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  • Js6利用class创建类

     1 <!DOCTYPE html>
     2 <html>
     3     <head>
     4         <meta charset="UTF-8">
     5         <title></title>
     6     </head>
     7     <body>
     8         <h1>结算程序</h1>
     9         <p>
    10             <input type="text" placeholder="原价" id="money" />
    11         </p>
    12         <p>
    13             <select id="level">
    14                 <option value="0">普通顾客</option>
    15                 <option value="1">VIP会员</option>
    16                 <option value="2">金卡会员</option>
    17                 <option value="3">砖石会员</option>
    18             </select>
    19         </p>
    20         <p>
    21             <input type="button"id="btn" value="结算" />
    22         </p>
    23         <p id="result"></p>
    24         <script src="test_3es6.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
    25     </body>
    26 </html>
     1 /*
     2 //定义类
     3 class Plane{
     4     constructor(speed) {
     5         this.speed=speed;//变量放在构造器中
     6     }
     7     fly(){
     8         console.log("飞行速度"+this.speed);
     9     }
    10 }
    11 var plane=new Plane(800);
    12 plane.fly();
    13 //类继承
    14 class FightPlane extends Plane{
    15     fly(){
    16         console.log("战斗机速度"+this.speed);
    17     }
    18 }
    19 plane =new FightPlane(2000);//多态
    20 plane.fly();
    21 */
    23 /*
    24  *正常情况下普通顾客不享受打折优惠,VIP会员享受9.6折优惠,金卡会员享受9.2折优惠,砖石会员享受8.5折优惠。
    25  *     双十一当天,普通顾客享受满200返50代金券;
    26  *     VIP会员享受9折优惠,购物满500,赠送100元餐券;
    27  *     金卡会员享受8.5折优惠,购物满300元,赠送100元代金券;
    28  *     砖石会员享受8折优惠,购物满200赠送100代金券。
    29  */
    30 class Calculator {
    31     handle(money, level) { //处理
    32         if(level == 0) {
    33             return money;
    34         } else if(level == 1) {
    35             return money * 0.96;
    36         } else if(level == 2) {
    37             return money * 0.92;
    38         } else if(level == 3) {
    39             return money * 0.85;
    40         } else {
    41             throw "会员等级错误";
    42         }
    43     }
    44 }
    46 class DoubleElevenCalculator extends Calculator {
    47     handle(money, level) { //处理
    48         if(level == 0) {
    49             var num = Math.floor(money / 200);
    50             return `实际需支付${money}元,赠送${num}张50元代金券`;
    51         } else if(level == 1) {
    52             var num = Math.floor(money / 500);
    53             return `实际需支付${money*0.9}元,赠送${num}张100元餐券`
    54         } else if(level == 2) {
    55             var num = Math.floor(money / 300);
    56             return `实际需支付${money*0.85}元,赠送${num}张100元代金券`;
    57         } else if(level == 3) {
    58             var num = Math.floor(money / 200);
    59             return `实际需支付${money*0.8}元,赠送${num}张100元代金券`;
    60         } else {
    61             throw "会员等级错误";
    62         }
    63     }
    65 }
    67 var btn = document.querySelector("#btn");
    68 btn.addEventListener("click", function() {
    69     //var calculator = new Calculator();
    70     var calculator = new DoubleElevenCalculator();
    71     var money = document.querySelector("#money").value;
    72     money = new Number(money);
    73     var level = document.querySelector("#level").value;
    74     level = new Number(level);
    75     var temp = calculator.handle(money, level);
    76     document.querySelector("#result").innerHTML = temp;
    77 });


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