import json ''' # json是一种数据交换格式,是语言跟语言之间的沟通介质 # 序列化:将本语言支持的数据对象转换成json格式的字符串 # 反序列化:将json格式的字符串转换成本语言支持的数据对象 json格式: '123' # 数字 'true' # 布尔值,需要首字母小写 '[]' # 数组 '{}' # 字典 注意:只支持双引号 ''' info = {'name':'aa', 'age':10} ret = json.dumps(info) print(type(ret)) ret = json.loads(ret) print(type(ret)) with open("a.txt",'w',encoding='utf8') as f: f.write(json.dumps(info)) with open("a.txt",'r',encoding='utf8') as f: text = f.read() print(repr(text)) text1 = json.loads(text) print(type(text1),text1)
import time,datetime #时间戳 timestamp = time.time() # 格式化时间 time_str = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S') time_str = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %X') print(time_str) #时间元组 time_tuple = time.localtime() print(time_tuple) t1 = time.localtime() t2 = time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %a') print(t2) # 字符串时间---->结构化时间 t3 = time.strptime('2021-05-22','%Y-%m-%d') print(t3) d1 = datetime.datetime.now() print(d1) d2 = datetime.datetime.today() print(d2) # 格式化时间 d3 = d1.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') print(d3) # 只输出日期 d4 = datetime.date.today() print(d4) d5 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(days = 7) print(d5) before_one_week_date = (datetime.datetime.now()-datetime.timedelta(days=7) print(before_one_week_date)