No limit to transaction count, so it is a recursive sum calculation. Take care of boundary condition.
class Solution { public: int maxProfit(vector<int> &prices) { size_t len = prices.size(); if (len <= 1) return 0; else if (len == 2) { if (prices[0] >= prices[1]) return 0; else return prices[1] - prices[0]; } int len1 = len / 2; int len2 = len - len1; vector<int> v1; v1.assign(prices.begin(), prices.begin() + len1 + 1); int prof1 = maxProfit(v1); vector<int> v2; v2.assign(prices.begin() + len1, prices.end()); int prof2 = maxProfit(v2); return prof1 + prof2; } };