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  • 异常练习(自定义异常)


     1 package Exception;
     2 /**
     3  * 计算一个圆和长方形的面积?
     4  * 注意:面积不能为0和负数。请用异常来描述;
     5  * @author asus1
     6  *
     7  */
     8 //自定义一个异常
     9 class NovalueException extends RuntimeException{
    10     NovalueException(String mssage){
    11         super(mssage);
    12     }
    13 }
    14 public class ExceptionDemo3 {
    16     public static void main(String[] args) {
    17         try {
    18             ricImpl ri = new ricImpl(5,2);
    19             double riArea = ri.getArea();
    20             System.out.println(riArea);
    22             CirlcImpl ci = new CirlcImpl(-5);
    23             double ciArea = ci.getArea();
    24             System.out.println(ciArea);
    26         } catch (NovalueException e) {
    27             System.out.println(e.toString());
    28         }
    30     }
    32 }
    34 interface Shape {
    35     double getArea();
    36 }
    38 class ricImpl implements Shape{
    39     private double width;
    40     private double height;
    41     ricImpl(double width,double height) throws NovalueException{
    42         if(width <=0 || height<=0){
    43             throw new NovalueException("非法数据");
    44         };
    45         this.width = width;
    46         this.height = height;
    47     }
    48     public double getArea(){
    49         return width*height;
    50     }
    51 }
    52 class CirlcImpl implements Shape{
    53     private double radius;
    54     public static final double PI = 3.14;
    55     CirlcImpl(double radius) throws NovalueException{
    56         if(radius <=0){
    57             throw new NovalueException("圆--非法数据");
    58         }
    59         this.radius = radius;
    60     }
    61     public double getArea(){
    62         return radius*radius*PI;
    63     }
    64 }


     1 package Exception;
     2 /**
     3  * 老师讲课
     4  * 问题:1.电脑蓝屏了
     5  *         2.电脑冒烟了
     6  * 需求:解决以上两异常
     7  * @author asus1
     8  *
     9  */
    10 class lanpinException extends Exception{  //蓝屏异常
    11     lanpinException(String mssage){
    12         super(mssage);
    13     }
    14 }
    15 class maoyanException extends Exception{  //冒烟异常
    16     maoyanException(String mssage2){
    17         super(mssage2);
    18     }
    19 }
    20 public class Exception_lianxi {
    22     public static void main(String[] args) {
    23         Teacher t = new Teacher("童");
    24         t.prelect();
    25         System.out.println("讲课了");
    26     }
    28 }
    29 class Teacher{
    30     private String name;
    31     public Teacher(String name) {
    32         super();
    33         this.name = name;
    34     }
    35     public void prelect(){
    36         Complate co = new Complate();
    37         try {//正常
    38             co.run();
    39         } catch (lanpinException e) {  //蓝屏异常抛出
    40             //解决蓝屏异常的代码
    41             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
    42             co.reset();                
    43         }catch (maoyanException e) {  //冒烟异常抛出
    44             //解决冒烟异常的代码
    45             System.out.println(e.getMessage());
    46             gotolianxi lianxi = new gotolianxi();
    47             //lianxi.toString();
    48         }
    50     }
    51 }
    52 class gotolianxi{
    53     public gotolianxi(){
    54         System.out.println("去练习");
    55     }
    56 }
    57 class Complate{
    58     private int state = 3;  //1- 正常 ; 2- 蓝屏;  3- 冒烟;
    60     public void run() throws lanpinException,maoyanException{
    61         if(state == 1){
    62             System.out.println("runing!!");
    63         }
    64         if(state == 2){
    65             throw new lanpinException("电脑蓝屏了-");//抛出编译时检测的异常 需要在方法外声明定义这个异常
    66         }
    67         if(state == 3){
    68             throw new maoyanException("电脑冒烟了-");
    69         }
    70     }
    71     public void reset(){
    72         System.out.println("电脑重启ing");
    73     }
    74 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/tongxuping/p/6832575.html
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