#include <stdio.h> int LongestPalindrome(const char *s, int n); int main(void ) { printf( "%d ",LongestPalindrome("abcddcbav" ,9)); return 0; } int LongestPalindrome(const char *s, int n) { int i, j, max; if (s == 0 || n < 1) return 0; max = 0; // i is the middle point of the palindrome for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for (j = 0; (i-j >= 0) && (i+j < n); ++j) // if the length of the palindromeis odd { if (s[i-j] != s[i+j]) { break ; } } j--; if (j*2+1 > max) max = j * 2 + 1; for (j = 0; (i-j >= 0) && (i+j+1 < n); ++j) // for the even case { if (s[i-j] != s[i+j+1]) { break ; } } j--; if (j*2+2 > max) max = j * 2 + 2; } return max; }