSequenceNr))
      override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => updateState(cmd)
          log.info(s"Replaying command: $cmd")
        case SnapshotOffer(md,snap: Snap) =>
          log.info(s"Loading snapshot at: ${md.sequenceNr} with state: ${snap.results}")
          results = snap.results
          log.info(s"Updated state to $results with snapshot")
        case RecoveryCompleted =>
          log.info(s"Recovery compeleted with State: $results and lastSequenceNr=$lastSequenceNr")
      override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
        log.info(s"Aggregator restarting with reason: ${reason.getMessage}")
        super.preRestart(reason, message)
      override def warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts = 1


        case Result(id,res) =>
            log.info(s"Receive calculation result $res with ack id: $id")
            if ( res != 0) {
              results = res :: results
              log.info(s"Current state updated to: $results at $lastSequenceNr")
              resultsId += 1
              if (resultsId % keepJournalNr == 0) {
                resultsId = 0
                saveSnapshot(Snap(results, getDeliverySnapshot))
                log.info(s"Saving snapshot with state $results, snapshot: $getDeliverySnapshot")


      case SaveSnapshotSuccess(m) =>
          log.info(s"Sucessfull saving snapshot: ${m} at: $lastSequenceNr")
          //clear journal and snapshot
          deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = m.sequenceNr - 1))


    package atleastonce.demo
    import atleastonce.calculation.CalcAggregator
    import atleastonce.calculation.CalcAggregator._
    import atleastonce.calculator.Calculator
    import akka.actor._
    object AtLeastOnceDemo extends App {
      val atLeastOnceSystem = ActorSystem("atleastonceSystem")
      val addActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"addActor")
      val subActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"subActor")
      val mulActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"mulActor")
      val divActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"divActor")
      var actors = Map[String,ActorRef]()
      actors += ("ADD" -> addActor)
      actors += ("SUB" -> subActor)
      actors += ("MUL" -> mulActor)
      actors += ("DIV" -> divActor)
      val aggregator = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(CalcAggregator.props(actors,5), "aggregator")
      aggregator ! Sub(0,0)
      aggregator ! Add(6,3)
      aggregator ! Sub(8,0)
      aggregator ! Mul(3,2)
      aggregator ! Boom
      aggregator ! Div(12,3)
      aggregator ! ShowResults
     // aggregator ! ClearJournal




    name := "atleastonce-delivery"
    version := "1.0"
    scalaVersion := "2.11.9"
    sbtVersion := "0.13.5"
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "com.typesafe.akka"           %% "akka-actor"       % "2.5.3",
      "com.typesafe.akka"           %% "akka-persistence" % "2.5.3",
      "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.7",
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra" % "0.54",
      "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence-cassandra-launcher" % "0.54" % Test


    akka {
      persistence {
        journal.plugin = "cassandra-journal"
        snapshot-store.plugin = "cassandra-snapshot-store"
    akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = off
    akka.persistence.at-least-once-delivery.warn-after-number-of-unconfirmed-attempts = 1


    package atleastonce.calculator
    import akka.actor._
    import scala.util.Random
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    object Calculator {
      sealed trait Math
      case class Add(id: Long, x: Int, y: Int) extends Math
      case class Sub(id: Long, x: Int, y: Int) extends Math
      case class Mul(id: Long, x: Int, y: Int) extends Math
      case class Div(id: Long, x: Int, y: Int) extends Math
      case class Ack(id: Long, x: Int)
      case class CalcMath(expr: Math)
      def props = Props(new Calculator)
    class Calculator extends Actor with ActorLogging {
      import Calculator._
      import context.dispatcher
      override def receive: Receive = {
        case CalcMath(expr) => {
          val delay: FiniteDuration = (100 millis) * Random.nextInt(10)
        case add: Add => sender() ! Ack(add.id,add.x + add.y)
        case sub: Sub => sender() ! Ack(sub.id,sub.x - sub.y)
        case mul: Mul => sender() ! Ack(mul.id,mul.x * mul.y)
        case div: Div => sender() ! Ack(div.id,div.x / div.y)


    package atleastonce.calculation
    import akka.actor._
    import akka.persistence._
    import akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery._
    import atleastonce.calculator.Calculator
    import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
    object CalcAggregator {
      sealed trait Command
      case class Add(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Sub(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Mul(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Div(x: Int, y: Int) extends Command
      case class Result(id: Long, res: Int) extends Command
      sealed trait Event
      case class Added(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Substracted(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Multiplied(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class Divided(x: Int, y: Int) extends Event
      case class GotResult(id: Long, res: Int) extends Event
      case class Snap(results: List[Int],
                      deliverySnapshot: AtLeastOnceDeliverySnapshot)
      case object ShowResults
      case object Boom
      case object ClearJournal
      def props(calculators: Map[String,ActorRef],keepJournalNr: Int) =
        Props(new CalcAggregator(calculators,keepJournalNr))
    class CalcAggregator(calculators: Map[String,ActorRef],keepJournalNr: Int)
      extends PersistentActor with AtLeastOnceDelivery with ActorLogging {
      import CalcAggregator._
      var results: List[Int] = List()
      var resultsId: Int = 0
      override def persistenceId = "calculation-actor023"
      //sending commands and update state only with delivery ack
      def updateState(cmd: Command) = {
        if (!recoveryRunning && !cmd.isInstanceOf[Result])
            log.info(s"Sending command message: $cmd at: $lastSequenceNr")
        cmd match {
          case Add(x,y) => deliver(calculators("ADD").path){id => Calculator.Add(id,x,y)}
          case Sub(x,y) => deliver(calculators("SUB").path){id => Calculator.Sub(id,x,y)}
          case Mul(x,y) => deliver(calculators("MUL").path){id => Calculator.Mul(id,x,y)}
          case Div(x,y) => deliver(calculators("DIV").path){id => Calculator.Div(id,x,y)}
          case Result(id,res) =>
            log.info(s"Receive calculation result $res with ack id: $id")
            if ( res != 0) {
              results = res :: results
              log.info(s"Current state updated to: $results at $lastSequenceNr")
              resultsId += 1
              if (resultsId % keepJournalNr == 0) {
                resultsId = 0
                saveSnapshot(Snap(results, getDeliverySnapshot))
                log.info(s"Saving snapshot with state $results, snapshot: $getDeliverySnapshot")
      override def receiveCommand: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => persist(cmd){updateState}
        case ack: Calculator.Ack =>
        case UnconfirmedWarning(unconfirmedDeliveries) =>  //cancel outstanding message
          log.info(s"UnconfirmedWarning: $unconfirmedDeliveries ...")
          unconfirmedDeliveries.foreach{u =>
            log.info(s"Cancelling unconfirmedDeliveris $u")
        case SaveSnapshotSuccess(m) =>
          log.info(s"Sucessfull saving snapshot: ${m} at: $lastSequenceNr")
          //clear journal and snapshot
          deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = m.sequenceNr - 1))
        case SaveSnapshotFailure(m,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Saving snapshot failed because: ${cause}")
        case DeleteMessagesSuccess(toSeq) =>
          log.info(s"Succefull deleting journal upto: $toSeq")
        case DeleteMessagesFailure(cause,toSeq) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete journal upto: $toSeq because: $cause")
        case DeleteSnapshotsSuccess(crit) =>
          log.info(s"Successful delete snapshots for $crit")
        case DeleteSnapshotSuccess(m) =>
          log.info(s"Successful delete snapshot upto: ${m.sequenceNr}")
        case DeleteSnapshotsFailure(crit,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete snapshots $crit because: $cause")
        case DeleteSnapshotFailure(m,cause) =>
          log.info(s"Failed to delete snapshot upto: ${m.sequenceNr} because: $cause")
        case ShowResults =>
          log.info(s"Show Current State: $results and lastSequenceNr : $lastSequenceNr")
        case "TakeSnapshot" =>
          log.info(s"Saving snapshot with state: $results ...")
          saveSnapshot(Snap(results, getDeliverySnapshot))
        case Boom =>
          throw new RuntimeException("boom") with NoStackTrace
        case ClearJournal =>
          deleteSnapshots(SnapshotSelectionCriteria(maxSequenceNr = lastSequenceNr))
      override def receiveRecover: Receive = {
        case cmd: Command => updateState(cmd)
          log.info(s"Replaying command: $cmd")
        case SnapshotOffer(md,snap: Snap) =>
          log.info(s"Loading snapshot at: ${md.sequenceNr} with state: ${snap.results}")
          results = snap.results
          log.info(s"Updated state to $results with snapshot")
        case RecoveryCompleted =>
          log.info(s"Recovery compeleted with State: $results and lastSequenceNr=$lastSequenceNr")
      override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {
        log.info(s"Aggregator restarting with reason: ${reason.getMessage}")
        super.preRestart(reason, message)
      override def warnAfterNumberOfUnconfirmedAttempts = 1


    package atleastonce.demo
    import atleastonce.calculation.CalcAggregator
    import atleastonce.calculation.CalcAggregator._
    import atleastonce.calculator.Calculator
    import akka.actor._
    object AtLeastOnceDemo extends App {
      val atLeastOnceSystem = ActorSystem("atleastonceSystem")
      val addActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"addActor")
      val subActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"subActor")
      val mulActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"mulActor")
      val divActor = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(Calculator.props,"divActor")
      var actors = Map[String,ActorRef]()
      actors += ("ADD" -> addActor)
      actors += ("SUB" -> subActor)
      actors += ("MUL" -> mulActor)
      actors += ("DIV" -> divActor)
      val aggregator = atLeastOnceSystem.actorOf(CalcAggregator.props(actors,5), "aggregator")
      aggregator ! Sub(0,0)
      aggregator ! Add(6,3)
      aggregator ! Sub(8,0)
      aggregator ! Mul(3,2)
      aggregator ! Boom
      aggregator ! Div(12,3)
      aggregator ! ShowResults
     // aggregator ! ClearJournal










  • 相关阅读:
    C# 反射
    SQL Server 去除表中字段空格
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tiger-xc/p/7231347.html
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