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  • 类和对象-3




    // GradeBook.h
    // Definition of class GradeBook that determines a class average.
    // Member functions are defined in GradeBook.cpp
    #ifndef GRADEBOOK_H
    #define GRADEBOOK_H
    #include<string>    // program uses C++ standard string class
    using std::string;
    // GradeBook class definition
    class GradeBook
            GradeBook( string );    // constructor initialize course name
            void setCourseName( string );   // function to set the course name
            string getCourseName(); // function to retrieve the course name
            void displayMessage();  // display a welcome message
            void determineClassAverage();   // averages grades entered by the user
            string courseName;  // course name for this GradeBook
    };  // end class GradeBook
    #endif // GRADEBOOK_H


    // GradeBook.cpp
    // Member-function definitions for class GradeBook that solves the
    // class average program with sentinel-controlled repetition
    using std::cout;
    using std::cin;
    using std::endl;
    using std::fixed;   // ensures that decimal point is displayed
    #include<iomanip>   // parameterized stream manipulators
    using std::setprecision;    // sets numeric output precision
    // include definition of class GradeBook from GradeBook.h
    #include "GradeBook.h"
    // constructor initialize course name with string supplied as argument
    GradeBook::GradeBook( string name )
        setCourseName( name );  // validate and store courseName
    }   // end GradeBook constructor
    // function to set the course name
    // ensures that the course name has at most 25 characters
    void GradeBook::setCourseName( string name )
        if( name.length() <= 25 )   // if name has 25 or fewer characters
            courseName = name;
        if( name.length() > 25 )    // if name has more than 25 characters
            courseName = name.substr( 0, 25 );  // select first 25 characters
            cout << "Name "" << name << "" exceeds maximum length(25).
            << "Limiting courseName to first 25 characters.
    " << endl;
        }   // end if...else
    }   // end function setCourseName
    // function to retrieve the course name
    string GradeBook::getCourseName()
        return courseName;
    }   // end function getCourseName
    // display a welcome message to the GradeBook user
    void GradeBook::displayMessage()
        cout << "Welcome to the grade book for
    " << getCourseName()
        << "!
    " << endl;
    }   // end function displayMessage
    // determine class average of grades entered by the user
    void GradeBook::determineClassAverage()
        int total;  // sum of the grades entered by user
        int gradeCounter;   // number of grades entered
        int grade;  // grade value
        double average; // number with decimal point for average
        // initialization phase
        total = 0;  // initialize total
        gradeCounter = 0;   // initialize loop counter
        // processing phase
        // prompt for input and read grade from user
        cout << "Enter grade or -1 to quit:";
        cin >> grade;   // input grade or sentinel value
        // loop until sentinel value read from user
        while( grade != -1 )
            total += grade; // add grade to total
            gradeCounter++; // increment counter
            // prompt for input and read next grade from user
            cout << "Enter grade or -1 to quit:";
            cin >> grade;  // input grade or sentinel value
        }   // end while
        // termination phase
        if( gradeCounter != 0 ) // if user entered at least one grade
            // calculate average of all grades entered
            average = static_cast< double >( total ) / gradeCounter;
            // display total and average ( with 2 digits of precision )
            cout << "
    Total of all " << gradeCounter << " grades entered is "
            << total << endl;
            cout << "
    Class average is " << setprecision( 2 ) << fixed << average
            << endl;
        }   // end if
        else    // no grades were entered, so output appropriate message
            cout << "No grades were entered" << endl;
    }   // end function determineClassAverage

    测试文件 main.cpp

    // Create GradeBook object and invoke its determineClassAverage function
    // include definition of class GradeBook from GradeBook.h
    #include "GradeBook.h"
    int main()
        // Create GradeBook object myGradeBook and
        // pass course name to constructor
        GradeBook myGradeBook( "CS101 C++ Programming!" );
        myGradeBook.displayMessage();   // display welcome message
        myGradeBook.determineClassAverage();    // find average of grades
        return 0;   // indicate successful termination
    }   // end main


    • 忽略了定义一个块的花括号对会导致一个逻辑错误
    • 把浮点数当做准确值来用(比较两个浮点数是否相等),很可能导致错误的结果,浮点数在大多数计算机中只表示近似值
    • 强制类型转换运算符可以用于基本数据类型之间的转换,如果进行非法的转换,可能产生变异错误或运行时错误


    • 在每次用户输入之前最好给出相应的提示,指出输入数据的形式和所有的特殊输入值(如标记值-1)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tmmuyb/p/3763012.html
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